Conversation Between edwards1411 and 22hicks

68 Visitor Messages

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  1. thank you; have a great day
  2. thx 4 the rep Val; have a good w/end
  3. thank you; hope u have a great night
  4. thx - have a great one
  5. g.m. & thx - have a great day
  6. g.m. thank you
  7. g.m. Val; thanks for the rep
  8. thank you; rainy, but not snowing - that's a good thing
  9. thx; wish u were coming tonight
  10. thank you; enjoy the rest of ur day
  11. thanks Val - it's beautiful out, @ lease from inside; cold & windy out there; but, I hope u have a great day
  12. thank you; I hope ur day is just great
  13. thx Val; hope u have a great week
  14. thank you - have a great day !!
  15. thank you; I hope u have a good day
  16. thank you - hope u have a good one
  17. thx 4 the rep Val; Happy Family Day - hope ur enjoying the long w/end !!
  18. thx 4 the rep; hope ur enjoying ur long w/end
  19. thx 4 the rep; enjoy ur day & the long w/end
  20. g.m. thx 4 the rep - have a great day
  21. thx 4 the rep; hope ur day's going well
  22. thx Val; it's cold out, but I love the sun - hope ur having a great day
  23. thank you; Happy Valentines Day - hope urs is a good one
  24. thank you; again, Happy Belated Birthday - hope ur enjoying the sun
  25. thx edwards - hope the day's going well !
  26. thx - if ur watching, enjoy the game
  27. thx 4 the rep - hope u have a GREAT day & a fantastic w/end
  28. thank you - love the sun !!
  29. thx - wasn't nearly as bad as expected - whoo
  30. thx 4 the rep - glad u liked it, so hard 2 find one that hasn't been used before - have a great day
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 60 of 68
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