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Thread: Do your kids do chores?

  1. #31
    Smart Canuck Shirnette's Avatar
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    My child is at the infant stage but hubby I agree he will be tasked with age appropriate chore & no compensation for doing so(I 'll reward him as I see fit).I don't see it any other way.Kids need to be taught responsibility from they are young.I view it as arming them with life skills.I had to do chores(some that I view now as not being age appropriate) but I grew up in a 3rd country where such was customary( and girls had to learn to cook, clean,do laundry so they would be good wives when they grew up-SMH)I can do all those chores but i have hubby's help(he does the cooking).

  2. #32
    Mia is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shirnette View Post
    My child is at the infant stage but hubby I agree he will be tasked with age appropriate chore & no compensation for doing so(I 'll reward him as I see fit).I don't see it any other way.Kids need to be taught responsibility from they are young.I view it as arming them with life skills.I had to do chores(some that I view now as not being age appropriate) but I grew up in a 3rd country where such was customary( and girls had to learn to cook, clean,do laundry so they would be good wives when they grew up-SMH)I can do all those chores but i have hubby's help(he does the cooking).
    That's right. It's all about responsibility.

    Children have to be taught doing daily chores not for the sake of helping parents but for their own sake. That strengthens a sense of repsonsibility in them which prepares to step into their own life.
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  3. #33
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    My boys are 2 & 3. I have recently introduced a chore checklist of small things age appropriate(only because my oldest wanted to earn checkmarks like his brother for potty training). Included on this list so far is: picking up toys, emptying cutlery from dishwasher, and helping put away/fold laundry.

    No allowance yet but I do try to incorporate the earning your share aspect especially when my oldest really wants something new(mostly books, dvds, or toys). He is old enough to understand money doesn't grow on trees and you don't always get what you want!
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