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  1. #21181
    Smart Canuck Racefan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post

    hey guys. 2009 sucks so far eh?
    It really does suck. We're only two weeks in.

    Last week, my 29 year old cousin dropped dead of a heart attack. I didn't really know him well because he was a few years younger than me. He had Down's Syndrome. My poor aunt is just devastated.

    One of my other aunts just had surgery on Tuesday. Yesterday, I had the big fight with my boss. Now my cat is at the vet. I hope he'll be okay.

  2. #21182
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    tks for the words

  3. #21183
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    I don't even know what to say or do. A friend of mine ended up in a different district working and she said it is not like that there. Organized and such so why are the people in my area so insane? I guess I am too anal about this stuff with being organized being a project manager at heart. I think I am not meant for this cheesy a$$ company
    omg amy said ASS. armaggedon is upon us.

    Quote Originally Posted by Racefan View Post
    It really does suck. We're only two weeks in.

    Last week, my 29 year old cousin dropped dead of a heart attack. I didn't really know him well because he was a few years younger than me. He had Down's Syndrome. My poor aunt is just devastated.

    One of my other aunts just had surgery on Tuesday. Yesterday, I had the big fight with my boss. Now my cat is at the vet. I hope he'll be okay.
    i lost my downsyndrom cousin a few years back. he was young too. just laid down, and when his dad turn around, he had passed on. years ago they never lived to be very old, but today i know one man whose 54 (that was the fellow i used to drive). Alot of them are living longer lives. but it seems to be a ds realted thing.

    i hope your aunt feels better soon. and i'm sure the vet will take vg care of your cat. i pray for pets too

    as for the boss. give him .

    don't mind me. i'm anal that way. i had a boss speak to me like i was a dog. i just stood there and glared at him.

    will you be my friend? please?

  4. #21184
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Star & LOL, thank you so much for the info. Here's some more info, in case it triggers something else you can think of.

    This started a year & a half ago. She went for her yearly physical, the bloodwork showed an anomaly in her thyroid levels, so she went for more testing. That's when they diagnosed her with an overactive thyroid.

    She went for an MRI (I went with her) & as soon as she got the iodine marker in the IV, she started to get the bug-eyed look (within a few minutes, it was scary).

    The specialist (who has really been quite good - calling her at home, responding quickly to messages) diagnosed her with Graves. Also, her pulse went through the roof & her BP was high. She was put on meds (thyroid - the one normally prescribed, can't remember the name - & blood pressure), but had an allergic reaction & went to emerge. They put her on the only other thyroid med available, & it stabilized her after a couple of months, even her BP & pulse.

    From the time she was diagnosed, she's had major stress in her life. She has a very close family & they've had 4 deaths in that time. In addition she has a high pressure job.

    She uses eye drops (just OTC Tears Plus) which really help her eyes & has cut as much sodium out of her diet as humanly possible. Both of these have really helped her cope.

    Another part of the problem is that she has cerebral palsy, so the Graves really affects her muscles. I think that's the biggest issue with her doing things differently from how the doctors are used to patients reacting.

    I've got one of those eye masks, I'll take it over to her this weekend & make her play Zorro. She loves her tea, so I'll definitely pass that info on.

    Once again, thanks so much. Did I mention how much I love this forum?

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  5. #21185
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    hmm ok was looking for a group hug had thought there was one on here but closest I could find was the 3 some smileys and that really wasn't the msg I wanted to give!!!
    So biggg huggggggs everyone am so very sorry everyone is having such a rough time. We need to just sit here and get drunk so cheers u all I'm having a virtual drink since I can't have a real one!

