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Tue, Jan 29th, 2013, 08:01 PM #1
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Expired on: Thu, May 9th, 2013I haven't been on SC in a while, and to celebrate my return, I thought I'd host a VWT! There will also be a little game involved, with some great prizes!!!!
There will be 10 riders including myself.
Please read the rules carefully before requesting a seat.
Mail date will be determined once all riders are aboard.
- You must have NO negative feedback
- You will send 3 EXACT coupons to each rider (no exceptions)
- Your wishlist must have at least 30 different coupons (FPC's do not count toward the first 30)
- Coupons must not expire before April 30, 2013
- Boarding pass will be 4 "P" stamps, or 2 "P" stamps and 2 extra coupons from my wishlist, or 1 FPC from my wishlist
- Please do not staple, tape, or using sticky notes on the coupons as it ruins them!
- I will be checking each envelope that I receive and will return any bundle that has a mistake in it back to the If's, and's or but's about it!
Now for the game! There will be 2 prizes:
- First envelope in my mailbox will get their boarding pass back!
- Most generous to conductor will receive a mystery FPC!
Welcome aboard!
1) Nadiabreckon
2) LauraWill
8)This thread is currently associated with: N/ALast edited by nadiabreckon; Wed, Jan 30th, 2013 at 06:26 AM.
Tue, Jan 29th, 2013, 08:02 PM #2
- Join Date
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Nadiabreckon's Wishlist:
French: N
Printed: N
Stacking: N
Store Specific N
Personalized: N - with someones name on it
Multiples: N
FPC's (count as 3)
- FPC Kitten Chow
- FPC Clorox Spray
- FPC / $5 Chapman's Ice cream
- FPC Mini Wheats
- FPC Silk
- FPC Bacon
- FPC Fanta
- FPC Lean Cuisine
- code
HV's (count as 2)
- $5 Maxx Cat litter
- $2 Schweppe's (cutout from box)
- Science Diet dry dog food
- Nutrience dry dog food (good on any)
- $2 ANY Janes chicken
- $3 SKintimate shave gel
- $1+ Colgate Call-in
- J&J call-ins
Count as 1
- $1 ANY Dare/Grissol product
- $0.50 ANY Dare product
- $1 ANY MarcAngelo
- Glad kitchen catchers
- $0.50 Goldfish
- $1 ANY Folgers
- $1 Tog Dogs
- White Swan product
- Coke or Pepsi (any)
- $2 Royale toilet paper
- Pizza Pops / Pizza pockets
- Knorr $1 WUB2
- Shake N Bake
- Snack pack puddings
- Country Harvest bread
- Purex liquid laundry soap
- Del Monte canned fruit
- Pringles (not snack can)
- $2 Wonderbread
- Aylmer accent tomatoes
- VH sauces
- Pam (not WUB eggs)
- General mills cereal
- $0.75 Milk To Go
- Armstrong or Black Diamond cheese (good on blocks)
- Pampers Points
- Lunchmate Bucks
- $1 IOGO (not $0.75)
- Hunt's tomato paste
- Hunt's pasta sauce
- Lunchmate Stackers
- Bolthouse carrots
- McCain Pizza
- Babybel cheese
- Yogurt tubes
- Ragu or Classico pasta sauce
- $1.50 Colgate Total Advance
- Lays / Ruffles chips
- Rougemont or Allen's Apple juice
- $1 on any Gay Lea, Nordica or Lacteeze product
- $0.50+ Canadian Tire money
- $1 or $2 off Nexxus
LauraWill's Wishlist: -Y
Printable -N
French - Y
Store Specific/TFT - N
Worth 3
$1 Canadian Tire Money
$1 Hershey (Valid on Chipits)
$2 Cashmere or Cottonelle Toilet Paper
$2 Royale (must be good on ANY item, Toilet Paper or 6 Facial Tissue)
