need your addy for the consolation prize for the bb pool
Waiting on you to make a guess on the train, please do so ASAP
Can you please post a trade rating for me? I haven't received one yet. Thanks
happy holidays
Hey Laura I still haven't received ratings from you, pinkie pie, nicki 81? I was just wondering if you could post something ? Thanks taryn!
Okay when I start getting messages from others after getting no response what am I supposed to think? I guess you are right I should have looked again but last time there was no update. I am sorry.
So why start a coupon train where everyone sendsyou their coupons with stamps and you don't send any back to anyone? I am getting messages from other riders who are concerned. like really we want an answer here what is going on?
aw, Britney would love you for it! Have a wonderful Sunday, I loved getting that extra hour of sleep here.
uh oh! I was just sending a funny You Tube parody clip by Supergirly to another member. Sorry about that, are you a big fan of Britney?
Hey have you received my end of our trade (3 stamps) And if you haven't gotten it, I hope you do soon cause I sent it off pretty quickly.
Just dropping by to say hi!
just checking out your page ,, could you pm about the train ?
wondering if you have gotten my coupons yet
Junior Canuck
Frosh Canuck
Smart Canuck
Coupon Vixen