    Amy that doesn't surprise me a bit about H n R block after the mess they made of our taxes after Katrina. $2800 off if you can imagine that and of course wasn't in our favor. So they try to say we didn't buy the peace of mind for $25, showed them the receipt, the district manager informs me that it doesnt' show we bought it on their computer. Hello I'm showing u the flipping receipt and after how badly our taxes were screwed up does it surprise u that the idiot that did them didn't do something else right??? Then come to find out the only thing the peace of mind was good for was to cover the $104 in interest that had already been incurred but didn't cover any other interest that we'd have to pay after the mistake was discovered. Did we get that lousy $104 NO because we couldn't prove that we didn't tell the tax person that did ours that we bought $130,000 worth of product that we had to pay sales tax on. TOld the lady are you looking at our income where the hell would we get that kind of money. What we told her was that we'd bought about $13,000 worth of stuff to replace everything and for all the normal shopping through out the year. Actually that figure was higher then we were really comfortable with at the time cuz the woman encouraged us to claim more because u normally spend quite a bit more through out the year then you realize in groceries and everything. So basically it came down to our word against hers when hers made no sense at all so NEVER buy their stupid peace of mind bs actually lol never use H n R block to do your taxes. We did our own last year and have a hell of a lot more peace of mind about it then we had with them. We might of missed a thing or two that they would of found but after all that I don't think we could ever trust anyone else to do our taxes. Ok nuff of that rant lol old rant that it is just to say that I can believe they are a bunch of disorganized flakes. Actually not such an old rant as we are still paying IRS off but will be done in a couple months so yippee we get a tax return this year!
    NS read your shopping nightmare am so glad you didn't just let it go! I get so tired of walgreens pharmacy here having coke on sale for 4 or 5 for $12 but never having any. I went back to the store early the morning they said they would get more and have it on the shelf, NO coke. I don't believe they even got any more in but they swore they did and sold it all already. No rain checks either. Just a way to get u into their store and hopefully spending money I think.

    Rebel and Racefan hope your kitties are both ok. Our cat had feline intestinal disease, her intestines would bleed. She had to be on steroids the rest of her life but did fine as long as she was on those. They said it was because i'd fed her human food, that they should only eat their food. That to me is horrible, I think all animals deserve a break occasionally from the same thing day after day where is the joy in that. lol although my daughters cat seems to thoroughly enjoy his food the hog! So glad to see you back Rebel!
    Kekes where have u been hiding glad u are back too!
    Sorry if I missed anyone. Have a good night everyone

  6. #21186
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stardreamer7880 View Post
    lol didn't know condoms made such fine gory scenes. I'd of probably been too embarrassed to buy condoms lmao and probably would of gave up when I didn't see what I wanted, would of talked my intrepid friend into going and getting them for me. lmao she was always out to shock people and never embarrassed about anything. Believe me she talked me into doing a lot of things growing up I otherwise would of never thought up myself much less done.
    Quote Originally Posted by smb127 View Post
    OMG Andit the was funny.

    I have one. This is not for those of you that get embarrassed by the feminine hygiene product. So if you, don't read any futher.

    OK, so I was lucky enough to start my period when I was 12yrs old on New Years Eve day. I came home from friends and there was the proof that I was now a big girl. I called my mother to my room to show her what I found. She was ever so happy. The first thing she does is yell at my father to go to the store to but me some pads and a belt. This was the olds days. Just imagine how I felt, she sent my dad to buy this stuff. Then for the next month she told everyone she knew that her little girl was now a women.

    If that was't bad enough she told the doctor when she saw him next and asked if it was OK for me to use tampons. Doctor says yes. Mother gives me one of her SUPER MAXI tampons and tells me to use it. Me not knowing any better and not knowing how to really use one, tries to use it. I got it almost all the way in but there was about half an inch that just won't go any further. This takes about 20 minutes and of course by this time I have to go to the bathroom again. So I do. the tampon expands and it is now stuck. I can not pull it out. I scream to my mom to come help me. I of course am mortified, that she has to come help. She tries to pull it out. It will not budge. She is now on the bathroom floor with her legs on the toilet and she is pulling. By this time we are actually laughing so hard that my 13yr old brother wants to know what is going on. Both of us yell at him to leave. Finally with a loud pop the dang thing comes out. Relief. Moms looks at me and says "I guess that one is too big, I'll but you some smaller ones".

