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Thread: Christmas In July Package Train!!! Read Post 3242!!! (pg 217)

  1. #481
    Canadian Guru Peachykeen2007's Avatar
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    Answers to questions asked also forgot to add seat on the ADULT TRAIN

    Homemade Items -
    Almost everything, really looking for a knitted baby doll blanket for my son's baby

    Who does, and doesn't like the downy Unstoppables or Gain fireworks In wash scent boosters -
    LOVE Downy Unstoppables PINK

    On another note, Who here uses Febreeze Fabric refresher?
    NOPE don't use

    so buddy if you want anything from the states?
    ICB Rootbeer, these pretzel things with peanut butter in them, US only Soda Stream flavors on my WL, CHICKEN FETTICINI ALFREDO HELPER!!!

    buddy I hope you like lindor chocolate balls -
    Red only

    buddy do you want any Christmas items?
    Christmas Disney ornaments from Hallmark, they might even be super cheap now

    I would like them all but if I had to ONLY choose 1 it would be
    1. "Thank You" or "Thanks for the trade" stickers with your SC name
    2. Custom mailing address labels (with or without your SC name?)
    3. Business cards to put in envies that says "thanks for the trade/please leave feedback" with your SC name.
    4. Notepad paper with your SC name

    Hey buddy I was wondering, do you have a coupon binder or a coupon bag/organizer?
    I have the mini one from you, LOVE it, as for a bigger one, nah no need for it!

    And would you ever consider a coupon bag/organizer, if so whats your favorite colours ?
    No the one you gave me is just fine

    Oh and Buddy, do you like home made candles?
    Yes as long as they are in jars

    With so many " likes" on this post/ pic... If you were my buddy, would you like this as the "handmade gift"?
    YES in purples & blues any patterns

    Buddy I'm wondering if any of the following samples bring you joy:
    mr. Clean magic erasers, "clear" shampoo and conditioner, swifter dusters, febreze set and refresh (Hawaiian scent).
    Also listed on my wishlist a sample section
    Last edited by Peachykeen2007; Mon, Jun 3rd, 2013 at 01:07 AM.

  2. #482
    Smart Canuck missidj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jezebel View Post
    I have messaged you You may join the kids train 2x if you like or 1x adult train and 1x kid train
    Awesome! Thanks=) I will take 2 seats on the kids train then please

    I have read and understand all the “Package Train Rules/Guidelines." I understand if I do not follow the guidelines my name will be added to the consequence list in the sticky.

    I am currently riding 5 VWT Trains (1 is still boarding, others are sent).

  3. #483
    Smart Canuck chesterjes's Avatar
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    i have a really nice one i got from a certain someone lol (I won it it on one of cherie's trains)
    Quote Originally Posted by cherielake View Post
    Hey buddy I was wondering, do you have a coupon binder or a coupon bag/organizer?
    And would you ever consider a coupon bag/organizer, if so whats your favorite colours ?

  4. #484
    Smart Canuck chesterjes's Avatar
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    love homemade candles
    Quote Originally Posted by cherielake View Post
    Oh and Buddy, do you like home made candles? My kids and I make a bunch of different kinds, from rolled up beeswax, to teacup candles. I mentioned to my kids I was doing this train, and right away my youngest says "do we get to make candles like we do for everyone at Christmas?" lol
    cherielake and SassyAshley like this.

  5. #485
    Just Jez
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peachykeen2007 View Post
    Adult Seat Please

    "I have read and understand all the Package Train Rules/Guidelines" I understand if I do not follow the guidelines my name will be added to to the consequence list in the sticky”

    A list of all trains you are currently riding

    Momto2k's Kids Sticker Exchange Car 1 & Car 2
    NickiB's Plastic Leftovers
    Leymi15's Canada On The Go #2
    KK7's Mom & Kids Secret Exchange
    Julesie-pie's May 2-4 $10 Secret Sender Exchange
    LauraWill's Summertime Fun
    Couponsrule CT$ Plea
    Jessica373 The Sample Exchange #2
    CouponLadybird's Ca$h Cow
    Coyote's Memory Game
    Pumpkin9211's RRRRRRRRRLF #5
    CouponLadybird's Clothesline Express
    Supermarket Sweep - hosting
    SC's Offical Happy Summer Card Exchange - hosting

    Quote Originally Posted by mimzy71 View Post
    WL sent! Thanks to all who posted there lists for some great ideas! Now pending approval with a SDM redemption day coming up PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE like me Jez. Did I say Please?

