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Thread: Cell phone?

  1. #1
    Smart Canuck StarDancer's Avatar
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    What do you think when you see people on there cell phone when they are in a mall, doctors office, in there car?

    This that it's rude when people are on the phone when they are at the checks. It's also really dangerous having people driving and talking on the phone!
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  2. #2
    Nat is offline
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    I agree. I work in a clothing store and when I cash people out or let them into a fitting room, I find it very rude when they just continue talking, wave their hand at me or totally ignore me. They can simply ask the person on the other end to hold for 10secs while I speak to them. Driving on the phone is definitely dangerous. Yesterday I was at wal-mart with my mum and there was a lady TRYING to back in a parking spot, with much difficulty and when we looked closer she was on a cell. Like duh Hang up (and call back if need be). lol

  3. #3
    I agree! I sell cell phones we always joke that when we sell a phone we should include a 'rules of cellular etiquette' book .

  4. #4
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    That would be a funny book to give out . If I'm with a friend (she uses her phone a lot.. it's usually GLUED to her ear) and someone calls her while she's cashing out I'll answer the cashier or she will... she doesn't always hang up, but is still polite enough to talk to the cashier (etc)

  5. #5
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    That is one of my pet peeves! I hate it when people are checking out at a store and they are talking on a cell! I think that it is SO rude. Maybe you have to have worked in a retail position to appreciate what that job is like but I am SO nice to any check out person! THe world has gone CELL PHONE CRAZY. I personally hate talking on the phone anywhere.

  6. #6
    Me too, I hate talking on the phone!

  7. #7
    Oo I just hate that! At the medical clinic where I used work in the summers, not only would they chat the entire time they were in the waiting room, but they would answer the phone and make the doctors wait while they found out who it was! One doctor has now set a rule that if you answer your cell in his office, the appointment is over (unless you are expecting your wife to go into labour or something). I hate it when they are sitting right next to you and you can hear the entire conversation.. I have a running dare with some friends to just join right in the conversation, but none of us have been brave enough to try it yet!
    Last edited by bcteagirl; Fri, Aug 10th, 2007 at 11:04 PM.

  8. #8
    Admin Boo Radley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StarDancer View Post
    What do you think when you see people on there cell phone when they are in a mall, doctors office, in there car?

    This that it's rude when people are on the phone when they are at the checks. It's also really dangerous having people driving and talking on the phone!
    add iPods/mp3 players to the list... i hate it when people continue listening to their iPods or using their cell phones as they cash out... have some respect and feelings to the people around you

    sometimes you get friends walking together in a mall and each using their cell phone. Why go out together if most of the time is spent on the cell phone?

    but in mall and grocery stores cell phones can come in handy. If one member of a family goes shopping alone they can always phone home and check that they're buying the right stuff... they can also phone asking if a deal is worth it or not... this can avoid a lot of problems and arguments when that person goes back home

    People who drive and talk end up driving dangerously risking everybody's life or they drive so slowly! But if you take the same route everyday to work you may be able to drive just as well since you're so used to the route... i think it can also come in handy for urgent situations or when you need to phone your children's school or something.. but not for purely useless conversations

    Quote Originally Posted by Prue7979 View Post
    I agree! I sell cell phones we always joke that when we sell a phone we should include a 'rules of cellular etiquette' book .
    HAHA!! I love that idea!! Maybe we can start this project online and then talk to cell phone providers and ask them to distribute our resources for free. Good idea prue

    Quote Originally Posted by bcteagirl View Post
    Oo I just hate that! At the medical clinic where I used work in the summers, not only would they chat the entire time they were in the waiting room, but they would answer the phone and make the doctors wait while they found out who it was! One doctor has now set a rule that if you answer your cell in his office, the appoitment is over (unless you are expecting your wife to go into labour or something). I hate it when they are sitting right next to you and you can hear the entire conversation.. I have a running dare with some friends to just join right in the conversation, but none of us have been brave enough to try it yet!

    hehe... that would be hilarious and if the person on the phone had some sense of humour it can end up nicely

    i wonder why cell phones are so loud

  9. #9
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    Ya, I think that someone should come up with a standard line for people like this. I too hate listening to other peoples conversations. I was in this hotel restaurant one morning and this man was talking on his cell phone REALLY loud about his elderly mother's BATHROOM HABITS!!!!!! IT was unbelievable. Someone freaked out at him but he just snapped back at them and kept on talking! I felt like i was on candid camera because it was just so sureal.... the look on my face would have been priceless.
    Good for those doctors in that medical clinic to make that rule!!

