Conversation Between Noodge and star84

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep! Hope you have a great week!
  2. Thanks for the rep Noodge! You're absolutely right, it was a little difficult to get a picture to post...the whole process i normally use has been really complicated... but i keep trying,lol
  3. Thanks Noodge for the lovely rep, right back at ya! Have a great weekend!
  4. Thanks Noodge! Hope your week's going well
  5. Thanks Noodge! I think seeing everyone be so helpful and caring towards others in our p&p forum just makes you want to do the same. Have a great week!
  6. Thanks for the rep I agree, the snow is pretty to look at at first, but i'd rather have it here and gone a lot sooner. I'm okay with it as long as the roads stay safe! Hope you're having a good week
  7. Thanks once again for such a sweet message Noodge! It means a lot And I definitely think we'll be reminding people again about searching the thread first! lol
  8. Thanks so much Noodge! Hope your week's going great
  9. Thanks Noodge! Have a great weekend!
  10. Thanks Noodge! Hope you have a great week
  11. Lol, i've become quite addicted to posting the cute little pictures I find! Enjoy your weekend
  12. Thanks for the rep!

  13. Thanks Noodge!
  14. Thanks for the very kind rep! You help everyone out so much on the p&p thread and work so hard to find words, you deserve a big win yourself!
  15. Thanks for the rep Hope you're having a great week!
  16. Thanks Noodge Hope you have a great upcoming weekend!
  17. Thanks for the rep
  18. Thanks for the rep Hope your week is going well
  19. Thanks for the rep message Happy Valentines!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 30 of 37
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