$2 wub (2) dozen eggs (not WUB)
$2/$3 Orville Reddenbacher popcorn
$3 Any McCain product
$3 Sunlight Laundry (good on liquid)
$3.50 Sunlight Laundry
$4 off any Quaker, Aunt Jemima or Rice-A-Roni, products, 15106298, Dec 31,2013
$5 Amazon code
$5 Arctic Garden
$5 Chapmans
$5 Colgate/Palmolive
$5 Finish Quantum
$5 Greenworks/Chlorox/SOS Mailout
$5 Kelloggs Gas Card OR Mail in Rebate
$5 Nestle Ice Cream
$5 Ziploc
$5 off of Sunlight Detergent 24 pacs (door hanger)
$5+ Blue Natural dog food
$5/$10 Gift Certificate on any Olymel product, NED
$6 Delissio/Buitoni Pizza
$7 any (1) SC Johnson Home Cleaning product (Shout, Scrubbing Bubbles ect.) Aug 31 2013
$10 Revlon Voucher
$10 Schneiders call in
$10 on any Gold Seal Seafood products (any number, any size), 68901501, Mar 31,2013
Any Dishwasher Sample (cascade, sunlight, finish etc)
Any Laundry Sample
B1G1 Orville Reddenbacher
Downy Unstoppables Sample
Code for FREE Red Scarf (Found on the following participating products POST SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT 425g; POST SHREDDED WHEAT & BRAN SPOON SIZE 675g; and POST SHREDDED WHEAT SPOON SIZE 675 g)
Empire Theatres Movie Ticket
FPC's (most any, just msg me first)
FPC (1) Sara-Lee Bakery item, Dec 31,2015
FPC Always
FPC Amooza Twists Mozzarella/Cheddar Cheese Snacks
FPC Anything McCain
FPC Arctic Gardens
FPC Bacon
FPC Barilla Pasta
FPC Beneful Prepared Meals
FPC Bread
FPC Cascade
FPC Catelli
FPC Cavendish product
FPC Cheerios
FPC Chocolate (Aero, Dairy Milk, Kit Kat, Lindt, Dairy Milk.. ANY!)
FPC Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief 75mL toothpaste exp Apr 30/13
FPC Dove
FPC Era Laundry
FPC For Any Dishwasher Detergent
FPC Glad garbage bags
FPC Got2B Hair prorduct
FPC Healthy Choice Steamers
FPC K-Cup's
FPC Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal 445g, 71196116, Mar 31,2013
FPC Kellogg's Mini-Wheats Original or Brown Sugar 510g Cereal, 71196103, Mar 31,2013
FPC Kelloggs Cereal (red and white coupon - valid on any)
FPC Kraft Habanero Heat Shredded Cheese
FPC Kraft Parmasan
FPC Laundry Detergent
FPC Lean Cuisine
FPC Mini Blizzard
FPC Oasis Juice Boxes
FPC Old El Paso
FPC Olivieri Fresh Pasta 360g or less OR Fresh Sauce 300mL or less OR Garlic Bread 333g, 72602342, Dec 31,2013
FPC Orville Reddenbacher Popcorn
FPC Planters Peanuts
FPC Powerade
FPC Purex laundry detergent
FPC Quaker chewy granola bars
FPC Renee's Salad Dressing
FPC Rice Krispies
FPC Sabra
FPC Simply Orange
FPC Sunlight Laundry Detergent
FPC Tropicana Orange Juice
FPC Wholly Guacamole
FPC any Kellogg's product, 71384245, NED
FPC for (1) package of any Michelina's entree excluding Real Gourmet
FPC old Dutch
Febreze Car Vent Clip Sample
Tide Pods Sample
Women's Razor Sample (please send directly to me, pm me for address)
Worth 2
Proof of Purchase from specially marked packages of Astro® Zer0%® yogurt for Sketchers promo
$1 Arctic Gardens Product Expires: June 30, 2014
$1 Beneful Pepared Meals
$1 Billy Bee honey
$1 Ganong Chicken Bones (Expiry December 31, 2013)
$1 Heinz any product (no expiry)
$1 Primo
$1 Royale (Valid on Any product) NED
$1.50 Purina Beneful Prepared Meals March 31 2013
$2 Arctic Gardens
$2 Healthy Choice Steamer
$2 Johnsonville Sausage
$3 Chapmans
