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  1. #22111
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    he left about 8:30 i think pf. i forgot to tell safe arrival what time he was leaving. oh well. grr. i did tell them that 10 mins of it was my fault.

    i am doing NOTHING today. am hanging out with you ppl. or playing games.

    you should see my kitchen. pretty soon we'll have to drink out of jellyjars.

    but i know i'll have the dropsys. so i'm not touching anything!

    will you be my friend? please?

  2. #22112
    Acadian Canuck PetiteFemme's Avatar
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    I'm just heading off to work to do laundry for the one in the hospital. Normall I would put in 4 hrs with him today but can't claim a meal prep so only 2 hrs there and 1 hr at the other place. It's a short day for me. Been up half the night with a sore tooth and my face is all swelled up on one side...looks kind of funny though. The nerve has been aggravated Catch ya all later...

    And by the way SMB, it's not the amount of friends and clicking that got all my rooms filled with nice things, it's the $150 I put on my mastercard by buying coins to buy $500 mystery boxes that did!! Don't smoke, don't drink, no kids - gotta spend my money somewhere!!!

  3. #22113
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    morning everyone..hope you all have a good day!

    NS hope you have a better day. I would have crawled back to bed and stayed there already, plus blown a gasket if thats how my day started..

    gotta get groceries today,hopefully more good deals like other day..NS I gotta find clippers like that dh would love them, he shaves his and ds hair with his but they dont work as well anymore,

    talk to u later gotta check on my

  4. #22114
    Must clean ears!! smb127's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PetiteFemme View Post
    And by the way SMB, it's not the amount of friends and clicking that got all my rooms filled with nice things, it's the $150 I put on my mastercard by buying coins to buy $500 mystery boxes that did!! Don't smoke, don't drink, no kids - gotta spend my money somewhere!!!

    OMG - did you really spend that much!! OK now we all know you are
    addicted. We are going to have to start a support group!!

    I have been thinking of doing the order though them to Vista print for the 8000 coins. I have been holding out though. Maybe if I wait long enough the offer will change to something else. LOL

    NS - breath, just breath. OK now say to yourself - I will be OK, I will be OK. I will not kill them today, I will not kill them today (maybe tonight, but not today). I hope your day gets better.

    OK back to work for me.

    you can join this forum by clicking on my link below.

  5. #22115
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    morning everyone..hope you all have a good day!

    NS hope you have a better day. I would have crawled back to bed and stayed there already, plus blown a gasket if thats how my day started..

    gotta get groceries today,hopefully more good deals like other day..NS I gotta find clippers like that dh would love them, he shaves his and ds hair with his but they dont work as well anymore,

    talk to u later gotta check on my
    *mumbles something unintelligible*

    Quote Originally Posted by smb127 View Post
    OMG - did you really spend that much!! OK now we all know you are
    addicted. We are going to have to start a support group!!

    I have been thinking of doing the order though them to Vista print for the 8000 coins. I have been holding out though. Maybe if I wait long enough the offer will change to something else. LOL

    NS - breath, just breath. OK now say to yourself - I will be OK, I will be OK. I will not kill them today, I will not kill them today (maybe tonight, but not today). I hope your day gets better.

    OK back to work for me.
    hmm? kill them..later....

    will you be my friend? please?

  6. #22116
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    oh haunish, you can buy new blades for them. i din't know that, just like men's shavers have replacement blades. probably as much as a new unit. but if you buy a set, don't go cheap! this is our 4th set. we spent $20 on conair ones (superstore) and they didn't last a week. another set we spent close to $30, worked fine..til i threw them..but they were noisy. (needed to be adjusted). these don't ever need to be adjusted! luv em, and when u take em apart, the blade just pops off in one piece not several like the cheaper ones, then when u try to put them back together the blades don't line up.

    and that caused the hair to be pulled. OUCH!

    the model number for this one is

    conair infinity INFHC701C

    hmm..there's a 1800 # maybe i can call and find out where to get replacement blades. i also registered it online. has a 5 year limited waranty. you send it away with $5 for shipping with the receipt, they will repair or replace at their discretion.

    will you be my friend? please?

