Quote Originally Posted by vibrantflame View Post
I don't have much to add to what the other's said, but I wanted to thank you for posting this. I have been debating asking the doctor to check my thyroid, and after reading this, I am even more confident that I will ask to have it checked. I have had problem's with anxiety for years, mainly social anxiety but also being paranoid about things (for example, scared to be alone in the house and will have panic attacks about it). I am on medication right now and it is hugely helpful, but I also have had issues for years with being tired all the time and a large appetite....which I know are all possible signs of thyroid issues. So thanks for posting this, and I hope the doctors can sort out what is wrong so you can start feeling better.
Make sure they run a FULL panel. The general test is too vague & can indicate a negative reading even if you do have thyroid issues.

Good luck!