$3 off Bread WUB Ziploc
$4 Finish Quantam
$5 Hasbro
$5 Off any Oasis, Rougemont, Ever fresh, Orange Maison, Fruite, Graves, Allens, Fairlee product
$8 on (1) 300mL Biotrue Multi-purpose Solution, Nov 30,2013
0.75 ANY Schneiders Lunchmate Stackers
Aeroplan Code
Any Call in from Campbells, Dare, ConAgra, Unilever, Quaker, General Mills, Hershey, J&J, Post, Kelloggs, Primo, Always, Colgate/Palmolive, Pepsico, SC Johnson, Gaylea, Unico
B1G1 Beneful Prepared Meals
B1G1 Grillem's
B1G1 Healthy Choice Steamer
B1G1 Tropicana
B2G1 Beneful Prepared Meals
B2G1 Philly Cream Cheese Bricks doorhanger
Catelli Healthy Harvest Pasta Sauce Mail in Rebate
Cloverleaf TUNA $1 wub 2 (valid on any) (NOT entertainers)
FPC 2L Fanta or Sprite
FPC M&Ms/Maltesers
FPC Tuna WUB Tuna Helper
Free Mars product WUB Bowlsize M&M's or Maltesers (peelie)
Fresh Chicken
Fresh Vegetables/Fruit (not WUB)
Lean Cuisine/Stouffers Pins from Box (UPC not necessery)
Unico Call in
Worth 1
$0.50 off any 2 Cloverleaf tuna 85g with No Expiry Date
$0.50 on any Gold Seal (tuna)
$0.75 WUB 2 Hunt's Tomato Sauce
$0.75+ Black Diamond Cheese (blocks, December 2013 expiry)
$1 Armstrong product
$1 Catelli Smart
$1 Cavendish Farms 750g From the Farm Potatoes
$1 Colgate Optic White (NO Size Restriction)
$1 Dare or Grissol (valid on any product) exp June 30 (from all you need is cheese magazine)
$1 Kikkoman (December 31/13)
$1 Lactania Butter
$1 Majesta toilet paper (not size specific)
$1 Marc Angelo No Expiry Date
$1 McCain Superfries
$1 Oasis Juice Boxes
$1 PAM Cooking Spray (Expires Dec 31 13)
$1 Revlon/Almay, good on any
$1 Royale Toilet Paper (Dec 2013 expiry)
$1 Saputo, Black Diamond or Cracker Barrell Blocks
$1 Summer Fresh Dip or Hummus product, Nov 30,2013
$1 WUB 2 Dawn, expiry: June 30, 2014
$1 any Unilever Ice Cream product, 87410508, Dec 31,2013
$1 off any Arctic Gardens (2013/2014 expiry)
$1 off any Charmin
$1 on any Olivieri fresh pasta or sauce, 12520581, Dec 31,2013
$1 on any Trojan Condom Product, April 30, 2013
$1+ Renee's Salad Dressing
$1.50 ANY Annabelle Product
$1.50 Colgate Advanced (no size restriction)
$1.50 Wheat Thins
$2 Bertolli Olive Oil
$2 Dove men+ care *1 per rider
$2 WUB 2 Wonderbread
$2 Revlon Beauty tools
$2 off Quaker Harvest Crunch, Fibre & Omega3, Yogurt, or Oatmeal to Go (120-220g, any variety)
$2+ Janes Chicken
$2+ Tide Washing Machine Cleaner
$2/2.50 Olymel (2013 expiry)
$3.50 Habanero Heat Cheese (Colored Printable is okay)
$3 WUB 2 Tide
$3 WUB Advil good on 24's (April 2014 expiry from Sample)
$3 wub (2) Energizer Max Battery packs, May 30,2013
$4 Biotrue Contact Solution (valid on 120 ml)
$5 WUB any 4 Smart Ones frozen meals (colored printable)
$0.50 Aquafresh toothpaste (NED)
Advil Liquigel Sample in package
Almay Coupons
Aluminium Foil
Alymer's Tomatoes $0.50 (not accents)
Any Schneiders Classic Favorites
Armstrong $1.00 EXP May 31st, 2013
B1G1 Booster juice smoothie
B1G1 Olivieri Sauce
Baking Soda
Betty Crocker Cake Mix/Frosting
Biore face wash sample
Biore or Olay Nose Strip Sample
Bulls Eye BBQ Sauce
Chef Boyardee
Claritin $4.50 NED
Classico Pasta Sauce
Clorox/Lysol Wipes
Crispy Mini's
Delissio Pizza (Rising Crust not garlic bread)
Dempster's Oven Fresh
Driscoll's Berries (Printable is ok!)