  10. #10
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    Haha guys. Look what I found on google. The ten Commandments of Cell Phone Etiquette!

    1. Thou shalt not subject defenseless others to cell phone conversations. When people cannot escape the banality of your conversation, such as on the bus, in a cab, on a grounded airplane, or at the dinner table, you should spare them. People around you should have the option of not listening. If they don't, you shouldn't be babbling.

    2. Thou shalt not set thy ringer to play La Cucaracha every time thy phone rings. Or Beethoven's Fifth, or the Bee Gees, or any other annoying melody. Is it not enough that phones go off every other second? Now we have to listen to synthesized nonsense?

    3. Thou shalt turn thy cell phone off during public performances. I'm not even sure this one needs to be said, but given the repeated violations of this heretofore unwritten law, I felt compelled to include it.

    4. Thou shalt not wear more than two wireless devices on thy belt. This hasn't become a big problem yet. But with plenty of techno-jockeys sporting pagers and phones, Batman-esque utility belts are sure to follow. Let's nip this one in the bud.

    5. Thou shalt not dial while driving. In all seriousness, this madness has to stop. There are enough people in the world who have problems mastering vehicles and phones individually. Put them together and we have a serious health hazard on our hands.

    6. Thou shalt not wear thy earpiece when thou art not on thy phone. This is not unlike being on the phone and carrying on another conversation with someone who is physically in your presence. No one knows if you are here or there. Very disturbing.

    7. Thou shalt not speak louder on thy cell phone than thou would on any other phone. These things have incredibly sensitive microphones, and it's gotten to the point where I can tell if someone is calling me from a cell because of the way they are talking, not how it sounds. If your signal cuts out, speaking louder won't help, unless the person is actually within earshot.

    8. Thou shalt not grow too attached to thy cell phone. For obvious reasons, a dependency on constant communication is not healthy. At work, go nuts. At home, give it a rest.

    9. Thou shalt not attempt to impress with thy cell phone. Not only is using a cell phone no longer impressive in any way (unless it's one of those really cool new phones with the space age design), when it is used for that reason, said user can be immediately identified as a neophyte and a poseur.

    10. Thou shalt not slam thy cell phone down on a restaurant table just in case it rings. This is not the Old West, and you are not a gunslinger sitting down to a game of poker in the saloon. Could you please be a little less conspicuous? If it rings, you'll hear it just as well if it's in your coat pocket or clipped on your belt.

  11. #11
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    lmao i would love to join in on the conversation just to see what kind of reaction it would get

  12. #12
    Canadian Guru ilovemykids's Avatar
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    OMG Pink!
    I'm so ripping that for my group. LOL I love that!!
    I work in retail (currently off on MAT leave) and that was my BIGGEST pet peeve about working there... these idiots that can't disconnect themselves from their ohhh so important world. (Boo's right about adding iPods/mp3 players and the like to the list.)

    And Pure.. I like that idea about the book LOL

    I mean... don't get me wrong. I have a cell phone and love it. I couldn't (well likely could, but wouldn't want to) live without it. I'm so paranoid about driving with my kids somewhere and getting stranded because of my crappy car. It hasn't happened but I would want somehow to get some help if I was to. Plus if my sons school was ever to need me to get him from the school... they can get me on that if I'm away from home.
    Last edited by ilovemykids; Sat, Aug 11th, 2007 at 10:43 AM.

  13. #13
    Thou shalt not wear thy earpiece when thou art not on thy phone

    This is a big pet peeve of mine (bluetooth headsets esp)- when your not on the phone take that darn thing out of your ear!!! I have a bluetooth headset and guess when its in my ear - when I am on a call! And only if there is some reason I can't hold the phone to my ear such as if I am driving.

  14. #14
    ~ƃuılıǝɔ ǝɥʇ uo ƃuıɔuɐp~ koala's Avatar
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    I go out to get away from the phone. Why would I drag it along with me?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by koala View Post
    I go out to get away from the phone. Why would I drag it along with me?

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