I was kinda surprised Aubry was not one of the final two honestly. She was a pill but she was very aggressive and pushy but I thought Trump liked her...
Please view the latest updated list at http://forum.smartcanucks.ca/51876-kelloggs-satin-care-fpc-b1g1-glade-b1g1-dove-campbells-more-grocery-coupons-canada/
I am mostly looking for good FPC/HV (coupons to coupons trade is preferred when possible) and stamps but also other gift cards (Walmart, Superstore, HBC...) Open to suggestions! Plz pm me for questions & offers.
FPC/almost free/high value
3X $3 Ensure cheques Nov 26, 2010 and later
1X $1 J&J or Penaten Nov 21, 2010
5X $1 Majesta (any size) Nov 2, 2010 and later
5X $1 wub 2 Knorr (any) Apr 30, 2011
5X $0.5 Hellmann's (750 ml) Sept 30, 2011
5X $1 wub 3 Campbell's soups with the Blue Band July 31, 2011
5X $1 Pillsbury Pie Crusts Feb 28, 2011
5X $0.75 Oasis refrigerated juices June 30, 2011
5X $1 Maple Leaf Fully Cooked Sausauges Aug 1, 2011
5X $0.5 All-Bran bars Mar 31, 2011
5X B3G1 Lipton soups June 30, 2011
5X $0.75 Kraft Sizzling Salads Entree Salad Kit Feb 1, 2011
5X $0.2 RealFruit Gummies Mar 31, 2011
5X $0.5 wub 2 Clover Leaf Flavored Tuna June 30, 2011
5X $1 wub 3 Clover Leaf Flavored Tuna June 30, 2011
5X $0.4 Clover Leaf Smoked Oysters or Mussles July 31, 2011
5X $1 Sunlight Green Mar 31, 2011
5X $2 wub 2 Sunlight 2X Mar 31, 2011
5X $1 Snuggle Fabric Softerner Mar 31, 2011
5X $2 wub 2 different Dove go fresh products Mar 31, 2011
5X $3 Advil Cold&Sinus Jan 31, 2011
5X $2 Advil large size Jan 31, 2011
5X $4 Centrum any July 31, 2011
1X $3 Enfamil Mar 31, 2011
1X $2 Enfamil D-Vi-Sol Vitamin Drops Mar 31, 2011
Wish List:
Looking for FPC cheese/yogurt/Kashi/Quaker/Clover Leaf/Pepsi/Spritz/almost anything food/Hygienic pads, $5 Chapman, $2 Kellogg's, $2 Old Dutch chips, $2 Melitta, $2 Purex laundry detergent or fabric softner, Opti-Free Contact Lens Solution (any amount), and Caltrate (not save.ca), Brita, $1 Vim (any), $1 General Mills (Green Giant, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury), $1 wub 2 of Campbells Cream Soup, $1 Astro (any) and $2 Stayfree/Carefree from J&J, $2 Ziploc, Cascade&Dawn (brandsaver flyer, not from brandsaver.ca), Cascade (redplum flyer). Would like to trade for Stamps or anything we can make a deal on. Feel free to pm me your offers or questions:)