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  1. #106
    CaNewbie Sarah_Calgary's Avatar
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    While I agree with both sides of this, in regards to the people collecting large quantities of items, or diapers for children they do not have yet. These people know well in advance that the show is coming. Yes, maybe he had 1000's of tubes of toothpaste, but I'm sure most of it was for the shock value. Who are you to say he won't donate most of it after filming? This show is just showing the way everyone is in society. Everyone wants to be the best at something. And to these couponers, their stockpiles are their way of proving how good they are at it!

    I just don't think it is right to judge to people on the show based on the little bit of information given about them. I stockpile. Not in the quantities that these people do, and not food items. But there are certain things I do have a lot of. I don't shelf-clear or use coupons for overages, but if someone were to see me regularly shopping they might deem me "greedy." And that I am NOT. No one ever leaves my house without a bag of goodies. Razors, body wash, deodorant. I also have a huge stock pile of diapers. Maybe I will use them all, maybe I won't. But I know what I don't use will be donated.

    I've been reading a lot of threads lately and it's just bothering me that those that have been doing this for longer than say, someone like me, feel entitled to things. It's all a matter of person preference. If someone want's 100 tubes of toothpaste, go for it! Everyone wants to complain that they can't find these items anymore because of "newbies", well then, get there early.

    People just need to start sucking it up and dealing with it. As long as people are following coupon restrictions I don't see any problem!

  2. #107
    Senior Canuck tdjca's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Ruubeeruu;3390158]I think this show has "scared" some couponers into thinking this will "ruin" it for them. I somehow doubt's been around forever and is a way for the companies to get you to try their product.

    If it had just stayed with the TLC show I think things would have just been fine but it spilled over into Canada and people started to want to be just like the US "extreme couponers". The media started to search for "extreme couponers" in Canada and some here jumped on the bandwagon for whatever reason and did interviews. Now manufacturers are changing the wording on coupons to make it more difficult. Other couponers are trying to imitate what they are accomplishing in the US no matter what the cost. One of the Walmarts in BC started to allow stacking as a trial and too many couponers went in verbally abusing staff and clearing shelves and after just a few days it was shut down. Now it is happening with the new policy but not quite to the same extent.

    I am happy that more people have been introduced to couponing and that they can help save their families money. I just wish that the ones who go off half cocked would stop and reconsider what they are doing and use some common sense and take the time to learn policies and be considerate when using coupons.

  3. #108
    coupon grammy
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    I buy when things are on sale, not crazy because I don't want to be out of pocket too much. I do love the pink sticker bins and if there is a lot of something I know will be used I go for it.I do however have a great supply of Tide,toilet tissue and dish soap. I pass over bag fulls to MIL and mother who are seniors and to DD who has a young baby,another DD in collage. Just bagged up a lot of personal care products to be auctioned off for a benefit for SIL who has cancer.I don't work and if I couldn't stock up a little bit I wouldn't be able to be as generous. we only have one small local Co-op (overprised and understocked) so if I have to drive 40 mins each way I try to make the most of my weekly trip. just my 2 cents.

  4. #109
    Smart Canuck canirishmum's Avatar
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    Totally disagree, sorry! I love my extreme stacking, and yes, I do have tons of non-expiry items like toothbrushes, diapers, wipes, toilet paper etc....

    Love stacking.
    Love my stockpile.

    No one can kill that for me lol

  5. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chantel View Post
    People care so much because it's causing a negative stereotype for us, and causing companies to change wording on coupons.

    Before this, extreme couponing was kind of an underground trend. Getting everything for free wasn't your average joe's shopping trip. Now that it's become a fad, it's causing a lot of crackdowns and policy changes and all sorts of bad stuff.
    i whole heartedly agree....but if coupons are being used not as intended, then the company should change the wording to have it used as it was supposed to be. i also think that all the "bad stuff" happens regardless.

  6. #111
    Frosh Canuck frugalmom2's Avatar
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    I agree with the above post. However I think the big product companies know exactly what they are doing. The fact is these companies have huge marketing departments that know exactly what is going to happen when they issue a coupon that says for example "any size".