    Quote Originally Posted by FallenPixels View Post
    OK I finally finished my wishlist

    No trains currently (looks around suspiciously at those on more than 10) - 1 trade already sent
    hmmm I wonder about this rider j/k Approved

    Quote Originally Posted by cherielake View Post
    Question!! - My daughter has been bugging and bugging me about the kids package train.. would I be able to sign up for that for her. I know I said adults only but Chyna will not leave me alone, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by cherielake View Post
    officially requesting a seat on the kids train

    I have read and understand all the “Package Train Rules/Guidelines." I understand if I do not follow the guidelines my name will be added to the consequence list in the sticky

    Already posted before about the trains I was on

    Quote Originally Posted by cmontario View Post
    Hi all just got home time to catch up 10 pages lol
    your not kidding !!

    Quote Originally Posted by beckyrobinson1 View Post
    With so many " likes" on this post/ pic... If you were my buddy, would you like this as the "handmade gift"?
    oh I am going to try making this

    Quote Originally Posted by Melissa13 View Post
    Okay, I've been humming and hawing all day...AND I've decided to join (the Adult train)! Haven't been on a Package train since the Xmas Advent one so think I deserve it

      • I have read and understand all the “Package Train Rules/Guidelines." I understand if I do not follow the guidelines my name will be added to the consequence list in the sticky.

    I am currently on 6 VWT (all have been mailed) and 4 Trad trains (waiting to receive them still)

    Quote Originally Posted by missidj View Post
    Awesome! Thanks=) I will take 2 seats on the kids train then please

    I have read and understand all the “Package Train Rules/Guidelines." I understand if I do not follow the guidelines my name will be added to the consequence list in the sticky.

    I am currently riding 5 VWT Trains (1 is still boarding, others are sent).
    yay! approved

  6. #486
    Just Jez
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    ok off to check Lola's train

  7. #487
    Smart Canuck chesterjes's Avatar
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    yes i would
    Quote Originally Posted by beckyrobinson1 View Post
    With so many " likes" on this post/ pic... If you were my buddy, would you like this as the "handmade gift"?
    Jezebel and SassyAshley like this.

  8. #488
    Smart Canuck chesterjes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beckyrobinson1 View Post
    Catching up on some Q&A's...
    -Yes to the laundry scent boosters, I especially like the new gain samples that just came out...
    -no to the fabric refreshers.. We have a million!
    -I already have a coupon folder/ bag from etsy and I absolutely love it. I have it so organized, it's just perfect!
    -candles are a no no in our, dog, forgetful me=SCARY!

    Buddy I'm wondering if any of the following samples bring you joy: cascade dishwasher gel packs, Nivea body lotion, Nivea shower cream, mr. Clean magic erasers, "clear" shampoo and conditioner, swifter dusters, Nivea bar soap, febreze set and refresh (Hawaiian scent).

    i have a connection with a friend who delivers samples door to door in Mississauga and she always saves me the extras, if there is any. I know- I AM BLESSED!
    love sample but dont use lotions or bar soaps
    Jezebel and SassyAshley like this.

  9. #489
    Smart Canuck dlee's Avatar
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    too tired to catch up tonight. I'll pick up from page 25 tomorrow.

    tomorrow is "get my buddy list day". I CAN"T WAIT!!!

