not interested in any bogo pedigree coupons? you hadn't replied to my PM regarding them.
No, not yet pumpkin. Not worried yet as I still have several trades from the same day/previous day that haven't arrived yet and I've traded with you before so I trust you. Although to be honest now I'm not sure who to trust anymore because you just never know ... you know? Will leave you FB as soon as I get it
Hey Lady, miss seeing you around SC hope all is well
I have been worried about you!!!!
Hope all is well!
Hope you've had a wonderful summer!
I'm going through withdrawal!!!! Neeeed another Pumpkin train
fingers crossed!!
I LOVE these post its!!! HAHA Awesome .. I know Im a dork and nerd, but omg these are awesome
oops posted addy wrong place lol
Senior Canuck
Cancer survivor
Smart Canuck
Frugal is not being cheap
damp is a gross word.
Canadian Genius
Canadian Guru
I love to Trade
AKA Holly
Junior Canuck
Just Jez
Frosh Canuck
coupon skank emeritus