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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
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    O.K.-fair warning-I'm a die hard coupon/money saver.
    So my shopping experience today took me to Extra Foods. I had no intentions of going there to shop for anything else but pick up my presciptions. Ended up I spent $160.00 in food etc on some great deals, plus prescriptions totalling $200.00(that's only my SHARE). So as drive out of the parking lot, I see all these sidwalk banners swirling around like crazy(Sask wind)with the saying "Save % off your purchase". So I turn around and head back to Extra Foods/Service Desk to find out how much $ I overspent, and a bit upset there was no signage in the store or the Cashier that served me did not inform or ask me about redeeming coupons. I know I should be faithfully cutting out and carrying them around, but sometimes it doesn't happen. After a bit of reluctance by the Service Desk associate, they did refund the % I was owed, but you could feel the negativity coming from the cashier. Plus as the refund was happening, there it was, sitting on the register/all the different % off coupons depending on what you spent for the 2 days it was offerred. So I'm thinking, Wouldn't it be so much more customer friendly if the cashiers would offer each and every customer the % off coupon before the total was calculated. Boy what a nice suprise the cutomer would get when they realize that they just got to save even more money. WOW!! I guarantee this customer would be talking about this great experience to everyone. So here's me, by the time I left that store, I felt that they had tried to rob me. My feeling's? They were sneaking, sly, deceitful and cannot be trusted. Trying to "STEAL" my hard earned money!! Not good.

    But again, maybe it's just me............
    This thread is currently associated with: Extra Foods, WIND Mobile

  2. #2
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Oct 2008
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    Well, it's nice of them to give you the discount after all!

    When I go through the flyers as they come, I clip the coupons from the front of the Extra flyer - was able to use the 10% off one yesterday.

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