Having worked and still working at a fast food restaurant.. I know our food is made fresh but we have a period around 30 mins to hold it and then we toss. If you come in for a fresh burger thats no problem just takes 5 mins to wait and you get a smoking hot burger. BUT I do know of places that give you half old + new mixed. I try my hardest to make and keep things fresh but some customers dont like the idea of waiting 5,6,7,8minutes... and so its reverted back to the hold for 30mins and then toss method that we are SUPPOSED to do anyways..nonetheless if food tastes off, smells, looks weird I dont even look at it I toss it and brand new food is on its way. There is no way I'm going to touch it or smell it or even TASTE it.. which I've had PLENTY of customers ask me to do and I say no thanks , really sorry about it (even though I wasn't the one there to serve them) and give them fresh food.

Once I had a mother come in with food that she bought, I just started my shift and she said I served her... okay ( I knew that was false , and assumed someone from the previous shift had) so she brought about $20 worth of food back saying it was foul and her kids would not eat it , disturbed by it she returned it to get fresh food. I told her no problem I dont even need to count what you gave me I'll give you a fresh batch of what you order.. no matter if you ate half of it and brought it back. I left her food there on the counter and told the cook to prepare it ... a minute later I reappear and told her itll be 2-3 mins for it to be ready. She asks what I'll be doing with the food she returned as she saw it on the counter.. I assured her Ill toss it .. ( I know some people think once it goes in the back kitchen WHO KNOWS IT MIGHT END UP ON SOMEONE ELSE PLATE!!!!) I for one , for 9 years have never done that and dont approve of such disgusting behaviour. so I go to toss it and she yells WAIT... i asked her whats wrong and she asked can i have the food back? and im like :S ... you need it? for what? I'm giving you fresh food... she replies oh my other children can eat it.. and I told her but you had just said you returned it because your kids WONT eat it? and shes like no my OLDER children can eat it... I told her no sorry once you return food we have to throw it and you get new food anyways so its not like your losing out... afterall what if those older children get sick ? god know all the later problems that can crop up. Anywho chucked her old food, sent her off . About 5 minutes later my manager came over and asked me whats the deal? and i told him that she order food and it was old/stale/nasty.... He tells me he worked the entire day shift in the front and never seen that lady before and nor did he place any of those orders that she had "apparently bought" even though the food was in our brand food containers and bag.

ent of story, im assuming she was jumping locations with the stale food, and probably wanted the stale food back to go to the remainder stores in my area... and she didn't order from my joint.