I tried to explain what happened in the make a sentence thread...just check back and see how it got messed up by someone who did not know how to play.
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!
Thank you for liking my post! All the very best to you!
Thanks for the rep!!!! I think this is the best way to go for Yule from now on. That and the SPCA. I mean do we all really need more stuff when there are others who need more?
LOL I know right. She won't stop complaining about snap, if she hates it that bad, guess what? She doesn't have to use it
Thanks for the tip about Crystal Pool carrying the boxes of compostable bags .... got some on the weekend Very happy about the price - thanks
Thanks so very much for the birthday wishes!
Thanks for the anniversary wishes!
Thanks so very much for the birthday greetings!
Oh momof3heathens! I know right? The retailers need to get their act together too. That was the reason of my post. It's nuts and it affects the time spent shopping if it will be approved or processed the way we know it should be and if you only have one opportunity to go shopping, their approval affects us allot. I guess like the other sweet members are saying, a break might do it, I don't know. I know that if I seem more confident when I process the order they give me less of a hassle but...The holidays will be over soon and one less thing to spend on and back to saving and a normal life. Thank you for sharing and understanding too and we just have to get a little tougher and know that we are right... So nice to hear from you and hope you and your family are well and snuggly and looking forward to Santas' arrival. Thank you for the REP and have a lovely day/week.
2nd place still won tix, woohoo, we're going to Disney on Ice and getting the meet and greet too!
Have a great week ahead; thanks so much for the rep!
It was really great to meet you yesterday! Sorry I couldn't stay longer but little one's belly was really bothering him . Hope to trade again!
Thanks for the REP!! Happy Gobbler day!
Thanks for the rep - yes he is a sweetie; I'm keeping him!
I know how you feel about the list of words piling up. It's good that they put out two 5000 point words for us, but it's still not great for people who are locked out for a long amount of time. If you still can't get in, maybe try requesting a new password again. I had to try twice to get my password.
thanks for the rating!! I really enjoyed the train ride...it's nice to see some coupons that I didn't know exist
Good afternoon! I finally received train envie#1 & will post it off to the next rider tomorrow. Canada Post was just very slow LOL. Hope you're having a great week!!!
Smart Canuck
Frosh Canuck
Senior Canuck
Coupon Magpie