    OK so I have told the world my most embarrassing momonts. I am going to hide now.
    Quote Originally Posted by stardreamer7880 View Post
    lol smb yep that woulda mortified me! lmao when I was trying to think of an embarrassing moment all I could think of was my mother and her big mouth lmao guess I am totally relieved I was at my cousins also 12 when I started and my uncles new wife was very understanding and made the whole experience much easier on me. No doubt had I been home my mother would of told everyone from the dr to the postman! Part of any punishment I received as a child was mom telling the world about what I'd done wrong. Believe me when I say there are things I might of done but the thought of mom finding out and telling everyone was enough to discourage me totally! I can honestly say I never shared with the world things about my kids that would embarrass them I swore I wouldn't several of the times I just wanted to disappear under the table or into an alternate dimension like on night gallery, where no one could see me while mom had everyone laughing or tsking about my latest misdeed. All in all I'd have to say my mom was most of my embarrassing moments whether it was exposing my life to the world, cussing like a sailor or smoking pot. All my friends thought she was so cool and all I wanted was a mom like my best friends mom who baked cookies that didn't include anything mind altering and who was always there for a hug when I needed one. OMG one thanksgiving we had my mom's boss and her kids at our house for dinner and there was a plate of brownies up on the fridge that they got down and had some, thinking they were there to eat lmao like most sane people would of.
    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    would have been even funnier if you were a GUY, going to the cash with your friends mother but still give you a 12/10 for that one. too damn funny.

    omg SMB, the beginning of that was exactly like my life!!! but my mom wouldn't know wth a tampon was. lmao. on the ending. holycrap. guess that's why they make the really skinny ones. i woulda been worried if it actually fit at that age. (u skank you).

    ty guys for the laffs. i needed it after my shopping experience today. but i got them buggers good.

    Nice to know I'm not the only one with embarrassing moments.

    My Mom was more of the "didn't they teach you that in school" type. I was a late bloomer, & by that point health class had covered every topic I needed to know about. We were both more comfortable that way.

    It's funny cause I was going to R-rated films with my parents when I was a kid (no one ever said anything when going to a drive=in). All my friends were in awe that I got to see that Tarzan movie (not the Disney version) when I was 12, cause they put a not-under-18 label on it.

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  7. #21187
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Your very welcome Andit fraid I've forgotten so much I'm not a lot of help but LOL really knows her stuff. I actually can only remember one patient that came in with a Thyroid storm in my 15 yrs of being RN in the hospitals but it was one of those diseases that really stuck with me due to the eyes mostly. Mom had a friend that I noticed her eyes were different and definitely popping out there some and told her she needed to have her dr check her thyroid and she was diagnosed with Graves but she was not someone I was around much so didn't really notice anything else and since she was always a very hyper person normally and always had been the other symptoms weren't as noticeable. She was a person that would ask you questions at 1000 miles an hour and never wait for an answer. Easy to talk to tho lol you never had to say a thing. I hope the mask helps your friend since its swelling that causing the eye problems am sure it'll give her some relief. I hope she can at least cut back at work am sure it would really help her not to deal with all that stress. Have prayed for her and will continue to do so.
    Oh I've started Mollie on the hiding game with her treats OMG what a knothead. She gets too excited and won't slow down to pay attention to what I'm telling her. LMAO u should of seen her with her butt stuck in the air, her stub tail wagging a mile a minute barking every few seconds then jumping up running all around and back to her butt in the air. I am really afraid that I've neglected her this past year with being down with my back so much, we used to play all the time and now she gets so excited over any game that lmao she goes wild. Figure after working with her a bit and playing a lot more she'll calm down some and then we can work on hide and seek with her treats.

  8. #21188
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    Quote Originally Posted by stardreamer7880 View Post
    Rebel and Racefan hope your kitties are both ok. Our cat had feline intestinal disease, her intestines would bleed. She had to be on steroids the rest of her life but did fine as long as she was on those. They said it was because i'd fed her human food, that they should only eat their food. That to me is horrible, I think all animals deserve a break occasionally from the same thing day after day where is the joy in that. lol although my daughters cat seems to thoroughly enjoy his food the hog!
    From the research I`ve done, the vets discourage "human food" for cats because they need something called Taurine in their system. You can actually make your own food, there`s a book by a vet named Strombeck that has recipes in it for both dogs & cats.

