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Thread: Can you survive?

  1. #46
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abby5 View Post
    We spend $3000 just in credit card bills!! Which include home phone,clothes,car gas,all food,medications,pet supplies,cleaning stuff,and all the extras of life...including my $405 air conditioner bill!!! We come out even every month but when I got a paycheck it went for savings and extra mortgage payments
    I have totally changed this. I separated my finances from DH when I returned back to work in September and I save now $1400 a month now!! I just hope he is not going into debt even though he makes 65% of our house hold income ! I realize that he spends and spends. I am the saver. And after 16 yrs together we really don't have much in savings at all So this is my new plan....I hope he does not see my savings ...cause he will want to spend it on stuff!!

  2. #47
    Junior Canuck
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    I'm going to admit that I can't live on $700 a month, but mainly because of gasoline. Both my husband and myself are required to use our personal vehicles for work. His gasoline bills easily equate to $500/mo, mine are around $150. We are reimbursed for a portion, but is only a few times a year.

    If we exclude gasoline, then yes -- $700, heck even $500 would not be an issue.

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