Conversation Between Dee09 and deevious

25 Visitor Messages

  1. Well hi there! Are you as glad to see the weekend as I am? Very cute pic BTW (I still have to figure that out again, KK7 is getting frustrated trying to teach me how to post pics...I think I've asked her at least 10 times)!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!!
  3. Thank you! Very good news, after a long month...almost there!
  4. awww sweet heart tug
  5. Ohhh...ear rubs are Spike's fave! I passed that along, told him it was from you LOL
  6. Hi deevious, thanks for the rep Ear rubs to Spike
  7. haha I fall in love with your pup every time I drop by
  8. *oops some glitch?
  9. and I love your dog, looks like a sweetie.
  10. You too deevious, hope it's a good one for you
  11. A little late....Happy New Year!! Health and happiness to you in 2011
  12. Best wishes to you and yours this holiday season deevious!
  13. Yaaay....and thanks!
  14. Isn't it great?!! I haven't saved or gotten the deals like the ones in the brag section, but for me, I've saved alot with coupons and knowing how to look for the deals, etc. Also winning some contests too. AND used to believe there's no such thing as freebies lol. So much fun
  15. Thanks so much for the rep...can't believe a year has gone by! Just really happy I found SC and all the wonderful people on here
  16. OMG what a cutie!! awwww
    thanks for the nice rep, yup, vinegar really is so useful. And green
    Have a nice Sunday
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 25