Conversation Between coupon girl and avoncallingu

13 Visitor Messages

  1. -thanks -better late than never right as my mom always use to say -thanks for the birthday and anniversary wishes -take care and have a good weekend
  2. I'm late but sincerely wish you happy birthday and happy anniversary!
  3. thanks for the rep
  4. thank you for the rep
  5. thank you for the rep
  6. happy easter to you
  7. Happy Easter, my friend!
  8. your welcome - have a great time with your mom at the casino
  9. Thanks for the rep! I'm going to Windsor tomorrow - they might have an Old Navy - have to take my dm to a hospital appt. - not serious - maybe we'll get time to shop but her idea of a good time is heading to the Casino! LOL!
  10. happy new year to you and yours too -have a great one
  11. merry xmas to you
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13