Conversation Between ~IamJ~ and roseofblack25

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Not much working all the time now so not much time to do anything else. Which kind of sucks cause I like doing theatre and stuff but I also like the steady income. Got a laptop and looking at getting wireless for both computers so we can have highspeed and can be around more for when I do my online course.
  2. hiya. what's new?
  3. yay finally! I am still waiting for it to load I may be here all night LOL dial up hates websites with a ton of pics they take forever but I am trying to be patient... got my contacts today finally it took forever to put them in the first time though and take them out now I can put them in fairly quick but taking them out still takes forever LOL hopefully I can eventually be faster at it cause its soooo annoying to have to spend a ton of time trying to get them out
  4. Our pics look so much better than the french girls! We all look 10000x better!! Their backstage pics were nicer though, what's up with that?!
  5. OMG the website is up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Go look!!
    They spelled my name wrong on the front page! Totally writing an email to get them to FIX it!!
  6. ok I will! it will more then likely be today I usually get stuff a day or two after everyone in TO lol so hopefully fingers crossed its today!
  7. worries. god, even I'm getting anxious for you. let me know when you see it!!
  8. ok so they come around 2:30 or 3:30 LOL I can wait that long!
    won't ruin the surprise by looking at it before they show LOL
  9. I just came by purolator. You WILL get it today...I can feel it.

    You want me to send you a picture of it?? It's not the real thing but you can see it!! Then you may feel better!?!
  10. not yet but if its UPS it will be here around 12:30 and if its anything else probably around 3 or so
    I'm out in the boonies I'm pretty sure we get courrier deliveries last sometimes they show close to 5
  11. Any sightings yet?!
  12. thanks for the ice cream!!
    ps. we've got awesome hair. lol.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12