  10. #490
    Trade Mod FallenPixels's Avatar
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    Homemade Items - anything, can't think of anything in particular

    Who does, and doesn't like the downy Unstoppables or Gain fireworks In wash scent boosters
    On another note, Who here uses Febreeze Fabric refresher?
    We don't buy them, but we use them when we get them free

    so buddy if you want anything from the states?
    hmmmm will have to come back to this one

    buddy I hope you like lindor chocolate balls -
    the milk chocolate ones only

    With so many " likes" on this post/ pic... If you were my buddy, would you like this as the "handmade gift"?
    No, one of the cats would likely chew it to pieces or get tangled in it

    Buddy I'm wondering if any of the following samples bring you joy:
    mr. Clean magic erasers, "clear" shampoo and conditioner, swifter dusters, febreze set and refresh (Hawaiian scent).
    yes to all jealous that you get swiffer samples! except dishwasher tablets - we hand wash dishes oldskool style
    Last edited by FallenPixels; Mon, Jun 3rd, 2013 at 08:40 AM.
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  11. #491
    blossomingcanuck mimzy71's Avatar
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    Last edited by mimzy71; Mon, Jun 3rd, 2013 at 06:40 AM.

  12. #492
    blossomingcanuck mimzy71's Avatar
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    And now for some shopping!Can't seem to get my return button to work sorry! Yes! to most anything homemade-fabric garland (blues/turquoise/silver) and candles. The coupons bags from etsy look beautiful would LOVE one of those. Samples Yes Please!

  13. #493
    Canadian Genius nat77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherielake View Post
    LOL I hope I get you as my buddy then That would be awesome lol!!
    I was window shopping around Etsy for coupon purses before this train started, I`ll stop doing that just in case you are I have a coupon purse, but I`ve had to wash it 3 or 4 times and it`s beginning to wear out a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by MeShell View Post

    Anyone have any good tips on how to get a 16 month old into a new bedroom and toddler bed? He loves his crib and is such a good sleeper (still has two naps a day (1-2 hours each time) and sleeps about 10 hours straight through the night) plus we thrive on routine so ours daily routines/nap times/bedtimes are almost always the same times. He HAS to sleep with his lullaby gloworm.....and he has napped before at my moms in a playpen. But I've tried to lay him down in his car bed with his gloworm....he laid down for a minute and then sat up and eventually stood up because he's used to that room being his "playroom" right now. I just have a feeling he's not going to be transitioned before baby is born. I still feel he's kinda young but didn't want to buy a second crib. Baby2 will be sleeping in a bassinet in our bedroom for the few month or two anyways, so I'm not TOO concerned that it needs to be asap but would like to start trying soon because not sure if he's going to get really jealous about Baby2. Oh, also another thing about him....he will NOT fall asleep laying in bed with us or just relaxing on the couch, only falls asleep in his crib (which is obviously a good thing...but...ya...) Anyways, any tips? Start with naptimes? Or just go ahead and try bedtime in there because it's dark and he might associated sleeping with it being dark?
    Our kids are 18 months apart, so we transferred Zachary over to a toddler bed around the same time. We pushed the toddler bed over to the corner of the room and then pushed his dressed up to the open side to make him feel like he was more boxed in (more like a crib). He did fine. He probably transitioned easier to the toddler bed because he was so young. He might surprise and really like the feeling of being a big boy in his new big boy bed---I had the same concerns as you and was pleasantly surprised at how well my son adapted!

    Quote Originally Posted by beckyrobinson1 View Post
    With so many " likes" on this post/ pic... If you were my buddy, would you like this as the "handmade gift"?
    I would love it! I can`t promise I wouldn`t try and pass your beautiful handiwork off as my own though

    Quote Originally Posted by beckyrobinson1 View Post

    Buddy I'm wondering if any of the following samples bring you joy: cascade dishwasher gel packs, Nivea body lotion, Nivea shower cream, mr. Clean magic erasers, "clear" shampoo and conditioner, swifter dusters, Nivea bar soap, febreze set and refresh (Hawaiian scent).

    i have a connection with a friend who delivers samples door to door in Mississauga and she always saves me the extras, if there is any. I know- I AM BLESSED!
    Holy Lord!! Yes to all of those samples!!!! I love ALL Samples!!

  14. #494
    Trade Mod FallenPixels's Avatar
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    If you missed the deadline to sign up for this one, Lola's is still boarding (5 items instead of 17 so better if on a budget too)
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  15. #495
    Smart Canuck K8's Fate's Avatar
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    Have a great day everyone!

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