Hope you've had a wonderful summer!
Happy Yule and best wishes in the New Year
OH WOW!!! thanks for the RAOK!!!!!!
Love the new tat
Thank you SO much for the extra Gardein coupons on Carla's Guess How Many train. I REALLY appreciate your generosity...and so do my cash-strapped university student off-spring!!!
Hi there, was just wondering if you could please leave a feedback score on my trader page for the First 2012 lots of prizes vwt coupon train? Thanks!
Thanks "does the bump on his his stick up once in a while?" What does the second "his" mean? lol, did you mean the bump on his head? We call that bump his "smart bump"lol.
I have to go out for a few hours I have your message I will get back to you at aboout 5 I aslo have similac cheques
Happy New Year
Thanks for the great trade
Smart Canuck
damp is a gross word.
AKA Holly
Senior Canuck
Canadian Genius