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Thread: Can you survive?

  1. #31
    Smart Canuck jessep13's Avatar
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    ok after i get groceries and what ever else i may need im left with about 100$
    join my superpoints network and get gifts card for amazon , or paypal, or rewards.
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  2. #32
    Financial Advisor ashedfc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessep13 View Post
    ok after i get groceries and what ever else i may need im left with about 100$
    Thats a very good start..You are far ahead of lot of others, who dip into credit card just to budget their monthly expense.
    $100 just leave it aside every month & let it build over a year you will have $1200.
    A larger amount will add peace of mind, as the amount grows you will find yourself addicted to savings.
    Its a habit, once you start you will feel like saving more & more.

    Good Luck & continue with your budgeting responsibly..
    Last edited by ashedfc; Fri, Jul 6th, 2012 at 12:48 AM.
    matrix82 likes this.

  3. #33
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    I figure by the time I finish paying all my bills I have about $200 left over Which is better than I originally predicted but I would really like to save more but my rent is high because of where I live. If I factor in school as well then I am losing money...but I am currently trying to live off savings for my schooling so I don't have to take out loans.
    Last edited by roseofblack25; Fri, Jul 6th, 2012 at 02:08 AM.
    matrix82 likes this.

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  4. #34
    Junior Canuck ZombieMakeup's Avatar
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    My fiance' and I just bought a house, and have a 7 month old baby girl. Our mortgage, bills,(heat, hydro,internet,phone,cell) & Food comes to about 1,800 a month,with $1,200 left for savings and such. We have no debt, car is paid for, no credit card debit, student line of credit etc. The best way is to have no debt, or stay out of debt, and if you do have debt, pay it off asap.

  5. #35
    CaNewbie corezz's Avatar
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    Call me crazy but i think people can live off $100 in a month. I think the problem is that people are way to pampered to know their limits. This of course assumes one isnt obese and actually enjoys getting exercise. You'd be surprised what one can use $100 and live off and still be healthy. I have been living off $50/m for years. That accounts for my once a month fast food meal too. This $100 is of course for just food. For bills like rent and stuff it is about $1000.
    just one insomniac to another and collective nicknacks of finance advice and review for my own interest.

  6. #36
    Awake. TaraF's Avatar
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    Okay that much a month left over would be life winning the lottery for us Our finances fluctuate month to month based on how many out of town specialists appointments I have. For instance, some months I make 5 trips to Hamilton and each trip costs $40 for gas/parking and when those months happen we have no grocery money and I thank God I have spaghetti and canned soup to live off of! On average after bills we have between $50-$250/month for groceries/savings/ fun and appointments. It's why fun doesn't happen around here and savings are non existant too.

    We currently help pay 1/2 of my Mothers rent as she can't afford it so it's leaving us with less cash to play with but we convinced her to move with us to a 3 bdrm apt to cut down on bills and come Sept we will be saving around $500/month thankfully.
    Last edited by TaraF; Wed, Jul 11th, 2012 at 11:27 AM.

  7. #37
    Financial Advisor ashedfc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by corezz View Post
    Call me crazy but i think people can live off $100 in a month. I think the problem is that people are way to pampered to know their limits. This of course assumes one isnt obese and actually enjoys getting exercise. You'd be surprised what one can use $100 and live off and still be healthy. I have been living off $50/m for years. That accounts for my once a month fast food meal too. This $100 is of course for just food. For bills like rent and stuff it is about $1000.
    I don't disagree with your approach "You have a choice to live the way you like"
    My only suggestion is- Your body is more important than anything else; & your body depends on what you eat (both quality & quantity of food); so sacrificing on food should probably be the last on someone's budgeting agenda... Yes, you can go to a discount store, & organise your shopping & cook at home, etc, etc,, but make sure you are taking the required diet..

    ssbean and alicia like this.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by corezz View Post
    Call me crazy but i think people can live off $100 in a month. I think the problem is that people are way to pampered to know their limits. This of course assumes one isnt obese and actually enjoys getting exercise. You'd be surprised what one can use $100 and live off and still be healthy. I have been living off $50/m for years. That accounts for my once a month fast food meal too. This $100 is of course for just food. For bills like rent and stuff it is about $1000.
    That is entirely doable....we have been spending $500 or less per month for our family of seven for years. But I am a stay at home mom and bake and cook nearly everything from scratch. Plus we have two large deep freezers, and a garden....saves a bundle! We figured that just by me staying home and living frugally we save well over $1000 per month....really no sense for me to have an outside job. Plus, someone is around all the time to keep track of the boys
    i_forget and Lavender Lady like this.

