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Thread: Smartsource tear pads found May 15 '12 (Vancouver)

  1. #1
    coupon skank emeritus mcminsen's Avatar
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    Expired on: Fri, Feb 1st, 2013
    I found these new Smartsource tear pad coupons at a Safeway store in the Vancouver area that gets them extra early. I think most stores that usually get them will start having them this coming weekend. So, my guess is that the official roll out week will be ~May 19-25. There may be more and different coupons found at other supermarkets, SDM, Zellers, and some IGA stores. I will add them as I find them and there may be some that are not found in other regions and vice versa. This particular store I was in had a few repeats or holdovers as usual, which I've put at the bottom. Sorry, I don't have enough of these new ones to trade at this time.

    The Haagen Dazs has a different code and expiry than the one found recently in eastern Canada. The Astro Original Greek looks similar to the previous one but has a new code and expiry. The Smucker's came in a booklet, as did the Minute Maid .75 off and B4G1. The two Oasis coupons came attached to one another.

    -$3 off WUB2 Haagen Dazs (exp. Aug.31 '12)
    -$1 off Astro Original Greek (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -.75 off Kraft Parmesan Cheese, Shaved or Aged Grated (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -$1 off Cracker Barrel Natural Cheese Slices (exp. Sept.30 '12)
    -$1 off Smucker's dessert topping product (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -$1 off WUB2 Minute Maid 295ml frozen concentrate products (exp. Sept.30 '12)
    -.75 off 1.75L Minute Maid Mango, Mixed Berry or Peach Real Fruit Beverage (exp. Sept.30 '12)
    -B4G1 FREE Minute Maid 295ml various frozen concentrate products (exp. Sept.30 '12)
    -.75 off Oasis Health Break 1.75L (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -.75 off Oasis Smoothie 1.75L (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -.50 off Welch's 1.36L (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -$1 off any Lactantia Milk 2 X 2L (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -FREE Meow Mix Single Food Cup WUB any Meow Mix dry, 1.6kg and up (exp. Dec.17 '12)
    -$1 off WUB1 Green Works, excluding GW Laundry Detergent (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -$2 off WUB2 different Dove products (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -$3 off any Advil Muscle & Joint (exp. Jan.31 '13)

    Holdovers/repeats at this particular store (see pics at bottom for details):

    -Nicorette QuickMist
    -Head & Shoulders
    -VH Steamers
    -Becel pro-activ

    ***edit*** Found May 20 at SDM:

    -$1 off Dove gosleeveless Anti-perspirant #89288383, expiring Sept.30 '12
    -$5 off Coldsore-FX, expiring Dec.31 '12 AND Dec.31 '13 (obviously a typo on this coupon)
    -.50 off Nativa Organics Crackers, expiring June 26 '12 (use at SDM only)

    ***edit*** Found May 22 at Canadian Tire:

    -$1 off any Concrobium Mold Control product, #70011816 (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -$1 off any Gloves Off product, #70011819 (exp. Dec.31 '12)



    This thread is currently associated with: Guess, IGA, Pharmaprix, Safeway, Shoppers Drug Mart, Smart Source, Zellers, Canadian Tire
    Last edited by mcminsen; Wed, May 23rd, 2012 at 02:11 AM.
    solarpower, aussie, Ceren and 16 others like this.

  2. #2
    Blessed with 4 children
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    Wooooo! Thanks for the post!

  3. #3
    Super Saver JennyFromTheRock's Avatar
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    I always look forward to this post. I like the new dove one and the Frozen juice is a good one too when it goes on sale for $1 a can!!
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  4. #4
    Smart Canuck ClipClap's Avatar
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    Way to go! This is a great heads-up!!

  5. #5
    Smart Canuck flyingdutch's Avatar
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    was wondering about this a few days ago...

    Also there's been a sign up, you know the kind that usually would have a tearpad attached to it somewhere, on the shelf in front of the Kraft Slices at my local Sobeys for a little over a week and a half now.... I was wondering if a new Kraft Slices coupon would be coming out since the same thing happened a couple weeks before the latest Bicks coupons came out at this same store. Hmmm.... I'll keep everyone posted.