    My mother always laughs about how spoiled my cat is (& she`s the one that spoils him rotten). When she was a little girl living at her grandparents farm, the cats lived in the attic of the house catching mice. They came down every morning & every night to go out to the yard to use the facilities & get a bowl of milk. No catfood or liver treats for them.

    The dog my Mom had when she was young lived on table scraps. They were so poor, that they could only afford meat once a week, so the dog got mostly the vegetables & fruits they grew in the garden & once in a while an egg from the chickens they raised (& this was in the suburbs). The only thing the poor dog did get was bones once my mother started working. She would collect the bones from her co-workers plates in the cafeteria & bring them home.

    Soo different from how my spoiled brats live.

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  9. #21189
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    roflamo, different.. definitely!

    will you be my friend? please?

  10. #21190
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    Good morning all

    NS you sure give em h, good for you!!

    Thanks for all the funny stories, sure needed a few chuckles, seems like everyone has had a stressful week.

    Rebel, Racefan hope your babies are ok, it's tough when your pet is sick, you feel so helpless.

    Amy hope your job gets better.

    I'm off to do some grocery shopping this morning while hubby is delivering a load of wood to his boss & then moving some light fixtures in a friend's office. Sounds like I will have most of the day to myself. WOO HOO
    NS I wish you were here, need a buddy to go with me to look for deals.

  11. #21191
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    good morning night owls and early riser jetred. there was a bit of a party and i missed it again, i always sleep through the good stuff. i watched marley and me on my computer and went to bed 12ish.
    i hope all the wee ones are feeling better soon. have a great weekend everyone

  12. #21192
    Acadian Canuck PetiteFemme's Avatar
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    My pet won't poop

    Haunish - Have you checkit it out yet? Don't listen to NS! She has NO CLUE!

    SMB - Thanks for the 10 minutes of laughing at your embarrassing story! I could so picture it!!

    Rebelinu - Glad to have you back! Missed ya!

    Andit - So sorry to hear about your friend

    And to all my other friends - HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

    Thanks for all the words! Gave rep where I could! My balance
    has not been restored!

    ETA - Hmmmm my balance HAD been restored lastnight but now
    it's sitting at 7300pts again...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
    Last edited by PetiteFemme; Sat, Jan 17th, 2009 at 08:26 AM.

  13. #21193
    Smart Canuck amycrows's Avatar
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    Stardreamer, doesn't surprise me your H&R crisis. All I am saying to people I know unless I am the one doing your taxes I would not trust them. They hire just about anyone who passes their exams and from the orientation it is the oddest people who have your information. Alot of fraud and identity theft I am sure happens there.
    Good thing is with me working there I can do 20 people's returns for free so I will handle all our friends and family and save us a bundle in that way.
    Let's see when I actually start the job how it is. I am working in the Bay at the mall which I don't mind but it might be tempting to shop

  14. #21194
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    fyi, if anyone is doing their own taxes, and needs info, you can always pm me. I've had just about every case senario possible. just don't pm me about capital gains or loses.

    i forgot i came on to rant

    i missed out on all the words that exp on the 16th. I know lolcat warned us, but i was having too much fun in the gamesroom.

    darnit all.

    ugh, nm what i posted. the disc at sears aint' for microwaves and only online. grr!
    Last edited by NSangel; Sat, Jan 17th, 2009 at 10:12 AM.

    will you be my friend? please?

  15. #21195
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    My cat just got home. My other three are stalking him. I'm going to have to watch them all day. He's a big cat. Around 20 pounds, but my smallest cat beats him up after he gets home from the vet. My smallest is around 8 pounds. She has already hissed at him and swatted him. He has to eat special dry food. I have to give him a syringe for the next two days. That should be fun. Plus he has to take pills for the next week.

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