Conversation Between Connie106 and Noodge

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Noodge - haven't seen you around lately. Hope all is well with you and your family.
  2. Thanks Noodge - she's actually had a bad run poor thing. Flu the week on Family Day and Scarlett fever (!) last week. At least my son did not catch it ... do you have children?? I hope that's not too personal...
  3. Thanks for the message Noodge. At this point the benefits of the surgery outweigh the cons. Poor baby sleeps with her mouth completely open, its heartbreaking and frightening when she gasps for air ! I am very nervous about it and am trying to keep calm. The surgery is not until April so I have a ways to go ... Have a great week!
  4. lol ... thanks Noodge...are you hoping for something specific??
  5. Noodge, thank you for you congratulations. please excuse my delay in response however, we are still trying to get the little one to sleep through the night. Thankfully, the big boy bed is making a difference.

    I do appreciate all your posts. You remind me in your sweet way to remember to practice my gratitude daily. So I thank you for your thoughtfulness and just know I DO pay it forward. Best wishes, Connie.
  6. I am sorry to hear you had a bad day on the 11th. I apologize I didn't check messages sooner or I would have replied quicker! I'm kinda forum challenged as I learn to fumble my way through all the possiblities.
    I'm glad you have your dd to keep you smiling through those tough days.
  7. thanks for the rep - I have a bad day and this was appreciated
  8. lol - you're absolutely right, my DS turned one !
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8