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  1. #22831
    Smart Canuck StarDancer's Avatar
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    anyone have a problem entering the word PRESS44 in there p&p account? I did it wouldn't let me. It said something about it not being vaild or something!

  2. #22832
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    so did anyone notice i was right? I ordered and like the NEXT DAY they handed out the contest points??? Conspiracy!

  3. #22833
    Smart Canuck Shebby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StarDancer View Post
    anyone have a problem entering the word PRESS44 in there p&p account? I did it wouldn't let me. It said something about it not being vaild or something!

    Try pres44. Click here to Earn free Giftcards!!!

  4. #22834
    I'm your Huckleberry. lolcat's Avatar
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    Whew... that was a lot of work on the wiki. It is done however!

    I got points too! I had enough to finally order Monet that little purple and blue bunny that they had up a while ago. She loves anything that's a bunny, so she will have a new friend to sleep with soon

    Thanks everyone for the compliments on Monet's video. Both of my kids have those big giant doe eyes, compliments of my husband's side of the family. I am going to have a lot of boys knocking on my door in about 10 years or so. And my husband will be that guy sitting on the porch in a rocking chair with a shotgun... I guarantee it. LOL

    Babygonnerman -- How you feeling, chicky? I have been thinking about you all day, especially when I was trying to cook supper. Food preparation is totally the worst for me, and I don't think anyone around here will be having meat till I'm at least 16 weeks... lol.

    NS -- I'm so sorry about your computer!!! We had a close to brand new computer 2 years ago, and the hard drive just totally went one day. We hadn't done anything with a spring and summer worth of digital photos except store them on the computer, and we were so upset. Now I backup everything on photobucket, but I know how frustrating and upsetting it can be.
    My suggestion on the coffee whitener is to find a kosher kind. Anything kosher would never have milk product in it, I doubt you'd find a kosher or jewish deli/store near you, but there are several brands that you can usually find at the bigger stores like Loblaws or Superstore that are kosher, and milk free. I have a HUGE issue with milk myself, especially when I am pregnant, and I have a hawk eye for that kind of stuff.

    Too bad about Ryan's trip, I know how he must be feeling. Even if it isn't something you want to do, it always seems way more fun than it acutally will be if you aren't going. I don't really have any boy-ish suggestions... I had 5 foster sisters, and now I have 2 girls, I have no idea what to do with a boy. LOL You watch, now I'm gonna get one.

  5. #22835
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Thanks for the words everyone!!

    Wow got over 300,000 pts for the cat contest alone. That was when I was still a lurker lol but since I couldn't thank you all for the words I voted for NS cat as thanks, boy did it pay off! Don't get it though 1000pts were given to me 307 times didn't seem like I voted quite that much but lol I'll take them unless they change their mind down the road and take them back. Nothing I want right now unfortunately lol there has been several things I've really been watching that I wanted but oh well. Am not ordering anything again unless it is something I really really want. Last two times I ordered I settled for things but from now on just waiting them out.

    I have pics backed up all over on my computer. I usually email myself a copy to yahoo did that right before Katrina thankfully so didn't lose all my pics. The cell phone pics always go thru yahoo first so they are always backed up unless I don't check my yahoo account in too long and lose it.
    Have a rotten headache going to stop in and see my pet on ps and go to bed after that. Night everyone!

  6. #22836
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post

    no wonder i won

    i'm the same way, i keep going in and checking to see if they took away pts. they did say they would give us extra for our patience. i think some of them are for the most mortifying dad contest as well, but are listed as the cat contest. can u imagine how many pts it would be if those weren't included?

    wait til seek gets on and checks her pts. she'll freak

    am off to bed guys. hagn, if i'm not on, you'll know i'm catching up for all the sleep i missed. hope i can at least wake up long enuf to send ds off to school. glad u guys got yer pts. you waited so long and helped me so much to win. you guys are the bestest.

    but i g2g, have been having horrible stomache cramps..since the cheese whiz..

    yes i know's a milk product. but do you know wot else is? frigging coffee mate/whitener. the noname brand says right on it contains milk ingredients. and it's loaded with cornsugar. both i can't have.

    anyone know of a non-dairy/milk whitner thingy i can use?? maybe something from a healthstore, something that's not gross?
    coffeemate is lactose free thats what i use in my coffee otherwise i end up with terrible stomach cramps cause of the whole lactose intolerant thing

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  7. #22837
    I'm your Huckleberry. lolcat's Avatar
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    I have stayed up until 1:30 in the morning watching Coldplay videos.

