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  1. #1
    Trade Mod FallenPixels's Avatar
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    So, crochetlady is our next victim - lets get to know them better!

    Right, lefty or ambidextrous?

    Zodiac sign?

    Do you have a phobia?

    A word or phrase you overuse?

    You are having a dinner party, what 5 people (outside your friends / family) do you invite?

    Do you have anything pink near you?

    what is your favourite coupon currently out

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  2. #2
    Doctor Who? winston's Avatar
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    If you were an animal what would you be?
    What is your fave movie?
    What is your fave book ?
    What is your fave flower?
    Do you have any pets?
    Have a great day!

  3. #3
    Stay-at-home kitty mom misslollieputty's Avatar
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    If you could have a room full of any one thing, what would it be?

    What is one food that you will not eat?

    What is your favourite perfume/cologne?

    Do you think with your heart or your head?

  4. #4
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    What's your crocheting history? When did you learn, what do you make? (I'm jealous btw, I've tried, and I'm all thumbs, even though I do other needlework...)
    If you could trade places with someone else for a week, who would it be and why?
    What do you have on your bedside table?
    What are your three favourite meals/foods?
    Have you ever been in the back of a police car?

  5. #5
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    Can someone help? I`m trying to post replies with quotes but I get told my message is too short, I need to add at least one character. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
    I have to out for awhile but I`ll try again later.
    Last edited by Crochetlady; Sat, Sep 25th, 2010 at 10:06 AM.

  6. #6
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    So, crochetlady is our next victim - lets get to know them better!

    Right, lefty or ambidextrous?
    Right, although I do use my left occasionally

    Zodiac sign?
    Do you have a phobia?
    Snakes. When I was little I was trapped on the front porch by a snake until Mom got rid of it.
    A word or phrase you overuse?
    OMG, Wow, Awesome
    You are having a dinner party, what 5 people (outside your friends / family) do you invite?
    I`d go to the street and invite the first 5 people I saw. It would be interesting to get to know them and might even make a new friend or two.
    Do you have anything pink near you?

  7. #7
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    If you were an animal what would you be?
    A dog. All the ones I know are totally spoiled.
    What is your fave movie?
    I don`t watch a lot of movies so I really don`t have a fave.
    What is your fave book ?
    I read a lot of books but don`t remember them after I`m done so none come to mind. I did love Dr. Seuss as a child.
    What is your fave flower?
    I love red or peach coloued roses.
    Do you have any pets?
    We always had a dog until a few years ago when we had to put down Candi our teacup poodle. Now we babysit Bear, our neighbour`s Shih Tsu
    Have a great day!
    <!-- GAL -->Thanks
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  8. #8
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    If you could have a room full of any one thing, what would it be?
    My first thought was yarn but I already have that so I`ll say money. After all with that much money you could buy what you want.
    What is one food that you will not eat?
    Asparagus. Totally hate it.

    What is your favourite perfume/cologne?
    Idon`t wear much perfume but I do like the enchanted orchid fragrance mist from BBW.
    What's your crocheting history? When did you learn, what do you make? (I'm jealous btw, I've tried, and I'm all thumbs, even though I do other needlework...)
    I learned to crochet when I was 10 or 11. The only times I haven`t crocheted since then is when my hands made it impossible. (I have severe arthritis) I had to retire in 1990 because of that so my hobby became more of a business. I make dishcloths, hanging towels and baby afghans. I sell my things in several gift shops and markets. That keeps me pretty busy but when I have time I still do some afghans for Project Linus and a women`s shelter.
    If you could trade places with someone else for a week, who would it be and why? I would trade with someone who didn`t have health problems just to remember what it`s like to be healthy.
    What do you have on your bedside table?
    Lamp, fan, alarm clock, meds, electronic yahtzee game
    What are your three favourite meals/foods?
    Scalloped potatoes and meatloaf, lasagnia with garlic bread and of course anything chocolate
    Have you ever been in the back of a police car?
    Yes. Many years ago I was in an accident. None of us were badly hurt so the police took us to the hospital.<!-- GAL -->
    Do you think with your heart or your head?
    I think some of both.

  9. #9
    Mastermind win-star's Avatar
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    Why/what/how did you come up the username?

    what is your favorite color?

    what kind/type of car do you drive?

    Do you drive an automatic or standard?

    Have you ever dented someone's car?

    Do you enjoy long car trips?

    What is the fastest you ever driven in the car?

    What is your dream car to own?

    do you have any kids? if not do you want any?

    what is your plan when retired?

    What would you do first when winning millions of dollars?

    If you were to go back in time to change one thing in your past, what would you change?

    How many languages do you speak?

    If you were to go back in time, which year would you pick and why?

    If you were to go ahead of time, which year would you pick and why?

    if you were to go and learn something new, what would it be?

  10. #10
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=win-star;2466758]Why/what/how did you come up the username
    I love to crochet so I use that as my username.

    what is your favorite color?

    what kind/type of car do you drive?
    2005 royal blue Chev Impala

    Do you drive an automatic or standard?
    Automatic. Never learned to drive standard.

    Have you ever dented someone's car?
    Yes. I was leaving work one afternoon to meet with my ex. Wasn`t paying close enough attention and dinged the car beside me. Had to go back inside to tell my co-worker what I had done. Thank goodness she was nice about. I offered to pay for the damage but she never bothered to get it repaired. It was an old car.

    Do you enjoy long car trips?
    I used to but now I get too sore from sitting too long.

    What is the fastest you ever driven in the car?
    120 kph

    What is your dream car to own?
    I would like a VW Beetle

    do you have any kids? if not do you want any?
    No and no

    what is your plan when retired?
    I already retired at the age of 36 because of health issues.

    What would you do first when winning millions of dollars?
    I would pay off all debts then give some to charities, invest the rest and last but not least throw one heck of a party.

    If you were to go back in time to change one thing in your past, what would you change?
    I don`t know if I would change anything. If I did I wouldn`t be the person I`ve become and I`ve grown to like myself.

    How many languages do you speak?
    Just English. I spoke Pennsylvania Dutch when I was little but have forgotten most of it.

    If you were to go back in time, which year would you pick and why?
    I`d go back to the 50`s. Life seemed so much simpler then.

    If you were to go ahead of time, which year would you pick and why?
    2110 I`d like to see if humans have learned to get along by then.

    if you were to go and learn something new, what would it be?
    I would love to sky dive or bungee jump if I were younger. A more realistic goal would be to learn more about computers.

  11. #11
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    What is your most embarrassing moment?

    What is the quality you most value in a friend?

  12. #12
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=DaveP;2466889]What is your most embarrassing moment?
    Where to start? I`m a total klutz but this is the one that comes to mind. DH and I were on our second date. We went to the local fair. It had rained the night before so the field where we parked was wet. We were leaving to go for supper when, you guessed it, I fell in the mud. I sat there stunned for a minute, DH didn`t know what to do but after he realized I was ok we both had a good laugh

    What is the quality you most value in a friend?

  13. #13
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    What is your favorite charity?

    What is the one thing you want to accomplish more than any other in your life?

  14. #14
    Canadian Genius Crochetlady's Avatar
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    What is your favorite charity?
    Arthritis for obvious reasons and cancer. My dad, MIL and a dear friend all died of cancer
    What is the one thing you want to accomplish more than any other in your life?
    This is a really hard one. Let me think for a minute. This is something I`m struggling with right now. Some days there doesn`t seem to be any meaning to my life. I guess what I want when all is said and done is to have made someone`s world better because I was here.<!-- GAL -->
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