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Thread: Last Poster Wins...$20

  1. #10276
    Canadian Guru Midnightly's Avatar
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    i'm here... not much going on.. watching the returned..
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    When life hands you Edward Cullen...throw him back and demand Eric Northman....

  2. #10277
    Proud Target Enabler vw_girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by win-star View Post
    Hi everyone!!!

    I actually took the day off today and caught up on my sleep. But been bored since noon!!

    Everyone is busy with family or work!! But when I am working, everyone is asking me to do something!!

    So I just stayed in and been watching movies since!!

    But I do feel refreshed resting at home.

    Also I ate a whole box of cookies and 2 cups of Ice Cream.

    I haven't been so bored in my life!! I feel like a loner today!!
    Oh Win....I know it feels weird, but it is very healthy to take a bit of time for yourself. I was surprised to see you took a day off but also happy for you cuz we don't want to see you burn out. Sorry I wasn't around cuz I would have chatted and kept you company.
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  3. #10278
    Canadian Guru Midnightly's Avatar
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    i'll admit i haven't been around all that much... i've been sucked into the target vortex
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    When life hands you Edward Cullen...throw him back and demand Eric Northman....

  4. #10279
    Proud Target Enabler vw_girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by win-star View Post
    On the way home from work I got an Ice Cap mixed with chocolate!!! SOOOOO YUMMY!!!!!!

    I found out about mixing with chocolate from the person ordering in front of me, I never knew we were able to do such a thing!! LOL
    mmmmmm...I am so doing this! Thanks for the tip
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  5. #10280
    Misanthrope GoJays's Avatar
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  6. #10281
    Proud Target Enabler vw_girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnightly View Post
    i'll admit i haven't been around all that much... i've been sucked into the target vortex
    I am always in the Target vortex! It was actually weird for me to turn that off and focus on what I had to do for my pup. Then when I was barely coming out of that fog of grief I found out that "my" Target put up the "9 days left" count down signs. Last thing I needed to hear!
    But I went twice today and spent more than I needed to both times, lol. But @Basicangel and I had a pretty decent shop tonight and it really picked up my spirits.

    How you been? How's your headache?
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  7. #10282
    Canadian Guru Midnightly's Avatar
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    i've been doing the bouncing between both stores..over and over and now i can't do that.. as i was driving to target today last day it being 90% off (i was there yesterday too when it was 80% off) i was thinking "yes.. i'm a target locust... i'm going to sweep through the remains" then i went to the other target and did similar... i mulled over a few things and decided nope i'll cross fingers and buy if it gets lower... and if they are gone it wasn't meant to be

    the headache has seemed to calm down though i still get the ringing in my ears every night annoyingly
    When life hands you Edward Cullen...throw him back and demand Eric Northman....

  8. #10283
    Proud Target Enabler vw_girl's Avatar
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    Just finished catching up. Wanted to thank everyone for the words and thoughts regarding Ivy. I thought she was getting better too...but after 2 days of her whining, panting and pacing and not having any spacial awareness so she just ran into or over things with no regard. I knew something was very wrong. She spiraled downhill so fast! Got a second opinion from a new vet and he said it was likely brain lesions and gave me morphine and some anxiety meds for her because I was hoping to just make her comfortable for a couple days while I made arrangements. But the meds didnt even touch whatever it was that was making her cry, broke my heart...I was up at 6am on Sunday ready to do whatever I had to. So thankful my family and friends were all there for me. I got to lay next to her and tell her about all the people that love her and what she has done for me and about the day she picked me to take her home as a little puppy. Still all sinking in and still finding ways to celebrate her life and honor her and find some closure....
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    Opening a fee-free Tangerine account using my Orange key: 43034602S1 You will receive a $50 bonus from Tangerine. Get another $25 bonus when opening a Savings account and making automatic deposits for 6 months AND get another $25 from me! PM me for details.

  9. #10284
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    oh my it's a windy night
    When life hands you Edward Cullen...throw him back and demand Eric Northman....

  10. #10285
    Proud Target Enabler vw_girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnightly View Post
    i've been doing the bouncing between both stores..over and over and now i can't do that.. as i was driving to target today last day it being 90% off (i was there yesterday too when it was 80% off) i was thinking "yes.. i'm a target locust... i'm going to sweep through the remains" then i went to the other target and did similar... i mulled over a few things and decided nope i'll cross fingers and buy if it gets lower... and if they are gone it wasn't meant to be

    the headache has seemed to calm down though i still get the ringing in my ears every night annoyingly
    I was SOOOO shocked how much changed in Langley store over the 2 days I was occupied with care taking Ivy. It felt like a different place. Really seems like they are wrapping things up quickly now and getting the heck out of dodge I sure miss my late night shops where I was one of the only people in the store at 9pm and I just got lost in that Target vortex and was in a happy place. Now its 30+ people in line by 9pm and they are calling last call by 9:20

    Its gonna be over soon *sigh*
    Opening a fee-free Tangerine account using my Orange key: 43034602S1 You will receive a $50 bonus from Tangerine. Get another $25 bonus when opening a Savings account and making automatic deposits for 6 months AND get another $25 from me! PM me for details.

  11. #10286
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    i think for me the change was when they got to 50% level... you could see the shift in the store's attitude and how things were looking..and not just about the big empty spaces it was how well cared for the store looked and how the staff acted and ofcourse the customers then it just sort of snowballed..

    i'll admit i was kinda amused when i took a quick look over the dvd/cds/blurays what were left and it was a bunch of the newest spider man for dvds and the Kanye west cds lol
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    When life hands you Edward Cullen...throw him back and demand Eric Northman....

  12. #10287
    heartgirl99 heartgirl99's Avatar
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  13. #10288
    Canadian Guru Midnightly's Avatar
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    okies i head to bed time... not going to target tomorrow.. i will not go... i will not go i will not go.. there is nothing i need and i need to hide my current target purchases, finish the laundry i started 3 days ago and be productive instead of spending more money at target
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    When life hands you Edward Cullen...throw him back and demand Eric Northman....

  14. #10289
    Proud Target Enabler vw_girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midnightly View Post
    i think for me the change was when they got to 50% level... you could see the shift in the store's attitude and how things were looking..and not just about the big empty spaces it was how well cared for the store looked and how the staff acted and ofcourse the customers then it just sort of snowballed..

    i'll admit i was kinda amused when i took a quick look over the dvd/cds/blurays what were left and it was a bunch of the newest spider man for dvds and the Kanye west cds lol
    Yeah, I get that. I saw that at many other locations too around the 50% mark. Langley always had a lot of pride and caring staff and things never really fell apart there until recently. But many of them are gone now and I guess replaced by temps hired by the liquidator. I just don't think they can keep up with the standards we are use too and really they have no leadership anymore. Moral is down. I feel for them.
    Opening a fee-free Tangerine account using my Orange key: 43034602S1 You will receive a $50 bonus from Tangerine. Get another $25 bonus when opening a Savings account and making automatic deposits for 6 months AND get another $25 from me! PM me for details.

  15. #10290
    heartgirl99 heartgirl99's Avatar
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