Conversation Between Elf Poop and Littlemoe0

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you for the rep, and no problem, anytime you need help with something, give me a shout.
  2. Hi Elf Poop, did you still want to be adopted? If so, let me know, Moe.

    Someone posted this on here, for that tea you were interested in ElfPoop, hope it works.
  4. Hi Elf poop, will let ya know about train this week, Moe.
  5. Well, I met a few newbie's last week on a contest thread, and decided to do a train with them, just two or three others if you would like to hop on. It won't be out for a week or so, but pm me your addy if you want to.
  6. Thank you, I have been able to board one train, but ... others, not so lucky! trains get full so fast and not everyone wants someone with 0 trade rating--lol..
  7. Hi elf poop, such a cute name. Have you been able to hop on a train yet?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7