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Thread: POST ANYTHING version 4 upon request

  1. #13996
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    We all need a little sunshine every now and then

  2. #13997
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollyquaiscer View Post
    Congrats Lynn, what kind?
    Oh, it wasn't easy...we had it down to two: a 2012 Hyundai Santa Fe, or a 2012 GMC Terrain. For me, no contest...hubby was leaning towards the SantaFe, but....yay!....we got a Mocha Terrain!!..with a tow pkg since "the kids" are buying an RV for themselves and us to use. We pick it up on Thursday....I love it's truck-look...tough looking, but cooooomfy....much sexier than the Santa Fe....
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  3. #13998
    Canadian Genius attitash's Avatar
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    Good morning all. Wet morning. No cycling to w*rk today.
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  4. #13999
    Mastermind shaman2263's Avatar
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    Same for me tash! Although it may clear up by the evening so I should still be able to get a ride in

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    The only question I cannot answer... why?

  5. #14000
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  6. #14001
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    What do you think tash?? LOL

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    The only question I cannot answer... why?

  7. #14002
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    We all need a little sunshine every now and then

  8. #14003
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    We all need a little sunshine every now and then

  9. #14004
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  10. #14005
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  11. #14006
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  12. #14007
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  13. #14008
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  14. #14009
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  15. #14010
    Canadian Genius attitash's Avatar
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    Reasons to Cheer about Your next Beer.

    01. Stronger Bones
    Beer contains high levels of silicon, which is linked to bone health. In a 2009 study at Tufts University and other centers, older men and women who swigged one or two drinks daily had higher bone density, with the greatest benefits found in those who favored beer or wine. However, downing more than two drinks was linked to increased risk for fractures.
    For the best bone-building benefits, reach for pale ale, since a 2010 study of 100 types of beer from around the word identified these brews as richest in silicon, while light lagers and non-alcoholic beers contained the least.
    02. A Stronger Heart
    A 2011 analysis of 16 earlier studies involving more than 200,000 people, conducted by researchers at Italy’s Fondazion di Ricerca e Cura, found a 31 percent reduced risk of heart disease in those who quaffed about a pint of beer daily, while risk surged in those who guzzled higher amounts of alcohol, whether beer, wine, or spirits.
    More than 100 studies also show that moderate drinking trims risk of heart attacks and dying from cardiovascular disease by 25 to 40 percent, Harvard reports. A beer or two a day can help raise levels of HDL, the “good” cholesterol that helps keep arteries from getting clogged.
    03. Healthier Kidneys
    A study in Finland singled out beer among other alcoholic drinks, finding that each bottle of beer men drank daily lowered their risk of developing kidney stones by 40 percent. One theory is that beer’s high water content helped keep kidneys working, since dehydration increases kidney stone risk.
    It’s also possible that the hops in beer help curb leeching of calcium from bones; that “lost” calcium also could end up in the kidneys as stones.
    04. Boosting Brain Health
    A beer a day may help keep Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia at bay, researchers say.
    A 2005 study tracking the health of 11,000 older women showed that moderate drinkers (those who consumed about one drink a day) lowered their risk of mental decline by as much as 20 percent, compared to non-drinkers. In addition, older women who downed a drink a day scored as about 18 months “younger,” on average, on tests of mental skills than the non-drinkers.
    05. Reduced Cancer Risk
    A Portuguese study found that marinating steak in beer eliminates almost 70 percent of the carcinogens, called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) produced when the meat is pan-fried. Researchers theorize that beer’s sugars help block HCAs from forming.
    Scientists also have found that beer and wine contain about the same levels of antioxidants, but the antioxidants are different because the flavonoids found in hops and grapes are different.
    06. Boosting Vitamin Levels
    A Dutch study, performed at the TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, found that beer-drinking participants had 30 percent higher levels of vitamin B6 levels in their blood than their non-drinking counterparts, and twice as much as wine drinkers. Beer also contains vitamin B12 and folic acid.
    07. Guarding Against Stroke
    Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that moderate amounts of alcohol, including beer, help prevent blood clots that block blood flow to the heart, neck and brain—the clots that cause ischemic stroke, the most common type.
    08. Reduced Risk for Diabetes
    Drink up: A 2011 Harvard study of about 38,000 middle-aged men found that when those who only drank occasionally raised their alcohol intake to one to two beers or other drinks daily, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes dropped by 25 percent. The researchers found no benefit to quaffing more than two drinks. The researchers found that alcohol increases insulin sensitivity, thus helping protect against diabetes.
    09. Lower Blood Pressure
    Wine is fine for your heart, but beer may be even better: A Harvard study of 70,000 women ages 25 to 40 found that moderate beer drinkers were less likely to develop high blood pressure—a major risk factor for heart attack—than women who sipped wine or spirits.
    10. Longer Life
    In a 2005 review of 50 studies, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported that moderate drinkers live longer. The USDA also estimates that moderate drinking prevents about 26,000 deaths a year, due to lower rates of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

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