    Thanks as always McMinsen for giving me a visual to keep in my mind when I'm out looking for the latest SS tearpads. I appreciate you posting about them. Some good coupons this time around and I'll hope to snag a few if they are in my area.

    Happy early long weekend everyone (I know it's only Wednesday but I can dream I have time travel powers right?)

  6. #6
    Canadian Guru Peachykeen2007's Avatar
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    Sweet I will be out searching tomorrow as it is my day off

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the green works and a new dove coupon

    The minute maid is awesome too - goes on sale here for $0.59 a can - oh my can't wait


  7. #7
    CaLoonie MomD's Avatar
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    OMG! I'm from Ontario, there are many that we don't have yet...Let me know if you would like to trade.

    I would like:

    -$1 off Astro Original Greek (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -.75 off Kraft Parmesan Cheese, Shaved or Aged Grated (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -$1 off Cracker Barrel Natural Cheese Slices (exp. Sept.30 '12)
    -$1 off Smucker's dessert topping product (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -.50 off Welch's 1.36L (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -$1 off any Lactantia Milk 2 X 2L (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    -$3 off any Advil Muscle & Joint (exp. Jan.31 '13


  8. #8
    coupon skank emeritus mcminsen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyingdutch View Post
    was wondering about this a few days ago...

    Also there's been a sign up, you know the kind that usually would have a tearpad attached to it somewhere, on the shelf in front of the Kraft Slices at my local Sobeys for a little over a week and a half now.... I was wondering if a new Kraft Slices coupon would be coming out since the same thing happened a couple weeks before the latest Bicks coupons came out at this same store. Hmmm.... I'll keep everyone posted.

    Thanks as always McMinsen for giving me a visual to keep in my mind when I'm out looking for the latest SS tearpads. I appreciate you posting about them. Some good coupons this time around and I'll hope to snag a few if they are in my area.

    Happy early long weekend everyone (I know it's only Wednesday but I can dream I have time travel powers right?)
    I see those signs, too. Sometimes they are precursor to a coupon coming out and other times not. It would be nice to have a coupon crystal ball, eh? Name:  CrystalBall1.gif
Views: 1494
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    I won't know until this weekend what coupons are coming out at Save On Foods so mayyyybe there will be something different.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peachykeen2007 View Post
    Sweet I will be out searching tomorrow as it is my day off

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the green works and a new dove coupon

    The minute maid is awesome too - goes on sale here for $0.59 a can - oh my can't wait

    It's still a bit early if you're searching for these tomorrow but good luck! If you do find the MM booklet, here's a page from it with a special recipe just for YOU!!!

    Would you like a shot of something special in it?

    Last edited by mcminsen; Wed, May 16th, 2012 at 02:44 AM.

  9. #9
    Smart Canuck gasjoc's Avatar
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    Nice finds, Juice, cheese slices.. Oh fingers crossed we get them here

  10. #10
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    I need that drink Mcminsen ... along with the coupies that go with it! LOL The hunt begins!!!

  11. #11
    one jar at the time 2010ontest's Avatar
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    Thanks Mcminsen!

    Some good one for me this month!
    Last edited by 2010ontest; Wed, May 16th, 2012 at 09:13 AM.
    Liberty of one finish where liberty of the other one start

  12. #12
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    Some really good ones! I'm doing a coupon walk today.. doubt they'll be out yet here but worth a shot!
    RRLF: Almond breeze, gluten free products

  13. #13
    coupon skank emeritus mcminsen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masid View Post
    Some really good ones! I'm doing a coupon walk today.. doubt they'll be out yet here but worth a shot!
    Try to take note of when you do find the new Smartsource tear pads (or when you don't). If the reps are like they are here, the coupons appear every four weeks, like clockwork. When you hit the jackpot, you might be able to repeat the experience exactly four weeks later.
    flyingdutch and nessa23 like this.

  14. #14
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    you're my hero mcminsen my DH knows how eagerly I wait for your post every month and he was JUST asking today abou tit now I can tell him what's coming. We both go out to look for monthly coupons it gives us time to spend together too since we don't get that much THANK YOU

  15. #15
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    Thanks very much for posting the new coupons, mcminsen!
    I'm looking forward to finally having a chance to locate the elusive Haagen-Dazs coupon!
    solarpower likes this.

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