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Thread: POST ANYTHING version 4 upon request

  1. #211
    Canadian Guru Midnightly's Avatar
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    owww i think i have a bruise from where the car tried to eat me yesterday
    When life hands you Edward Cullen...throw him back and demand Eric Northman....

  2. #212
    ('.') feetfrown's Avatar
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  3. #213
    Mastermind win-star's Avatar
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  4. #214
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dealsniffer View Post
    someone was saying that they spend minimum of 100.00 for 2 people though to eat out and I can't imagine spending that kind of money!
    Went with my ex girlfriend for dinner at caseys and for the 2 of us, 1 drink each an appetizer each and our entree, was $110 plus tip.

  5. #215
    Canadian Guru scbpooh's Avatar
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    Wow I was around when this thread started earlier, I go out for a few hours and its up to 15 pages already!!!!

  6. #216
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Speaking of not being able to afford things, I want to really try this one day but:

    Sixteen Course Degustation Menu $385/Person
    Imaginé par Joël Robuchon

    Le Caviar
    en infusion de corail anisé, en surprise
    Caviar on a fennel cream served as a surprise
    Le Foie Gras
    en duo mêlé de pomme ratte comme un carpaccio aux copeaux de truffe noire
    Carpaccio of foie gras and potatoes, covered with black truffle shavings
    La Symphonie de Truffe
    une tarte friande aux oignons confits, brouillarde crémeuse dans une voilette de pain doré, le champignon en macaron mitonné dans un bouillon au jarret de veau
    Crispy truffle tart with onion confit, scrambled egg with golden toast, Paris mushrooms, veal raviolis cooked in broth
    La Grenouille
    la cuisse en fritot à la purée aillée et au coulis de persil
    Deep fried frog leg, garlic and parsley coulis
    Les Crustacés
    le homard, dans une nage iodée, ravigoté de saké et daikon au nori, l’oursin tremblotant sous une émulsion mousseuse au wasabi, la langoustine truffée et cuite en ravioli
    Lobster in sake broth with radish and nori, sea urchin in a wasabi emulsion truffled langoustine ravioli
    Le Kabocha
    un fin velouté soyeux en cappuccino de gingembre aux petites graines toastées
    Light Kabocha pumpkin velouté, ginger foam and toasted seeds
    L'Os à Moelle
    garni d'un ragoût de légumes aux éclats de maïs épicé
    Bone marrow and vegetable ragout with corn and spices
    Le Turbot
    poêlé à la citronnelle avec une étuvée de jeunes poireaux
    Pan fried turbot with lemongrass emulsion and stewed baby leeks
    Le Canard Sauvageon
    foie gras aux fruits verjutés, zestes de pamplemousse confits et poivre noir torréfié
    Duck and foie gras with sweet and sour fruits, grapefruit zest and cracked black pepper
    du Pays de Sault mitonné et doré à l’or fin
    Sault farrow prepared risotto style, gold leaf
    La Poire
    bourdaloue glacée recouvert d’une émulsion d’açai au lait d’amandes
    Seasonal Anjou pear and almond milk emulsion
    Le Chocolat
    moelleux sur une compote de mendiant aux oranges confites
    Soft chocolate layered with winter fruit confit
    Le Moka - Le Thé
    escortés de mignardises

  7. #217
    Mastermind win-star's Avatar
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    hi monk

    lol at the 16 course meal.

    I think by the time I get to the 3rd or 4th, i'd be so stuffed

  8. #218
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by win-star View Post
    hi monk

    lol at the 16 course meal.

    I think by the time I get to the 3rd or 4th, i'd be so stuffed
    Its a tasting menu, they're all small bites of each item. but they make it slow and it takes 3 hours.

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by win-star View Post
    hi monk

    lol at the 16 course meal.

    I think by the time I get to the 3rd or 4th, i'd be so stuffed
    Oh please...each course would probably be a spoonful. You'd probably have to stop at the McDonald's drivethru on the way home!

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  10. #220
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by annedougherty View Post
    Oh please...each course would probably be a spoonful. You'd probably have to stop at the McDonald's drivethru on the way home!
    A bit bigger than a spoonful..

  11. #221
    Mastermind win-star's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cabmonk View Post
    Its a tasting menu, they're all small bites of each item. but they make it slow and it takes 3 hours.
    Quote Originally Posted by annedougherty View Post
    Oh please...each course would probably be a spoonful. You'd probably have to stop at the McDonald's drivethru on the way home!

    ohh is a food testing thingy happening

    but for $385 per person, i'll pass.

    I personally thin I rather pay more and buy a full meal one by one and feel good/full of it at the end

  12. #222
    Coupon Princess sheetsofemptycanvas's Avatar
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    Can't hide from me, I found you all! LOL

    Just popping in a for a sec, I'll be back on a little later after my coffee date Wish me luck!
    Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur... happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr

  13. #223
    Community Menace itsjustmebub's Avatar
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    have fun!

  14. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by dealsniffer View Post
    someone was saying that they spend minimum of 100.00 for 2 people though to eat out and I can't imagine spending that kind of money!
    I posted my husband and I can easily spend $100. My name was right there i'm "sally". I'd rather be included in the discussion then everyone talking about me.

    No were not drinking crazy amounts, my husband doesn't even drink. No were not drowing in debt. Yes we are responsible, all our bills are paid. We like to enjoy some of the finer things, but theres also a lot we don't do. Yes of course there are other things we could spend the money on but we only live once. Realistically just for me and hubs and kids to eat at McDonalds it's around the $30 mark. Even trying to have a cheap dinner at crabby joes or Boston pizza runs us $70 and thats not apps or desserts.

    Generally I might get one alcoholic drink, my husband will have a pop. We usually split and entree. So now were at about $20. If you get the filet mignon at even the keg thats about $30 each. So now were at $80. Maybe we will get dessert. Thats about 90-100 total easily before tax and tip. And thats just the keg. One night I went to Fosters in Stratford and had 2 drinks and my bill was $130 with my husband, and he was still hungry lol.

    I guess I was just kinda shocked to come on here and I was the topic of discussion, Im not mad or anything but yall could of just asked me what mamas eating to make it that much money lol.
    Last edited by Sally888; Sat, Feb 26th, 2011 at 06:39 PM.

  15. #225
    Canadian Guru cabmonk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by win-star View Post
    ohh is a food testing thingy happening

    but for $385 per person, i'll pass.

    I personally thin I rather pay more and buy a full meal one by one and feel good/full of it at the end
    Not testing, tasting, by one of the top chefs in the world..You will be full. But its in vegas and probably better just going for a burger,lol.

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