    It is now official, I am in love with Chris Martin.
    I am going to steal him away from Gwyneth Paltrow.

    No one tell my husband. I think he might get mad. And maybe try to hurt Chris, which I totally cannot have.

  8. #22838
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    any poets amongst us?

    (poems newsnake, not lymerics. lmao)

    i need help with this giftcard am doing up to send with the bear tommorrow (am so happy i could cry)--the shipping is $20. so total can, about $50.

    here's what i have so far, but it needs tweaking?


    You have Fred Aistair,
    A lonely Chantilly Bear

    We thought we'd send
    For his cute girlfriend

    Please welcome--Ginger Bear!
    I'm sure she will love it there.

    She's been reunited with her man
    Now they can sing together again!

    love, ryan

    will you be my friend? please?

  9. #22839
    Smart Canuck
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    thanks for all the new words.............going to be busy again!!

  10. #22840
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lolcat View Post
    I have stayed up until 1:30 in the morning watching Coldplay videos.

    It is now official, I am in love with Chris Martin.
    I am going to steal him away from Gwyneth Paltrow.

    No one tell my husband. I think he might get mad. And maybe try to hurt Chris, which I totally cannot have.
    I am totally with you lolcat! anyone that names her kid after a pc of fruit does not deserve a cool dude. I'll grab the fishing net and large pillow decide who gets your hubby *wink wink*

    will you be my friend? please?

  11. #22841
    CEDAR CHOICE FARM tammy8701's Avatar
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    good morning everyone l havent been on here much but thanks for the new words gave rep where l could there were so many pages to go through thanks again

  12. #22842
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    poor tammy that's why i'm considering putting a porta potty infront of the computer..

    anywayz i have a question for our gov't workers, esp anyone in taxes

    my return is showing as assessed. how long will it take them to put the money in my acct? like 2 business days?

    (can u tell i can't wait to order that bear!)

    will you be my friend? please?

  13. #22843
    Must clean ears!! smb127's Avatar
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    I know you is talking to me, but that is not my job!! I have no idea, how long has it been in for? If they said 8 days, then it should be in your bank by the time the eight days are up. It should go faster at this time of the year, 'cause most people still haven't done their returns. The closer you get to the deadline the long it take to process. I beleive, but don't quote me on this, you can call and find out from a real person (if they are manning the phones yet) how long it will

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  14. #22844
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    any poets amongst us?

    (poems newsnake, not lymerics. lmao)

    i need help with this giftcard am doing up to send with the bear tommorrow (am so happy i could cry)--the shipping is $20. so total can, about $50.

    here's what i have so far, but it needs tweaking?


    You have Fred Aistair,
    A lonely Chantilly Bear

    We thought we'd send
    For his cute girlfriend

    Please welcome--Ginger Bear!
    I'm sure she will love it there.

    She's been reunited with her man
    Now they can sing together again!

    love, ryan

    NS - it's really to early in the morning for poetry.........not enough coffee yet, but couldn't resist having a quick try for you:

    You already have Fred Astaire,
    But he’s one lonely Chantilly bear.
    He just seems to sit and cry,
    And we’re sure you’ve wondered why.

    He’s been lonesome for his partner,
    Couldn’t sing and dance without her.
    So we’ve found his Ginger Bear,
    And hope they’ll both be happy there.

    I'm sure that you'll get lots to choose from on here, so one of them will work for you.

  15. #22845
    Must clean ears!! smb127's Avatar
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    Thanks for the words everyone. I gave rep where I could.

    I am looking at getting new floors, not that I can afford to do it yet, but I would like some thoughts and comments from the peanut gallery in here. I want to do the family room, which is where we do most of our living. I have a balck wood stove, with the red brick behind it and dark green walls. There is not much light from outside, just a skylight, so the room is dark and cozy. I want to know what colour flooring I should go for and what style. This is the site I am looking at: . I like all three of the patterns, so I am having problems deciding.

    So if some of you could take a look and get back to me, that would be great.

    Later all.

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