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  1. #16876
    I'm your Huckleberry. lolcat's Avatar
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    Wow, it seems like most of our family on here is having a hard year!! Why are we all getting hit so hard with bad stuff?

    NS.... I know this might sound lame, but have you tried telling him that you will be removing the reward system completely until he straightens up? I dunno if that helps at all, but I'd put some thinking into how that might work. (disclaimer-- lolcat is not a parent of any child over age 4)

    Quote Originally Posted by jodew71 View Post
    It is??? My mom is sending me some money to buy clothes and I told her I'd rather buy them second hand and get 3-4 times more clothes instead of getting them brand new. I like the one on Dundas east too.
    IT IS!!! We go to every 50% sale at Value Village. We go to the Dundas one in the morning, then the Wellington one in the afternoon. Almost all of our girl's clothes came from VV. You totally need to go! It is definately on Monday, they open at 8 and usually stay open till 9 or 10. 50% off everything in both stores

    Quote Originally Posted by thetick View Post
    geesh, here the family is all worried about my father in the hospital and my cousin with her fight against cancer, well just got off the phone with my mother, my step-father of 36 years passed away. Man this year is beginning to suck.
    Oh Tick I'm so sorry!! I wish I could help everyone on here who has had such sad times lately. It feels like very little just to keep telling everyone how sorry I am for them. Huge, huge hugs to you

  2. #16877
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    darn it NS, was that the 2pm contest, all my clocks say 1:50!!

  3. #16878
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    i'm confused?

    where do you vote at????
    there is no voting dear, we just leave comments for points

  4. #16879
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Huggggggs TheTick am so very sorry its been such a awful year for you and your family. So sorry to hear about your step father.

    lolcat thank you! Am feeling much better today am so thankful the dr gave me that shot of phenergan yesterday it helped so much!

    Andit, thanks so much for your advice on Mollie my scaredy cat dog!!! it must be working since instead of hiding behind the couch or under my my blanket under my recliner foot (scares me lol so afraid I'm going to get up fast and forget she's there), she has cuddled with me the last two days. Not sure if I'm totally thrilled with that. I use my couch as a mouse pad and she's been up against my side under my mouse arm. Right at the moment she is sprawled across my chest getting elbows and knees to the boobs every time she squirms around! I love it having her close and not hiding! She still does but least she's starting to come out a bit.

    NS your doing a great job I know its not easy and can't think of another thing you could possibly do. I have a gifted nephew that used a lot of those same tactics especially the deaf one. Unfortunately my sister and her idiot husband (should of said my idiot sister also) both were so pleased with having a gifted child they let him get away with that and everything else. She'd bring him to me to watch while they would go clean offices every friday. I was in college full time, at the time a single mom with two kids the same age as hers and working, so had a lot on my plate and very little patience for some smart mouthed kid ignoring me!!! He ran past me after several times of being asked not to run in the house and being totally ignored. HE came to a dead stop though when I grabbed him by the hair as he went flying past oops probably not a recommended way to handle being ignored but it was very effective. Keep in mind this kid got little to no discipline at home (really wanted to jerk out his parents hair esp. my sister who babied him something horrible). Told him he was not at home and he would listen to me I SAID NO RUNNING IN THE HOUSE! He just stared about me when I said repeat what I just said to you. Which at that point my sister would of let it go I didn't. I kept hold of his hair not pulling but not letting him go either until he did repeat what i'd said. omg that kid never ignored me again I felt like a real lousy aunt but everyone was just amazed that he'd listen to me. lmao it was effective but probably not the best way to get through to the kid and I know with a lot of kids it would of just really made them mad. With him it was so out of his experience that he didn't know what to think of me and it was actually exactly what I needed to do to get his attention.