Duncan Hines Cake Mix/Frosting
Eggo Waffles
Gum Dental Products (LATER expiry than March 2013)
Hellman's Mayo valid on Regular
I can't believe it's not butter (spray or margerine)
Imperial Margerine
Kettle Chips
Kraft Parmasan Cheese (shaker)
Kraft Salad Dressing
Lean Cuisine/Stouffers frozen meals
Lunchmate Bucks
Maple Leaf Natural Selections deli meats
Marzetti Dip
McCain Pizza
Michelina's frozen Dinners
Nature Valley Bars (valid on peanut variety)
Old Dutch Liquid Laundry
Old El Paso
Peek Freans
Pepsi (valid on regular)
Philadelphia Cream Cheese (not Garlic)
Shake ‘n Bake exp. June 2013
Shoppers Optimum Points
Simply Orange
Tostitos Tortilla Chips
Tre Stelle Cheese (good on any)
VH sauce $2 wub 2 (valid on any)
Whitestrips sample
Ziploc $1 off 1/$2 off 2 (not $1 wub 2 please)
**********************************************Last edited by nadiabreckon; Wed, Jan 30th, 2013 at 06:39 AM.
Tue, Jan 29th, 2013, 09:04 PM #3
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I will ride
Wed, Jan 30th, 2013, 12:59 AM #4
Hi! Id love to join but havent been on here in a very long time as well. For the 30 dif coupons do they need to very specific ones like ie: Cover girl $2 with the exact upc etc? and then are we all mailing to you and then you mail out? Sorry it has been over a year and i just want to be clear on therules! Thanks!
Wed, Jan 30th, 2013, 05:52 AM #5
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You mail them all to me, I sort them for each rider and will mail them back to you.
As for being specific about your coupons, I would prefer you to be as open as you can, but I know sometimes you can only use certain coupons on certain items, or you want different UPC's in order to stack.
Sat, Feb 2nd, 2013, 08:26 PM #6
I would like a seat. I will PM my wish list shortly
Tue, Feb 5th, 2013, 06:28 PM #7
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Tue, Feb 5th, 2013, 07:41 PM #8
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Wed, Feb 6th, 2013, 03:57 PM #9
just waiting for wishlists
Thu, Feb 7th, 2013, 02:39 AM #10
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I'll take a seat
Tue, Feb 12th, 2013, 09:34 PM #11
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Anything happening with this train?
Thu, May 9th, 2013, 10:01 PM #12
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Is it possible to expire this thread?
It keeps showing up when searching for current trains that are boarding, but it's a no go.
I reported it awhile ago, but it still remains.
Maybe other members could click expired on the original post (as mods are busy), and it will vanish?
ThanksLast edited by K8's Fate; Thu, May 9th, 2013 at 10:03 PM.
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