Hey Ash. . .are you ok buddy? You sound a bit down?
Thanks for the rep Ash. I know you've been warning people for a long time. . . but people only know what they want to know. i guess now we know how Noah felt, eh? I shake my head when I meet people that think "all is good" in the world and that we're making "progress" Yikes! If this is progress. . .Let me off this ride!
Thanks for the rep. I have my own rep. Have a good week.
Hey there. . . thought you might enjoy this site. . .pretty accurate news in middle east. http://www.debka.com/
Always enjoy your posts It's just crazy. . .this iran war business. I was thinking U.S. might start looking at taxing religions in that country. There's a whole lot of money to be made there!
Part 2They are not even allowed to serviced their own clients because they can't prove that they havn't advertised to them. (This is an accounting company). So I get mine done here soon too. Anyway, they did a background check on me and my husband too. They regularly talk with CRA. Its super legit and insanely rare. Also you can't just call them and get in, you have to be especially referred. Interesting eh? There are ways. I just don't beleive people who attack others like that guy deserve to have it shared with them.
You may remember me from a while back. There was a moron trying to disprove me (In August) regarding taxes and another way. Well, we had some things in our life happen, so I am literally just getting to it now and dropping my stuff off this week. So here is the deal. I am not sharing it with everyone, especially because just because some don't believe it doesn't make it less accurate. This IS rare but real.CRA just gave my friend a $500,000. credit. He hasn't paid taxes in 8 years. My other friends have paid theirs, but not only got a credit back, received $200-300,000. cheques. Yep! This is a company that is NOT allowed to advertise but CRA can't stop them becuase it is legal and is what members of parliment use.
Happy Birthday!
I popped by to wish you a very happy Birthday, may it be the best day of your life.
Hi! I enjoy reading your financial posts & links! Very informative! I posted a comment/question here if you care to give your comment & assistance...thanks! http://forum.smartcanucks.ca/195100-...apse-canada-4/
You're very welcome my frined, if there's one thing i know it's that everyone really truly needs acknowledgement on their special day, and may you also have a great weekend. Thanks for the Rep.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, may it be the best one of your life.
Junior Canuck
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