    1)They get existing customers to buy the largest, best value sizes and therefore create alot of good will with their loyal customer base. 2) They get new people to try their products by allowing them to buy the smallest size possible and in some cases a little overage (lets face it if you called them and they had to send you a free sample they would spend that extra money on packaging and postage anyway). Creating an overage creates alot of good will with potential new product users. 3)Then there are the loyal customers that have sufficient stock of the products they love that buy the smallest sizes to get the overages. They got the product for free and are most likely to give to family and friends or donate. The big companies love this - they get exposure to potential new customers that were not lured in by the coupon. They are alot smarter than you think!

    I also think that it is smart to email companies that have provided great coupons. This week I was able to use a Gillette buy3 get $5 coupon for Gillette Foamy regular size and another coupon last week for Gillette Venus Embrace.

    My email to Gillette went like this -
    I wanted to thank you very much for the buy 3 get $5 coupon for Gillette products. I was able to purchase Gillette Foamy, a product that we love and regularly use. As well I was able to use your $2 coupon to purchase a Venus Embrace Razor. I love it! I don't think I can ever go back to cheap disposable razors. Thank you!

    Their response went like this -
    Thanks for taking the time to share your kind thoughts and we are glad that our coupons helped you to get the products that you love. Your reaction is just what we hoped for -- I can't wait to share your comments with the rest of our team.

    They don't seem to upset that I stocked up on Foamy! BTW I have a stockpile of products that I love and wouldn't change it for anything!
    Last edited by frugalmom2; Thu, May 12th, 2011 at 11:13 PM.

  7. #112
    Junior Canuck lindon's Avatar
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    I don't want this to come out the wrong way, but I think most people know that that show is American and that couponing work differently here in Canada and i personally font know anyone who's trying to emulate those ppl on the show. Everyone likes to get a great deal and if you know how to use coupons in conjunction with sales to get the best deal possible, the good on ya!

  8. #113
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    That kind of coupon shopping will never work here. Doubling and tripling in the US works because they have such a huge population . One or 2 or even 100 couponers doubling in a store in the States is a drop of water in a pond compared to the number of customers they get in their stores daily. We only have the population of California in the entire country! I am personally hoping target allows us to have a target coupon website like they have in the US. It will make WM sit up and stop the baloney that they pull here in Canada

  9. #114
    Frosh Canuck frugalmom2's Avatar
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    I'm new to couponing and have only been able to get a 6% saving so far. LOL

  10. #115
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    I have been couponing for about five months. My routine now is I make a weekly meal plan, figure out my shopping list for the week, then sit down with my flyers, plan my shop according to sales combined with coupons and I price match to avoid having to go to too many different stores. Before I started couponing, I was spending about $1200 monthly to feed myself, DH and five kids. Since I have started couponing, and shopping smarter, I have cut my bill at least in half. I calculated last week that I got $400 worth of groceries for less than $150! It may not be "Extreme Couponing", but it's good enough for me!

    As for a stockpile, I have one, I love it! My DH made me shelves in our storage room, and they are almost full...we stock up cereal, rice, canned goods..tons of toothpaste, paper products, laundry soap, razors, ect. I don't clear shelves, but I do buy what we will use if it's a great sale, especially if I have coupons to make it a better deal. I agree that the people who hoard way too much of goods that are going to expire need their heads checked...they certainly shouldn't be on tv being treated like heroes for wasting a bunch of food that someone in need could make good use of! I am glad to say I don't know anyone in Canada that actually goes that far, so maybe it's a good thing that we can't really do it here!

  11. #116
    Loves codes of all kinds hogama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollyhill View Post
    You do that on groceries?!? With coupons... Please share all, please! You could have your own show!

    Now for an admission. I have yet to see the show. I would love to but we gave up cable a couple of years ago as a cost cutting measure (it was either that or internet), so I feel so out of the loop.

    Especially when I am asked are you an "extreme couponer"? As I buy a few products LOL. I don't know am I?
    I'm find the show very repetitive. They do their prep work, scout out a store, go back and buy a million bottles of Gatorade what's with all the Gatorade anyway?!? yuk!! Rack up a total over a thousand... have a panic attack, pass over their store savings card and coupons. Crap out the computer. Have another panic attack. Hand over a dime for a total and go home to unload their car.

