Conversation Between ccmp1974 and Littlemoe0

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi cc, thanks so much for the smiley rep. Hope you have a great day, Moe.
  2. That is great to hear!! Have a super day
  3. Hi ccmp, thank you so very much for all the great coupons in the raok envy, it was very thoughtful and I can pretty much use them all. Thanks again, Moe.
  4. Man, that does really suck. But, I can understand. With everything going on here plus normal everyday family life, sometimes we do have to step back and take a break. I know I haven't been on no where nears as much, I do hope she returns soon, she is so much fun.
  5. She is taking a break
  6. Thanks ccmp, where is she anyways?
  7. It is super easy...once you know!! If I can learn anyone can!! First go to google and find an image. Click on the image and "save image location" Then go to the thread that you want to post in and and where you are going to post in the quick reply spot you will see a little box that looks like a mountain with a sunset.Click on that box and paste the link that you have saved.Then post your reply.If you have any problems LMK.
  8. No problem!! I got a laugh at the thread
  9. Thank you for the rep boost ccmp, ya those darn sdm points, I'm always wondering about them myself, i have never traded for them yet.
  10. Well now you did the same for me, thank you.
  11. You made me smile.Thanks
  12. Thanks for the rep, hope you have a great weekend, Moe.
  13. HI there ccmp, thanks for the rep boost. Hope your having a great day, take care, Moe.
  14. Thank you for the rep boost, and I wish you a wonderful Holiday, and lots of savings for 2010.
  15. Thank you for the rep boost ccmp, hope you have a great day, mine will be being stuck at work. Take care, Moe.
  16. Thank you for the rep boost ccmp, have yourself a wonderful day, Moe.
  17. Thank you for the Rememberance Day reps ccmp, take care, Moe.
  18. HI ccmp, thank you for the rep boost, have a great day, Moe.
  19. Thanks for the rep!!
  20. Thank you ccmp for the rep boost, hope you have a great day, take care, Moe.
  21. Thank you for the vibe rep, do you get that feeling ever? For some reason, maybe just the way a person asks for something, you get that feeling, maybe it's just me. Have a great morning, Moe.
  22. Thank you for the too early for bed rep, and so true, have a good evening, Moe.
  23. Thanks for the rep!!
  24. Thank you for the rep ccmp, hope you enjoy a great Friday, Moe.
  25. Good morning, thank you for the rep boost, have a great Tuesday, Moe.
  26. Thanks for the rep!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 30 of 33
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