My pleasure. Now, go splurge on a couple litres of socks.
Thanks for the sold by volume explanation much appreciated!
Amazed that I managed to survive as long as I have with my reckless lifestyle? God looks out for little children and fools.
Still amazed by most of your posts!
Well, 36 hours has passed since I ate the soup and no symptoms. (That's the incubation period when symptoms should appear.) I called the health nurse and she confirmed that as long as I bring something to a roiling boil for 10 mins, botulism spores, if present, will be suppressed and food will be safe to eat. That's one health class lesson that has stuck with me.
You're either brave or stupid or stupidly brave with your food exploits. Do keep us updated on the results so we too can know if we should follow suit. (except you may be the exception to the rule of botulism). Have a great week my friend!
Who’s Crocodile Dundee?…. just kidding! Enjoy your week!
Maybe I look a bit like that aborigine character from the Crocodile Dundee movie. Have a great weekend, yourself!
Your paint wandering walkabout is a tale worth sharing! Nice to know that there are kind folk like that still around as you never hear about that in the news. As for how you may have looked it is in the eye of the beholder! Have a great weekend my friend!
I'll call UPS and send you some.
Your brisket post has me salivating a la Homer Simpson.. Enjoy the rest of your week my friend!
Chia hairline!..wocka,wocka,wocka....thanks for the laugh!
Thanks for the rep and have a nice Victoria day weekend.
Thanks for the rep! Going out to refresh and exhilarate myself in -34C
Thanks for the rep. Happy Autumnal Equinox.
Thanks for the rep. Have a good weekend, too.
Thanks for the rep. Have a good (final week) of summer, too.
Thanks, again, for the rep.
You're most welcome,have a great weekend!
Thanks for the rep.
Thank you for the welcome and rep.