Conversation Between Granger and Lynn49

30 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks Lynn! It was hilarious getting the hands one done! My other two kept moving their hands!!! I am surprised she got the shot! :D But so glad she did. I am looking forward to seeing the rest and hope to post a link if I am able.
  2. Granger...I just noticed your post with Josee's absolutely beautiful! I've never seen anything like that first one; what a loving memory she'll always have. Again, congratulations on your new little blessing!
  3. ....I don't think you need any help in that direction, Sweetie! Thank you for the rep, and have a Blessed week.
  4. Hi Lynn! Thanks for the hello! I am taking Reading Part 2. It is an Additional Qualification course. I am doing it online and it is a boat load of work!!!
  5. sorry your little girl is fighting the flu; I had do smile when you described your sleeping with your son in a queen bed....that's how our Jenny pushes me...she sleeps between us, but she's always pushing me nearly off the bed! I have to admit, though, in the middle of the night her little bunny kicks make me smile...
    I missed what course you're taking, Hon....congrats on being half-way through!
    Have a lovely weekend!
  6. Oh, buying and selling is so terribly stressful! I'd have my face in an ice-cream container through it all, that's for certain. I'm an emotional eater...oops, correct that: I WAS an emotional eater, but I've learned that, and now know how to control my eating habits instead of being controlled by them. You'll be back on the wagon in no time....and good luck with the move!
  7. Things are good. Last week I didn't eat due to home buying stress…this week is the opposite…hoping to break even? Things should firm for both sale of the home we bought and the our own over the weekend and my sleeping and eating can go back to normal. lol. We did sell ours (I don't know if I mentioned it or not in the weight loss thread…did in another).
  8. Hi! Yep...5 years in a row, coming up on 6... Thank you for the rep, Sweets!
    How are things in your neck of the woods?
  9. Just reading not posting. I call it working mom syndrome! Looking forward to the long the weekend.
  10. Hi, Hon and thank you for the rep! You've been MIA on our special thread for a while...hope everything is okay...and that you have an absolutely wonderful loooong weekend!! Hugs!!
  11. Thanks for the rep!!! It does feel wonderful.
  12. Happy New Year !!! All the best for 2014!!!
  13. Merry Christmas! All the best to you and yours for 2014!
  14. Happy Canada Day, Granger!!!!
  15. Love it. Thanks for sharing. Hermi does have good fashion sense, which is underlooked due to her intelligence.
  16. I came across this page....and wondered if you had seen it...
  17. Thanks for the rep Lynn, it is not only sunny...melt-worthy.
  18. Thanks for the continual words of encouragement and rep. I did so well from Thanksgiving to Christmas, so my January to May plateau is getting to me. At least I am not gaining. So I have that!!!
  19. Hi Lynn! Thanks for the rep. Hope you are having a good week. The rain is not helping me with my cravings for chocolate and all that is bad. I need some sun so I can get out and walk!
  20. Happy for your good news. I am glad the waiting is over. I will visit the Islands of Adventure one of these days! In the meantime I have been living vicariously through others.
  21. Thanks, Hon....he got the "all clear" for now!!
    It's nice to see another scrapbooker in our midst!! Isn't it addictive?!!
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