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  1. #1
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    I wasn't sure whether to post on the product review section or here, but I thought it would be of most interest here...if not, mods..please move it...

    So, being old, I desperately needed a rejuvenating face cream!
    And believe me, after all these years of trying different products, I've been disappointed too many times, and consequently not easily swayed by the promises of cosmetic companies!

    So, after much research I decided to go with Neostrata Smoothing Cream, Level 3 and OMG, am I ever happy I did!! AND here's the kicker! I purchased it at our PharmaPlus, and received another exact jar for free! And I didn't let the salesgal talk me into using Level 1 to "gradually" get into it....gradual? At my age I don't have time for gradual!! Just go for it!

    I've used it religiously, morning and evening for the past 3 weeks and it's definitely made a difference in my complexion. I didn't see much in the first 2 weeks, but progressively my skin began to look smoother. And instead of feeling a bit like sand-paper when I was washing, it now feels as soft as a baby's bum! I'm not seeing a big diff in lines, although I don't have that many anyway, it was more of a complexion boost! I went to a family wedding last weekend, and checked out many faces of relatives and I have to say, most of them looked .... to be kind here .... like they've seen too many years. No light, no life. And oh, my make-up just glides on! And all this for only $35!! And it's lasting so long, too...I only put enough on to spread out evenly, so I'm not slathering it on...don't have to! And yes, when I use it after I exfoliate, it does sting a little but so what?!

    So...if any of you are looking for a face smoother, brightener (even a dark spot I have on the side of my face is lightening!)...give it a try...I hope you get the same results as I'm experiencing!
    This thread is currently associated with: Pharmaplus, Rexall PharmaPlus

  2. #2
    Canadian Guru Woofy's Avatar
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    Eek, Lynn! I dare not use Neostrata as I was worried it will "burn" my sensitive skin!

    I've always wanted to use it, since I really want baby smooth skin... And now especially after having Ethan and always kissing his baby soft skin... I want BABY SOFT skin even more now!!!!!!!!
    At the right time, a kind word from a stranger, or encouragement from a friend, can make all the difference in the world. Kindness is free, but it's priceless. ~ Doe Zantamata

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  3. #3
    Mastermind Lynn49's Avatar
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    Perhaps you could ask a salesclerk for a wee sample to try on your inner arm? There was a sample jar open at the Shoppers we went to...if you put a little on there, you could ascertain whether it would burn or not....Hm?
    And don't try the Level 1....try the 3...if it burns, then go down each level until you find one that works for you...

  4. #4
    bug is offline
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    The skin on the inner arm is similar but not the same as my face. Seriously, my face seems to act out on its own.

    If I'm not mistaken, Neostrata uses something-hydroxy acid to exfoliate and it can be quite irritating. I didn't like the formulation of Neostrata. Left me with a greasy feeling.

    Reversa, which is Canadian, is similar to Neostrata using hydroxy acid - and used to be available in different strengths (4% vs 8 vs 10%). I prefer Reversa because it feels less greasy on my skin. I only use it every other day because daily application is a bit too much and "burns".

    Don't know if they still sell this at SDM or if the company is even still around.

  5. #5
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    Umm, I had sensitive skin when I was pregnant, couldn't use ANYTHING!! And due to hormones was breaking out big time, and needed something to help my break-outs(everything was too harsh and didn't do anything anyways!), so a Shopper's employee told me about Neo Strata, and wow, I LOVED IT! I started level 2, but wish I went level 3! Glycolic acid is the main ingredient, and is good for everything, wrinkles, acne, exfoliating, it's really a miracle! I am 28, and had severely oily skin when I was pregnant, and yes, felt a lil greasier with this cream, but surprisingly, my acne seemed to vanish. I love Neo Strata, and stand by it 100%. Do not be scared of this product, it is amazing!

  6. #6
    Smart Canuck toban's Avatar
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    I agree this is a great product.

    I use the level one in this product. My skin is quite sensitive and I was concerned about moving up a level or two. I did try mine under foundation but it caused pilling? of my fdtn? Instead I use this as a night treatment. I can't use it everynight due to sensitivity but once or twice a week works for me. My skin has more of a glow, smoother.

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