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Thread: 2024-06 June Frugal Chatter

  1. #196
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    Busy work morning but I was still able to deal with the stuff put in my office.
    (Cleaned out a closet completely so had to deal with all of it!)
    So much better now and will keep at it till my work day is done at 3pm!
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  2. #197
    Canadian Genius lilo0003's Avatar
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    Only 3 days left in Ontario. This next stretch will be the longest away but I am so glad my older son is here to watch the house. He spent the week making meals for the freezer as he hates cooking for one and he and his brother don’t like the same stuff. I did fill the freezer with steak and burgers for them and today tenderloin was on sale at RCSS so I picked up a few as the kids still host their grandfather when we are NS.
    Truck and trailer are loaded and we really are starting to see a difference in the house. This trip is some stuff from my mom’s place that needs to go out to both my home and my brothers.
    Lots of stuff on this weekend as well so it’s a busy few days.
    Friends don't let real friends pay full price.

  3. #198
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    Well you know what they say about best laid plans LOL, all I wanted to do this weekend was sleep in, I have been so tired all week. Yeah, I was wide awake at 5:14 this morning but in an odd way as much as I wanted to sleep in, I do enjoy being a morning person and up early.

    It was a slow start to my morning, I was awake but did not want to get up so I read some of my book. It is funny I went to kindle books because I could not find the next book in the series in print and wasn't sure about reading on Kindle. Now I have the next 2 books in print (found them on clearance cheaper than kindle) but now it is like oh, I have to carry a book around lol, I am so used to just reading it on my phone.

    The rain has started here and they are calling for thunderstorms this afternoon so we shall see. Just to be safe, I am charging all of my devices so I could read (see I am used to kindle now lol) or watch movies, I always keep a few things downloaded on Netflix and Disney+ so if we lose power we can entertain ourselves.

    I have so much I should be getting done around the house but I am trying to find my ambition. I am such an overthinker, I so badly want to take this weekend off but at the same time my brain is spinning with everything, so we shall see what happens.

    Happy Saturday Everyone.
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  4. #199
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Nothing too earth shattering happened today but did get a few things done.

    I did some general tidying up, anything for basement or pantry from Costco or my grocery shop was living in my grocery bags on the kitchen floor so I sorted those. Everything for upstairs has been put away everything for the basement is in the basement but that will need to be tidied another day.

    Then I NEEDED to do the floors as I did not get them done before I went out of town last week so they needed a good scrub. But before I started the floors I remembered we needed to fill up our big bin of flour, we have a bin that holds a 10 KG bag. So I did that then I vacuumed the main floor and scrubbed the floor. So happy to have that done.

    Well I was working in the kitchen Mom did the few hand dishes that still needed to be done.

    Dinner tonight is homemade pizza with side Caesar Salads.

    I have started working on a meal plan but for some reason I am stuck on everything chicken. So will need to see if I can do a quick rewrite and include some none chicken options.
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  5. #200
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    I know I said I was good for groceries but I’m headed to NF tonight to grab more strawberries, naan and a few veggies like onions etc. First we hit the gym for strength training then off to shop.

  6. #201
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    Today popped over to shoppers stocked up on shower gel softsoap was on for 3.99 and i havent seen it that price in a year or two.So i spent 40 on a few other sale items also got a mystery deal of free cereal saved 4.50.

    Plus found the lays chips with the peelie sticker save 4.00 when you buy 4 bags of chips they were on for 2/5.50 = 1.75 a bag mind you all the peelies were off the bags so that tells me people are taking them off ,not good.

    Then went to sobeys and got the sales racked up 990 points on a 65.00 order ,so that was great all my personal scene points collided with sales .
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  7. #202
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Sometimes my excitement for company gets the best of me. The guys are sleeping ( as they should be ) but I've been up since 6 a.m. prepping stuff for the grill later when the kids arrive for the BBQ. I'll blacken the 4 red bell peppers and a few thick slices of fresh pineapple first. I've oven roasted about 3 cups of carrots so the oven heat will be gone by the time the BBQ time is on. The meat will be put on the grill last. Hmmmm, this is really a food post isn't it? , oh

    babies teach us acceptance

  8. #203
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    @walkonby , I feel you when I have food to be made especially for an event it is all I can focus on.
    harbie, walkonby and lilo0003 like this.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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  9. #204
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Good Morning Everyone,
    With the chaos in my life I have fallen behind on keeping up with my budget but to be honest I did not realize how behind I was. I looked in my Budget journal only to realize I am 3 months behind . The only good news is life has been so insane, I have no had time to spend $$$. The only area I have some concern is groceries because I was buying some convenience foods so we did not turn to take-out but I feel like we are still good. Costco might be another story especially since before I left I grabbed Mom some extra things I do not normally buy for her to have simple options. But we will see.

    My goal for this weekend is get caught up. So I can start fresh for July. I have decided to accumulate what my budget should have been for the 3 months and then remove what I spent and go from there instead of trying to do each month separately.

    I am also working on crocheting baby Ice Cream cones, they are so cute and helping the anxiety. I have nothing to be anxious about but I think yesterday was my body coming down from the anxiety because all day I felt like there was something wrong or I should be worrying about something but I had no idea what. So I started to work on my crochet, it keeps my hands busy and the counting seems to help to refocus my mind.

    Not sure what I will get done today, we will see. I do need to do some prep for the week to come. Last weekend neither Mom nor I were feeling our best and I think it was because during the week we did not eat the best and our bodies were feeling it so last weekend I prioritizing doing our prep and even with me being on the road we both ate so much better. I need to do the same this weekend.

    I also need to dig out our slow cooker, I have been craving chicken shawarma and Mom wants to make ribs.

    Lots to get done, will need to see where the day takes me. Happy Sunday Everyone.
    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
    follow along as tackle day to day life and whatever else 2021 throws at me:

  10. #205
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    Sometimes my excitement for company gets the best of me. The guys are sleeping ( as they should be ) but I've been up since 6 a.m. prepping stuff for the grill later when the kids arrive for the BBQ. I'll blacken the 4 red bell peppers and a few thick slices of fresh pineapple first. I've oven roasted about 3 cups of carrots so the oven heat will be gone by the time the BBQ time is on. The meat will be put on the grill last. Hmmmm, this is really a food post isn't it? , oh
    Sounds like a really nice bbq. Enjoy!
    harbie, walkonby, lilo0003 and 1 others like this.

  11. #206
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    Walkonby ,enjoy your bbq with family.

    My son just dropped in to borrow a fishing rod.Cara helped me cut up small branches of wood from the neighbours trees .I gave my son $20.00 to spend on the girls up north at the candy shop in huntsville.

    A tiny bit cooler today so hung the clothing out to dry .

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