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Thread: Shoppers Coupons getting a bit stingy.

  1. #61
    CaToonie Ivanasavalot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WINNIPEGZELDA View Post
    Now I don't know what to say except sorry for the rants and for putting up with me. I am more upset today with that rep's treatment than when it happened.

    Called Shoppers several times today to ask for explanation. Lines very busy but just got through.

    This rep listened to the chain of events, put me on hold for 5 minutes while she went to talk to someone, came back on and told me they have:

    - no problem how I manage our cards in our home
    - no problem with me doing all of my husband's computer stuff (including printing for him)
    - has no idea why that rep told me these things as not true
    - no problem with us choosing the better offer between the 2 cards and going together to shop on that card
    - no problem issuing hubby another card if he wants one
    - apologized for info given by and treatment to me by other rep
    - ...

    Hubby ordered a card.
    Time for more advil.
    I am glad to hear that!!! I am also happy to hear that you didn't let it go and called them again!!!

    LMAO@Amira and Poobah!!!

  2. #62
    Senior Canuck WINNIPEGZELDA's Avatar
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    Thank you everyone for your support and ideas.
    Truly appreciated.

    I was pleasantly surprised when this rep said he certainly can have a card, and would he like have a new one. She asked if he would like one mailed or picked up in store. I never even asked for another card!

    At the beginning of the call, I asked if she was able to listen to a 3 minute summary of the chain of events, and that I have been really bothered by it for a couple of days. She was extremely pleasant and polite.

    Relieved as I was already missing the staff at my SDM!
    Last edited by WINNIPEGZELDA; Fri, May 1st, 2015 at 12:29 AM.

  3. #63
    CaToonie Ivanasavalot's Avatar
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    I don't blame you, I think I would be devastated....that was a very draining day for you
    amira84 and WINNIPEGZELDA like this.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by WINNIPEGZELDA View Post
    Well, here's a change a coming. 1 card to share between husband and wife. No 2 cards allowed.

    12:00 - called to ask about 8000 wus $30 not on hubby's account today (shopped on 21st. This is the offer I did not want to risk on the weekend before).
    Told they had to speak with hubby. I said I would call back when he gets home. I understand they have to get his ok to speak with me about his account. That's ok.
    Spoke with lady, don't know her name.

    12:30 -
    called back. Hubby gave ok. Spoke with a man for at least 20 minutes. Don't know his name.
    He was able to bring up transaction, said that hubby's purchases qualify for 8000 pts., he needed coupon code to check why points not given. I don't have original receipt, the only one out of 50 or so!

    Told me to go back to store and the manager could print out the transaction, then the manager could manually add the points or he could fax to him. Or manager could call with info from the printout. He said he needed to determine the glitch in not scanning properly before he will issue the points. He agreed that the pc was scanned as he could see the '1' point on my receipt.

    5:00 - went to SDM on my own. Hubby stayed home to cook. Acting supervisor printed out the transaction from the 21st.
    I called and said I have the coupon codes that the man, who I spoke with earlier, asked for.
    She said he has NO record of that conversation. Only has a note from 12:00 conversation. Of course, I didn't ask his name!
    Said she needed to speak with Hubby to get his permission to speak with me. I said hubby gave permission to service rep during 12:30 call.
    She said there is no record of that call. I told her hubby at home and I'm standing in the store.
    She told me to get my husband to call and say that I'll be calling back and ok to speak to me regarding his account.

    Called hubby, gave him 1-800 number and instructions.

    Waited about 10 minutes, called 1-800 number, on hold for a while, heard a 'beep' on my phone, did not answer as I was on hold with SDM.

    When service rep answered, she said that she could not talk to me as needed my hubby's permission. I said he just called and cleared that up. Said goodbyes as she couldn't talk to me.

    Called hubby, he said "why didn't you answer the call, shoppers did a 3 way conference call".
    Well, this was the first I heard about a conference call happening!

    6:00 - left my cart in store, went to my van to call, again. A new rep would not hear a thing. Kept saying I've been calling several times today already. I repeatedly tried to tell her that EVERY person I spoke with has told me something different, and that I followed the instructions of each rep only to be told something different. She kept cutting me off, would not let me explain that I'm only doing what I was told to do.
    Call ended. I'm sure by this time account is triple-red-flagged!!

    Good thing I was in my van, at this time I had a good cry, composed myself and made another call.

    6:30 - called and spoke with another rep. She said she could see a lot of notes. Asked a lot of questions.
    end result -
    I manage both cards on 2 different email accounts
    I print personal offers
    I shop with my husband when we use his card, or when we use my card
    We cannot have 2 card between us, viewed as misuse of card
    I'm to have husband call, transfer his points to my card, then cancel his card so we have only the allowed 1 card between us. She gave us her name, asked for hubby to call and ask for her to do this. Then she would issue the 8000 points as a 'good will gesture'.

    7:00 - got home, hubby and I did what they asked for.
    Hubby's points transferred to mine, his card is now cancelled.

    Unbelievably stressful, but I have to say that the staff and manager at the only SDM I go to, are WONDERFUL and make shopping a great experience! It pains me to even write this..
    WtH ???? Only one card allowed between spouses
    momi likes this.
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  5. #65
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    I'm glad you got it sorted out! Hopefully they don't start giving others issue when they call about missing points, because I have a feeling there will be a lot of phone calls :/

    SIGN UP!!! SIGN UP!!!

  6. #66
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    Glad to hear it has been resolved. Also really glad to hear you were able to reach a rep who was willing to listen to what you were trying to tell her. I hope you got her name. Clearly she is a keeper.

  7. #67
    CaToonie Poobah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WINNIPEGZELDA View Post
    Now I don't know what to say except sorry for the rants and for putting up with me. I am more upset today with that rep's treatment than when it happened.

    Called Shoppers several times today to ask for explanation. Lines very busy but just got through.

    This rep listened to the chain of events, put me on hold for 5 minutes while she went to talk to someone, came back on and told me they have:

    - no problem how I manage our cards in our home
    - no problem with me doing all of my husband's computer stuff (including printing for him)
    - has no idea why that rep told me these things as not true
    - no problem with us choosing the better offer between the 2 cards and going together to shop on that card
    - no problem issuing hubby another card if he wants one
    - apologized for info given by and treatment to me by other rep
    - ...

    Hubby ordered a card.
    Time for more advil.
    I'm terribly sorry.. I must of been laughing way to hard at Amira, and missed this post entirely.

    What a roller coster ride indeed. I'm happy you got the outcome you did, but I have a feeling this issue will continue to thorne in the side for many to come.

  8. #68
    Smart Canuck toronto166's Avatar
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    @WINNIPEGZELDA - If there's anyone who deserves a good, relaxing weekend, it is you. Just put your feet up and do nothing. Mental stress is just as exhausting as any physical activity. I'm glad you got this resolved.

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