  9. #39
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by momof5boys View Post
    That is entirely doable....we have been spending $500 or less per month for our family of seven for years. But I am a stay at home mom and bake and cook nearly everything from scratch. Plus we have two large deep freezers, and a garden....saves a bundle! We figured that just by me staying home and living frugally we save well over $1000 per month....really no sense for me to have an outside job. Plus, someone is around all the time to keep track of the boys
    I think it's entirely doable as well...I'm attempting $50/month and I eat mostly fresh produce in the summer so salads, pitas with veggies, etc. Plus I like doing rice and sometimes chicken with fries and lots of pasta. Pasta is such a staple food for me because I love it so much. I could eat pasta every meal and never tire of it. Though I know that isn't healthy so I don't LOL! Winter time I will buy frozen veggies since I prefer hot meals in the cold months. I feel like it can be done and at least the less I buy and spend the less waste there is from things going bad before you have a chance to eat it.
    coupon girl and i_forget like this.

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  10. #40
    CaLoonie AliceStewart21's Avatar
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    It's not enough for me. Sometimes I also don't know how I spend my money

  11. #41
    Financial Advisor ashedfc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AliceStewart21 View Post
    It's not enough for me. Sometimes I also don't know how I spend my money
    In this case "You must write down your expenses; penny by penny"... this way you will know where your money is going.
    Once you know where its going - only then you will be able to find out which is for necessity; which is for comfort; & which is for luxury...

    Then you can decide which expenses you can live without... If you have to live a good life "You must spend less then what you make"

  12. #42
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    We spend $3000 just in credit card bills!! Which include home phone,clothes,car gas,all food,medications,pet supplies,cleaning stuff,and all the extras of life...including my $405 air conditioner bill!!! We come out even every month but when I got a paycheck it went for savings and extra mortgage payments

  13. #43
    Smart Canuck frugal50's Avatar
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    after paying my bills, rent....etc
    im left with a surplus of $1278.38
    which will go to my savings account.
    You can't change other people. You can only change yourself"
    - H. H. Getter

    when we change our attitude, we change our lives

  14. #44
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    Hubby and I budget right down to the penny. It works for us. We give ourselves $100 spending money each from our paychecks (bi weekly) to do what we want with. (meaning we don't have to account for every penny spent out of the $100) Everything else is accounted for and allotted to specific accounts etc. As of this week we are completely 100% debt free (paid off the last of our HBC balance) aside from our rent and utilities which is a given. We manage to put $2000 into savings each month and I have automatic RRSPs at work which my employer contributes $600 a year to, provided I contribute $1200. Why not. Free money!

    We have not always been debt free. In fact not too long ago we were swimming in debt. We decided to be strict about where I money went and wow were we shocked at how much money we threw away.

    I am such a frugal person now. I have even considered cutting back on cable but hubby has drawn the line. He says we make good money we can at least afford to splurge on cable. I let him win that argument. LOL
    coupon girl and lilo0003 like this.

  15. #45
    Financial Advisor ashedfc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyQT View Post
    We have not always been debt free. In fact not too long ago we were swimming in debt. We decided to be strict about where I money went and wow were we shocked at how much money we threw away.

    I am such a frugal person now.
    After reading this, I feel now you are fully equipped to start consulting for people drowning in debt..
    I mean, its not a bad idea to take up part time debt consulting (for those who cannot handle debt).
    Start it as a hobby & see where it takes you
    Last edited by ashedfc; Thu, Sep 27th, 2012 at 11:44 PM.

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