  5. #16880
    Waiting for spring.... symalteria's Avatar
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    some how this was put in twice....wierd!!
    deleting text so everyone does not have to read it twice
    Last edited by symalteria; Fri, Nov 14th, 2008 at 04:59 PM. Reason: i do not know how this got here twice

  6. #16881
    Bluenoser leftie's Avatar
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    SS for your loss tick - thoughts and prayers with you and the family ((((Hugs))))))

    Thanks for the new words Jode

    WTG NS on your win

  7. #16882
    Waiting for spring.... symalteria's Avatar
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    My heart goes out to all the members who are suffering a loss recently, my thoughts are with you.

    thank you Jodew71 for the words

    and i was also wondering if somebody could pm me or reply about how and what candyland is and how rep works although i understand it is not working right now.
    thanks so much oh also how do i get my siggy to show up in messages?

  8. #16883
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    I got 50 pts for shine on nov 11th, now we have one shine for 10 pts? It won't let me claim both so glad I got the 50 pt one in first.

  9. #16884
    Bluenoser leftie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by symalteria View Post

    and i was also wondering if somebody could pm me or reply about how and what candyland is and how rep works although i understand it is not working right now.
    thanks so much oh also how do i get my siggy to show up in messages?
    No idea about how the candy works (but I'm trying to lose weight so not really interested - lol. The rep, when working, will be a little button to click on at the bottom left of a post. To do a signature click on User CP near the top left - has a drop down menu and edit signature is there.

  10. #16885
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    They have some new prizes including the cutest playhouse kit
    Transform your child's Learning Tower into a versatile playhouse with the Playhouse Kit. This adorable accessory set includes an easily-attachable roof, red curtains, and 4 theme signs to create a puppet theatre, doll house, drive-thru, and lemonade stand. From helping in the kitchen to putting on a show, spark your child's imagination with the Learning Tower and Playhouse Kit.Click here for more details!
    Get it for 300000 points!
    oops but then you need to get this to go with it.
    For a child, the world around them is a magical and curious place. They learn by mirroring Mommy and Daddy with the ultimate goal being "to do it myself" and feel like an active member of the family. That's why Little Partners has created the Learning Tower: a sturdy, non-tip structure that welcomes the child to safely participate with parents, caregivers, and siblings by raising them to countertop height.Click here for more details!
    Get it for 500000 points!
    Last edited by stardreamer7880; Fri, Nov 14th, 2008 at 05:17 PM.

  11. #16886
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    hey guys I just realized i have been quiet today LOL been practising my music for my audition in two weeks! i found the piano version so am using that to help me...
    also is it bad that its 4:15 and i am having some alcohol LOL lets get our party on LOL

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  12. #16887
    Pirate Wars Whoremaster Aphena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    so for those of you that weren't over in the mini contest. i won the timmys gift card, 1000th post. LOL. man that rocks.

    thanks so much guys.

    noticed there are some poor losers over there. heck it's just a game. sheesh.


    I had to take a nap is not feelign well.

    Congrats NS. I waned to be a poor looser too, for a moment.

  13. #16888
    Pirate Wars Whoremaster Aphena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by symalteria View Post
    thankyou for all the warm welcomes and the great words for points!!
    I have done some serious voting for the cutest kid costume and hope that some may vote for my darling dragon! thanks so much have a great Friday peeps!!

    Got ya we need the master list updated.....

  14. #16889
    Waiting for spring.... symalteria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leftie View Post
    No idea about how the candy works (but I'm trying to lose weight so not really interested - lol. The rep, when working, will be a little button to click on at the bottom left of a post. To do a signature click on User CP near the top left - has a drop down menu and edit signature is there.

    thankyou very much for the help!

  15. #16890
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    Tick so sorry for your loss.

    NS Sorry about the way Ryan is acting.
    Congrats NS on your win!

    Thanks for the new words.

    I am sure I am forgetting stuff.

    Bubblekat got a new cat. She will be on later.

    Found out my uncle with Alzheimers has only a few months left. Glad I made it back east to vist for 1 month.
    Last edited by Harley Grandma; Fri, Nov 14th, 2008 at 06:06 PM. Reason: Forgot to post something

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