hey I hope you are still a memeber, I recently checked out your blog site, I am intrested in some stuff Mssg me back here.
all the info you need is in this thread that I made recently http://forum.smartcanucks.ca/130739-...ep-faq-canada/
yes I have 2 LOL.. One where I post whatever and whenever I want LOL and one only for reviews. If you want to follow them http://gigglessilly.blogspot.com/ http://geekygirlreviews.blogspot.com/
Ahh thanks for the update, sounded too good to be true. I should find who said that to me and yell at them! and people who thought that everything at the bay was included... so not true. oh well.
Print it off and take it with you! If you tell you its excluded then you can show them the print out and ask where it states that then.
well I don't know what to tell you! Do you still have your book...does it list exclusions?? Or maybe look on the website. If it doesn't list exclusions then they should have to take it. Plus I probably wouldn't of called....I would just go and use it and act like you know you're allowed. less likely to tell you no.
oh no, I'm far too lazy for that! If I'm on here I'm playing games! = ) I just like to shop! lol DH just wishes I was a "cheap" as most on here....but I like my brand names! lol
I don't remember collections names. The last one was from the xmas collection. A favourite one I have no clue when it was from. I got it 2 years ago. Its in a long skinny purple case. I even picked up a few things from the Barbie line. Nail polish is usually $3. Powerpoint liners were $8. I THINK I paid $10 for my last paint pot. Even at MAC counters at Macy's in the states everything is a few dollars cheaper. And its only 6% tax.
Hi, I used it at the London location...probably in the summer. I live on the boarder so I tend to buy more in the states, its much cheaper. Especially at the Saks 5th avenue outlet. Its usually a collection behind but they often have the complete collections. I have gotten the 6 pack shadows for less than $20.
I tried on blooming lovely l/s when i got home. It's VERY similar to a NYX round l/s in "Power" (but creamier). I'll post the comparison on my blog soon. I love it I want to do some BACK TO MAC for an eyeshadow or lipstick but i have only 3 ! trying to depot my eyeshadows into a small palette but its FREAKING DIFFICULT !
Yes I got them too, I want to get blooming l/s because everyone is crazy over it, it's supposeldy like lavendar whip. maybe later. ya they are expensive, but mac is expensive, so either way, you are paying a lot.
hey, I tried ordering and it didn't work anyway, not sure when it expired. What did you get from liberty? I have an order coming tomorrow!
60% off elf studio items.. 3 hours only.. I posted it in the elf thread.. in case you are online.
ohhh they are kitchen separators.. good call. I've been looking for some cute plastic drawers for a while now, all I find are those ugly, kinda ugly ones at walmart and stuff, I have one big one, and two little ones stacked, but I don't really like them.
hey.. commented on your blog today... where did you get your organizer? like the separators in the drawer? I have point out all the stuff I have in there too.. lol. I have that same costco brush set.
hey.. so they were still out of gaga and out of the mineralize foundation in my colour. I did get well dressed, melba and dainty blush and partial to pink creamsheen glass.
hi eleventhofapril ! yes put me in the make up lover group! LOl. OMG i am in love with the ELF kabuki brush , its so soft! i have a estee laudre brush {foundation kind} , ELF feels softer than that! i am checking your blog right now! see you around!
hi !
followed you!
hey, yup there is a mac counter (just like at fairview) at conestoga. I don't know how long it's been there, they recently upgraded the bay and it's much much nicer now, from the outside, it looks like half the mall is the bay. It's still just one level. conestoga mall got an upgrade recently too, they added bath and body works, h&m is coming, old navy, food court was totally re-done. There won;'t be that much damage, I've been better with makeup lately, not having a job and seeing my credit card debt hasn't been making me want to shop as much. I am not the type to buy stuff from mac from every collection and keep it in its packaging either. I have a couple of blogs, don't work on them too much. productrater.blogspot.com is one of them. I will totally check yours out, send me the link please.
oh my bad.. iam hoping to get gaga.. didn't re-read it. we have two macs, conestoga mall has one too, I like that one better, nicer mua's the ones at fairview are b!tches lol.
tell me about it, I have the same problem. I am going to mac tommorrow (tuesday) and getting stuff for my bday. I hope you get the gaga lipstick if they have it, it was sold out on the mac site last I checked.
I know, girls on youtube buy sooo much stuff, it would shock a lot of people on this forum, who are all about getting stuff for free or on sale or whatever. Actually mac foundations react badly to a lot of people, I actually like them because I find I can't get a good colour match with drugstore foundations. I have fair skin and I find a lot of drugstore foundations are too pink or too dark. I bought the moistureblend foundation recently actually! It works well for my dry skin, I also got studio sculpt recently. I have a lot of their foundations, I wanna try that new mineralize spf 15 one. If you ever want to talk mac with anyone, you know where I am. and about the new collection, mac comes out with a new collection like every week, its nuts! and horrible on my wallet. the packaging is cute you are right. I haven't look at it too much yet.
hey, so jealous of your mac goodies! And it's funny how I know what collection and the names of everything.
Hey sorry for the huge delay. Yes they should look something like that. The seal has to be there and the red serial code. However, the color of the ticket is different each day. I dont know how Friday ticket looks like 'cause I only got the saturday and sunday ones...saturday is a purple/lavender color, sunday is yellow. Hope this helps
Hi! I saw that you picked up your mac tickets. What did they look like? WHat colour? I''m picking mine up tomorrow, just want to know what to look for. What colour at the tix? And what colour is your seal? Someone posted this at the forum: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LvyCCStCmi...0/DSC04605.JPG Is that what yours look like? Any tips/advice would be great! - Trupti
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