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Thread: Delayed operations

  1. #31
    Smart Canuck SnowFlakey's Avatar
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    I had my second surgery on the retina on Friday past. Although the doctor said it would be a minor adjustment only, i found that the surgery was harder on me than the first one. It was done in hospital again with IV and heart monitors, etc. I received a local numbing agent this time and not the full anaesthesia but after the operation i was extremely nausiated and my eye was in a lot of pain and i had a major headache. They kept me longer in the hospital and gave me meds to stop the nausia. It didnt help. I lied and told them i was ok to go home after a while and i was discharged.

    I barely made it home because i was so nausiated and my head hurt. Hubby gave me some Gravol and Tylynol and i fell asleep for a few hours. When i woke up i was feeling much better. My eye looked like one of those gargoyle eye and is still swollen today but not as bad.

    So today i had my followup with the doctor and he said i am progressing well and my vision will be improving every day as the swelling goes down! I was so worried i would need another operation that i didnt sleep much last night. I have another followup with him on Nov 16th. And after that i would need to see an optomitrist to get a new eyeglass lens for that eye (i wear glasses). Anyway, heres hoping that everything goes as he says it will!
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  2. #32
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    @SnowFlakey : Those are such good news for you!!!
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

  3. #33
    Smart Canuck SnowFlakey's Avatar
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    I had my followup visit with the Retinologist yesterday and the news, while good, is a bit mixed for me. The good news is that the operation was a success and that i now have 50% vision back in my left eye as compared to 10% before the operation. The bad news is that i will only have 50% vision in the left eye. I was hoping for at least 70% but i guess i need to accept this because it wont be more. Doc said that 50% is better than 10% to which i agree but i was hoping for more. So now im going to make an appointment with the optomitrist to change the lens of my glasses for the left eye. My next appointment with the retinologist is in 6 months. Yay!
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  4. #34
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnowFlakey View Post
    I had my followup visit with the Retinologist yesterday and the news, while good, is a bit mixed for me. The good news is that the operation was a success and that i now have 50% vision back in my left eye as compared to 10% before the operation. The bad news is that i will only have 50% vision in the left eye. I was hoping for at least 70% but i guess i need to accept this because it wont be more. Doc said that 50% is better than 10% to which i agree but i was hoping for more. So now im going to make an appointment with the optomitrist to change the lens of my glasses for the left eye. My next appointment with the retinologist is in 6 months. Yay!
    Indeed mixed news but thankful that you are better off than you were
    SnowFlakey likes this.
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  5. #35
    Smart Canuck SnowFlakey's Avatar
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    On Monday my operated on eye started swelling up and i didnt know why. It was itchy like crazy so i put some systane drops in. Didnt help. Today is Thursday and the swelling has gone down considerably. Hubby thinks something bit my eyelid during the night and thats why it was swelling. Im just thankful the swelling is going down!

    But i have a question for anyone who had a membrane imperitineane operation. I would like to know if your perception of things is off a bit. Its like you are walking and you have to be extra careful because the floor isnt quite near your foot or something like that. Or if you are trying to get a piece of lint off your blouse and you keep reaching for it but its not quite there so you have to manouver your fingers until you get it. Its really weird. Just wondering if anyone else is like that.

    Its a bit like after my knee replacement operations. I kept falling up the stairs, not down the stairs. My brain was telling me to lift my leg up but in reality i wasnt lifting high enough. It was as if my brain wasnt connecting to my leg. Weird feeling.

  6. #36
    Smart Canuck SnowFlakey's Avatar
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    In the Province of Quebec, there are approximately 30,000 operations delayed because of Covid-19. The Prov Govt said that it would be about 2 years before the hospitals catch up I feel for the patients waiting for operations and i feel for the overworked hospital staff who have to deal with the backlog.

  7. #37
    Mastermind cath007's Avatar
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    Yeah about delayed operations I am lucky my father who enter in emergency for a 4 by pass will be operated very promply for his 4 heart the end of the week probably...but stupid covid ...I cannot visit him...but at least with his emergency he his not on waiting list...that is a good thing..please pray for him ...
    Skippy likes this.
    The goal is to live day by day not to much thinking hahaha !!!!
    I love to save money!!! Frugal life hahaah !!!

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