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  1. #1
    CaNewbie DebReno's Avatar
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    I went to do a bit of shopping at Walmart today and picked up a couple of Bicks Pickles and a couple of McCains Pizzas since I had the coupons for them. Took the items to the cashier and was told that I couldn't buy anymore then 1 of a product to use coupons on so since I wanted to buy 2 pickles and 2 pizzas I would have to do seperate transactions for them. She proceeded to say that coupons are only allowable of 1 per purchase, I then tried nicely to tell her that this is one coupon per purchase and the whole thing is a transaction, she then had the supervisor come over who agreed that you could not buy 2 of the same products at one time using coupons.

    Not being one to argue I let it go.....

    Then decided I would stop into Shoppers and pick up 2 shampoo......same thing not allowed to purchase 2 products of the same kind in one transaction that you are using coupons on and again Supervisor agreed with the statement.
    Did I miss the memo or something???? I have not run into this issue at Walmart or Shoppers before.
    How is everyone else making out with their purchases at these 2 stores?
    This thread is currently associated with: Shoppers Drug Mart, Walmart

  2. #2
    KAZ2Y5 Chantel's Avatar
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    I think you were just plagued with cashiers who don't know what they're doing today Sorry about your experience, hopefully next time you'll get a cashier who knows what they're doing.

  3. #3
    CaNewbie NancyLS's Avatar
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    I bought 6 green works at shoppers today with 3 coupons and had no problem. Must have been the cashier...I hope anyways

  4. #4
    CaNewbie DebReno's Avatar
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    What surprised me is that the cashier supervisor in both places agreed that the cashier was correct.
    NancyLS - I was at he Shoppers on the North Shore where I ran into the issue....which shoppers were you at today?

  5. #5
    CaNewbie NancyLS's Avatar
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    North Shore as well...I ended up having to buy a pack of gum for the overage and the cashier laughed about it, it was all good

  6. #6
    CaNewbie DebReno's Avatar
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    Maybe it just wasn't my

  7. #7
    KAZ2Y5 Chantel's Avatar
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    I don't want to make a new thread because this is walmart related, but OMG I am so mad about my experience at walmart today.

    I went to the CSM thingy, the little box they have near the vision place, and asked a woman if there was a way to do overrides so the cashier could get through my transaction of my protein bars quicker (yeah, those FINALLY came in. Thank the lord.

    Anyway, there was some hubbub with 6-per-household but I told her she could check with the pharmacy because I put in a specific offer. She did and it was fine. This lady's name was Jenn and she was very very helpful.

    Now, cashier lady, we'll call her Ms. Mystery because her badge was backwards. Fairly sure that's against the rules? Anyway, she tells me my bar coupon doesn't include tax. I say yes it does, can I show you and try to read it upsidown. She shakes her head no. She calls over Jenn, and I say to Ms. Mystery, "I'll show you where it is" and go to put my hand on one of the coupons to take it and show her. She snatches it away. She was about to burst at that point.

    Jenn figures out that it does include tax, and we proceed on our way. Mystery seems to be a little stressed out by having to enter them one at a time, so I suggested adding in quantities if that was available. She puts her hands up and kind of shakes them and says in the RUDEST voice "I'm just doing my job, OKAY?".

    I was like wow, how rude, but just kept on going. It came out to owing $5-something because I told them at the start that it was HST (20c) on each bar, but they put in only one tax for whatever reason. Honest mistake on Jenn's part, I don't blame her. So when this pops up, I say "I should owe 0" and jenn looks confused, because she knows I'm right. Cashier lady is about to crap herself she's so mad.

    Jenn says just to go and she'll figure it out, and sorry about the trouble. Seemed pretty genuine. Mystery lady looked again like she needed some depends and maybe a steam valve drilled in her ears.

    I don't get it. I did nothing wrong. I had a large order, yes, but I tried to make it AS EASY as I could on her, and she was SO nasty and just ignored everything I said.

    Had to get that out, I'm fuming. Mystery woman obviously has a really low tolerance for anything and everything.

    Worth a letter to the manager at my walmart?

  8. #8
    Smart Canuck
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    I probably would have been pissy at the end and said ever so sweetly"oh, by the way I noticed your pin is on backwards. Don't want you hurting yourself taking it off!" right when the sup was standing there too.

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    I live in falkland and I have the choice of vernon or kamloops ... I always pick vernon I know the ladies who just read and process and i have only one person I steer clear of and that is the CSM .... But I am in the loops tomorrow well today and I am going to try the loops again ... fingers crossed ....

  10. #10
    Coupon Lov-ah!
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    I've had trouble redeeming coupons at Walmart and Zellers too--I don't even need a stack--I seem to have trouble redeeming one coupon on one item sometimes LOL
    I went to Rexall for the first time and had no trouble at all redeeming a couple of coupons--Thank goodness! No drama and no trama ;-)
    I think some of the stores may have gotten memos or something now that they've probably got a growing influx of coupon users? The economy is hard hit out there--Don't hate a girl (or boy ;-)) for attempting to save money..They should all be as accomodating as possible and be fighting for our business...
    I haven't attempted to stack yet--I did go to Dollarama and was denied the ability to use a coupon tho--I didn't want to seem like crazy coupon girl and argue so I slinked out..Grrrr ;-)

  11. #11
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    So far, I have been lucky at Zellers and WalMart when I have used coupons. Maybe it was the cashiers I got but no one was rude or denied me.

  12. #12
    Junior Canuck Out_of_the_Loops's Avatar
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    I never had a good experience at Walmart and they are always so rude about it. On Monday I too was only allowed to use one coupon because it said one per purchase. I tried to nicely explain that I had 5 purchases that made up my transaction and so I could use five coupons as it did not say one per transaction or customer. She still said no so I just got one and left. They are so terrible it is not worth fighting over. I try to avoid going there if I can. I definitely price match at London Drugs if I can. They are very coupon friendly and a good Canadian company.

    I have also been to Rexall and actually had a nice young man for a cashier who let me know there was a coupon for what I was buying on the display before I pulled out my coupon. That was a first! A nice change for sure.

    I am trying swagbucks
    Click here for a referal if you want to try it too

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