    Then repeat the same story-line because there are 2 X-treme couponers per show....

  12. #117
    Frosh Canuck eco-chic's Avatar
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    I have to admit, I started couponing after seeing this show. I was so oblivious to the lifestyle of couponing before. I had always thought of couponing used by those less fortunate or those in need of coupons for their basic needs (even my friends to date would be too embarassed to use coupons..although they support my love for couponing). Yes, while my mom did coupon (and still does with me), I never thought I would use coupons. It was just not my "thing". So when I saw this show for the first time in December, I was in awe as to how much people were getting for so cheap! Which was why I started my own coupon hunt. Yes, I have a stash of my own. But mine would be a miniscule corner of the stashes you see on the show. Isnt it ironic how "Hoarders" is on right after the show

    Basically, I think this show has its positives and negatives: it is a good thing as it shows that it is not just the low-income families that use coupons but the middle-class families as well, bringing a positive image on the whole business of couponing. But, stocking up on HOW MANY bags of chips, or hiding 70-something boxes of cereal in your master bedroom closet...come on! It just confirms one of the many reasons why the US population is becoming obese. Coming from an environmental background, this hoarding i see on the show just confirms a lot of the current environmental problems we discussed in my courses: pollution, waste, all leading to environmental degradation (Will they really use all of those items they purchased? Where will the stuff go after they are expired?).

    BUT....I think with all the negative comments that the show has received, haven't you noticed how many are now donating?? So maybe, with given time, the theme of the show might change. Instead of having "secret millionaire" I think they should have "secret couponer".

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    Quote Originally Posted by BC Gal View Post
    Prices of regular necessities have gotten absolutely ridiculous the last few years. There is no reason we here in Canada should be paying twice as much for the same product as the US. I agree, stockpiling is wrong - no one should be allowed to do that, but person should be able to use a few coupons and get a cheap or free item now and then.
    No one should be allowed to have a stock pile? What? That makes no sense.....we should have a stock pile police unit?

    I do agree with you on prices though. Paying double is ridiculous. There's a reason why so many of us go south of the border to shop.
    Last edited by BCSunshine; Fri, May 13th, 2011 at 03:36 AM.

  14. #119
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    I have to agree and disagree like others, I have started some of my little stock pile on items that my family needs and uses. With me a stay at home mom and my husband being the only person working, it gets tight. We like everyone else have dreams and would one day like to see them come true. A big wake up was after my daughter was born she can only use similac which cost me $100 some times a more a month, where my son who is 3.5 years old, was fine with the parents choice that cost me $40 a month. So with now having a baby costing us a bit more, a newer car as our other car was just eating our money in gas, and wanting a house to call our own, I just started to coupon. I figure if our grocery budget without baby food is $300 a month and if I can spend half off that on all of our supplies we can bank the rest for a downpayment on a house. So that is why I coupon and have mini stock piles. If something is on sale and we use that product then yes I am going to buy 5 or 6 items.

    But I do not agree with buying over 50 or more bottles of items that you do not use, or will ever use. Unless you plan to donate it to the families in need like Christmas packages, or to the homeless or other charities. Then I say why not. The lady on that show the other night, but some meds that she doesnt even use. So in reality she or they buy these items for them to go to waste.

  15. #120
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    I don't see anything wrong with a small stockpile. As someone else mentioned, with the economy being as it is it's probably a good idea to have a small stockpile in case something goes awry, like your hours at work get cut or you lose your job altogether. I don't have a stockpile, but would like to build a small one up...say, maybe the size of one of those prefab pantry cupboard.

    I think that anyone getting the amount of items they get on EC should be donating much of those items to food banks & other charities, like the ministry student did on the last episode. That's exactly what I would be doing.

    However, the real issue I have is that they even have the option for such good deals. If I could get something for free or next to nothing I wouldn't go overboard trying to get all I'd just be nice to have the ability to get something [esp. food items] for so cheap on pretty much a weekly basis. Food is far too expensive in Canada imo, when it really shouldn't be so much more than in the US.

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