Conversation Between julie.leeds and madchives

12 Visitor Messages

  1. I always have to try to be different!!!
  2. hi, julie happy valentine's day, kiddo.
  3. oh noo, you're a peeker, too.
    no wonder then,,,,,
    okay see you tomorrow.
    goodnight, julie.
  4. Thanks a lot, I am just peeking on here before heading to bed...I will let you know how it went!
  5. hey, julie, sort of in the same vein, (with the dizziness, etc.),
    a friend had this and it was a bad ear infection which took
    3 different antibiotics to get. drove her nuts too, oh geee,
    as she couldn't drive either with the balancing problem.
    just an idea, as i remember it's the doc for you on friday.
    anyway good luck, kiddo. etc.
  6. hmmm, i know what you mean about work problems.
    long time ago i had, pphhhtttt, crap stuff, which started to affect
    my stomach, went to asinine doctor, who had lots of silly ideas.
    mine was to get rid of the job - which did work.
    and you're welcome to the ear any time, julie.
  7. I think I am doing pretty good right now. My anxiety was originally caused due to my work atmosphere and the depression came hand in hand, and the situation at work keeps getting worse. You know its funny because I said to my husband, if a relationship with a man caused me as much mental and physical problems as work does, no one would question why I was walking away. He supports my decision what ever I choose.

    I am just waiting out the medical stuff because if there is a problem there, I won't have a say in staying or leaving work. I work in a kitchen in a hospital, hot food, hard floors, and if they can't control the vertigo and dizzy spells, I could be a danger to myself or others. I am currently not allowed to drive and its not that I don't want to work at all, I just don't want to work there.

    Thanks for lending an ear.
  8. so if you want/need to talk with a slightly anonymous (sp?) person i can be that, julie.
    let me know, i can call you.
    logging out soon ish, but will check in
  9. hey, thank you julie for being my friend
    be stong ish, and don't think bad stuff.
    you are doing as well as you can right now.
    sorry a bit of colour.
    i am .
  10. Thanks for being a friend! :o)
  11. I wish I was in Chicago!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12