  7. #22117
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    PF - if I spent that much money on fun & games for me, I'd have a mutiny. Do you have any idea how much liver I could buy with that?

    NS - hope your day gets better (can't get worse, right? ). If it's any comfort, mine started off iffy too. On Sat, new neighbours moved in to the apt kitty corner from me - lots of banging & screaming kids. Figured, kids excited by move, hopefully just helping out & not moving there, since Sunday was quiet. This morning at 7 (I am NOT a morning person ), I hear screaming. And screaming. And more screaming. Luckily, my brats didn't react to it (they're lazy like me & like their sleep), but my neighbour's dog did. Oh, & my neighbour's getting a puppy soon, so it's going to be very very loud soon (hopefully not). Guess I'm going to have to change my habits & become a morning person again. Yuck!

    Haunish - how is your DD? Was thinking about her.

    Rose - how did the rehearsal go?

    Still haven't been able to create a pet for PS - I think the cat sabotaged the computer so I can spend more time with him. Oh, & one of these days I'll actually be able to give rep.

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    For a smile, see our vids:

  8. #22118
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    andit: a family with a dozen kids, all ADHD moved in next door to you lmao.

    will you be my friend? please?

  9. #22119
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    thanks for asking Andit, shes doing good the reaction to the cream is mostly gone, we tried it in another spot and she definately is reacting to something in it, so gonna go look for the capsules at SDM later. She is still having issues sleeping, hoping can get a better sleep soon.

    They have a week long holiday coming up and they want to goto dh mom for a few days, not sure about that. Dh is having a talk with his mom they have cats on the farm and I dont want dd pressured to play with them as of yet. I know its probably better to get back on it sooner then later. SO he is talking to them about that and sending out pics, he was furious, said we sould kick her off our facebook, but I am just so tired of fighting all the time..

  10. #22120
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    haun, glad to hear the reaction is easing up. did you ever check into MELATONIN to help her sleep? ryan takes it @ 3mg per night. very safe to use, but check with your dr first. the thing with it tho is, you use it ever night, so it has a chance to build up. ryan ran out, and has not been getting a very good night sleep lately. it's a herbal rememedy you can get at superstore etc. readily available.

    I think it's a good idea to show them the pics, so they understand how bad the attack was both physically and emotionally for your dd. it's great she wants to visit. but she should not be pressured into playing with them til she's ready. but some contact would be nice from a good safe distance

    will you be my friend? please?

  11. #22121
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    anyone have lolcats phone # and see if she's alright?? she hasn't been on for how long???

    will you be my friend? please?

  12. #22122
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    haun, glad to hear the reaction is easing up. did you ever check into MELATONIN to help her sleep? ryan takes it @ 3mg per night. very safe to use, but check with your dr first. the thing with it tho is, you use it ever night, so it has a chance to build up. ryan ran out, and has not been getting a very good night sleep lately. it's a herbal rememedy you can get at superstore etc. readily available.

    I think it's a good idea to show them the pics, so they understand how bad the attack was both physically and emotionally for your dd. it's great she wants to visit. but she should not be pressured into playing with them til she's ready. but some contact would be nice from a good safe distance
    Thanks will talk to dr about that next week if I remember ..will right it down is we showed them pics didnt really react its them showing every tom dick and harry the pics that set my dh off. For me it would be nice to know that if she didnt want to be there anymore that she has the option to phone us to come get her(pressure to play with animals, etc)

  13. #22123
    Meeee-ow! =^ö^= thetick's Avatar
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    From Mom's menu newsletter
    Points & Prizes Members: This week's code word is CANOLA for 150 points! EXPIRES ON 02/05/09.

  14. #22124
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    smb--don't feel bad about the frisbee, I can't catch the stupid thing either

  15. #22125
    Smart Canuck zoodle's Avatar
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    Happy Monday everyone
    ty for the new word tick
    have a good day everyone

    Life is Good

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