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  1. #16
    It's time to win lekate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkey'smom View Post
    I 100% agree. This is what give 'us' a bad name. Yes they manufactures put these coupons out there for use, but if you find every loop hole possible they are going to put out less and less coupons. Most of the overages people are getting are on trial sizes as well, there is a place for them in society, but they should not be your everyday items. Anyone want to guess how much a new landfill or recycling plant costs? I can guarantee there is no coupon for them or your municipal taxes.
    Sadly consumers don't pay for the environmental impact from their purchases, and when it gets in the news, people laugh at it as if it's not a real thing, just companies or govt's or crazy environmentalists wanting to "charge" more.
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  2. #17
    c-diddy caroman's Avatar
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    Leave Walmart with money they pay me? yeah right! My brag today was that I PM'd, used 27$ in coupons and still spent $84! They'll never have that kind of issue with me or the majority of couponers.
    I feel it's a game for some people to see how much free stuff they can get or to get an overage and just brag about it.
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  3. #18
    Smart Canuck quebecqueen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by middleclassmom View Post
    I posted part of this discussion as part of another thread but I decided to create a seperate thread.

    This is not a knock at anyone in particular rather my personal feelings.

    As we all know, Walmart has a new coupon policy that allows coupon overages to either be applied to the basket purchases or to be given back to the customer as the choice of the customer.

    I was told they are trying to prevent abuse of the overages condition of the policy. I think it will be easier for the store not to have a fit if you are applying the overages to the basket purchase. It makes me VERY weary those who are making purchases ONLY to leave the store with money in their pocket........I hope this doesn't cause Walmart to adjust their new policy if too many people take money (versus applying overages to basket purchases.)

    Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that we can buy hand creams, wipes, and the like, and it helps to pay for groceries and other household items. But l hope we will be kind to Walmart and use the extra money we get from the coupons in the store at the time of purchase.

    Anyhow, that's just my two cents.
    I do agree with you. I would rather spend the "extra" money with them and have the policy stay because they make the extra cash anyway. Then to leave with money in my pocket for a short while and have them change the policy again and loose lots in the end.

    My thoughts only
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  4. #19
    love couponzz YOU AND ME's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by annedougherty View Post
    I think it should be common sense not to make it your goal to walk out of Wal Mart with as much money in your pocket as you possibly can...but we all know some like to make a game out of this sort of thing. Inevitably there will problems with this aspect of the policy, but just like with anything else, what can you do?

    Yes but people will still do this,i know of 1 person on this board who would think nothing of doing it and thinking it's a big joke.I can see Walmart cancelling this

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  5. #20
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Confession #1 I am guilty as charged!!

    When I was following a thread about the frustrations over the numerous WalMart policies that were U.S based and after reading many posts about so many cashiers interpreting coupons their way and denying valid coupons to members I quite frankly was elated when I saw the " new and improved " Canadian version, with the little loophole in there to get $$ back. I could hardly believe it! I kept thinking " I gotta see if this is true"

    Now I didn't rush over and clear shelves of trial size items, I waited a week or more and then just out of curiousity ( while picking up my meds) grabbed 4 olay ( 50 ml) along with 2 $5.00 coupons and " enlightened " the manager who claims he knew nothing about this new policy.

    Yes I left the store with $2.90, as I was not shopping, just picking up a scrip and dashing to a Dr. appt.
    I felt no guilt whatsoever doing this. I have been humiliated and challenged a few times over pm-ing and coupon use. Pay back is you know what.

    Now if WalMart does decide to change this part of the policy, then so be it. Doesn't mean we won't get pretty good deals with our coupons as we always have. Some members went over board with buying so many items that I guess now this is the backlash to that action.

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  6. #21
    Canadian Genius SmackUTwice's Avatar
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    I skimmed this.

    Upon hearing the new policy... I just laughed out loud. *shrugs* My typed reaction is in my local section ina thread about it there, lol.

    I didn't think it would change the way I shop. And it hasn't. *shrugs* Seems to be working out for me better than I ever thought -- I don't pay much (or nothing) OOP with all the coupons, points/loyalty programs, promotions, clearance, etc. lol

  7. #22
    Smart Canuck
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    The Walmart in my area has always had this policy. It just hasn't been written down. The reason they do it is because they get reimbursed for the entire amount. So if they cancel it in their policy, the overage will go to Walmart instead and they would have to figure it all out in the book keeping department.
    There's nothing particularly virtuous about using the overage on purchases instead of taking it as cash or choosing not to use coupons on products that are less than the value of the coupon. Whether you use the overage on extra purchases or take it as cash, it's entirely legal.
    I agree that it can be "abused" in the sense that people will use a lot of coupons at once to get more of an overage. But that would not be an issue with the policy. In those cases, Walmart would need to take some responsibility and limit the number of purchases. If I worked in retail and someone approached me with an entire cart full of similar items that they had coupons for, common sense would tell me that something isn't right there. Even if that person were following the rules, it would be more important to me to provide service for ALL of my customers by making sure no one leaves with unreasonable quantities.

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