Hi Kajay Congrats on your first stack lol. I make a trip only once or twice a month (wish I had more disposable income! damn student loans), was there 2 days ago and no Yan :-( . I've only seen him once in the last 3 times, sure does seem like his shifts are cut back, not sure. The older lady with the bob and wears glasses is nice and efficient, very chatty actually and then there's another older lady with long blonde hair and glasses and she scares me lol. She's not bad, just not pleasant if that makes sense.
Yikes, sorry for taking so long to reply Dana...I'm still getting used to the site---didn't realize I was missing out by not logging in regularly. Thank you for hosting the awesome afternoon. I've already put so many new coupons to work, it's been great. I just posted about losing my LD stacking virginity today...it was liberating (lol). And thanks for letting us sample all of the cookies and snacks...that was fabulous. Can't wait for the next meeting! And thanks for your offer of coupon support, will definitely be in touch. -Kajay
Hi KayJay! Thanks so much for coming to the coupon swap. I hope you had a good time. Also, thank you for the hostess gift. It was MUCH appreciated I hope you got some useful coupons for yourself. Any plans on stacking at LD soon? I can't wait to hear about it! You're going to wonder why you didn't start sooner lol we all wonder. Let me know if you need anything... coupons or help or anything. Again, thank you so much! ~ Dana