I'm back after taking a year off from running trains. A few bad riders ruined my reputation and hijacked 5 of my trains. I'm going to give it another...
-$1.00 off Lucky charms, Cinnamon toast crunch, Golden grahams and Resse puff cereals -Expire April 30, 2011
-$2.00 off Goodnight Underwear - Expire May 30th
-Gerber Graduate Pasta Buy 2 Get 1 Free - expire June 30, 2011
-$1 off Gerber Graduates Fruit Twists - Expire June 30, 2011
-$2 off Goodnight Underwear - Expires June 30, 2011
-$1 off Tide Stain Release - Expires July 31, 2011. (I have 4 of them)
-$1.50 off St Ives Hand and Body Lotion - Expires Sept 30, 2011
-$1 off Duracell batteries - Expires Sept 30, 2011
-$1 off Vicks Vapo product - Expires Sept 30, 2011
-$1 off Vicks NyQuil product - Expires Sept 30, 2011
-$1 off Vicks Baby Rub - Expires Sept 30, 2011
-$1 off Bounce Dryer Bar - Expires Sept 30, 2011
-$4 off Swiffer wetjet Starter kit - Expires Sept 30, 2011
-$1 off Pepto Product - Expires Sept 30, 2011
-$1 off Deft 32 Load or larger Laundry detergent - Expires Sept 30, 2011
-$1.50 off Vicks Warm Steam Vapourizer - Expires Sept 30, 2011
-$2 off any diapers box or 180 count or higher wipes from Pampers - Expires - Sept 30, 2011
-$2 off when you buy any two of Windex and
-$5 off Baun thermoscan thermometer - Expires Oct 31, 2011
-$2 off Purex Complete - Expires - Dec 31, 2011
-35c off Carnations - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-75c off Fleischmann's Corn Starch - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-50c off Omega 3 eggs - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-75c off Flesichmann's Pizza Yeast - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-Scrubbing bubbles (Triggers or Toilet- Gels - Expires Sept 30, 2011. (I have six of them)
-$1 off when you buy any 2 Alymer Accents Tomatoes - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-$1 off Natureegg Omega pro 500g Liquid Egg - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-$1 off Naturegg Simply Egg Whites 500g Liquid egg product - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-$1 off Pam cooking Spray - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-75c off any VH Chinese sauce - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-$1 off Egg Creations French Toast - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-$2 off any Stouffers Saute Sensation 640g - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-$1.50 off any Janes Chicken Product - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-$1 off Janes Beef Mealmakers - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-$1 off 750ml Hellmann's - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-50c off Becel Buttery taste product - Expires Dec 31, 2011
-$1 off Hunt's Thick n Rich Tomato sauce and Tomato Paste - Expires Dec 31, 2011
Wish List:
Save, Gocoupons, Websaver, Brandsaver Y
Printables Y
French, Store Specific and Tonnies for Tummies N
Pampers Coupons for diapers or wipes
Huggies Coupons for wipes
Flushable wipes by either Pampers or Huggies
Kelloggs Cereal/Muslix
McCain Fries (Not pizza)
Nestle (Ice cream)
Campbells Soup
Chunky Soup
Glad (Garbage bags)
Colgate Toothpaste and Kids toothpaste
Tetley Tea
Kraft Salad dressing
Post cereals
Scotties Facial Tissue
Cashmere Toilet Paper
Bounty Paper Towels
Tropicana Orange juice (Premium)
Oral-B toothbrushes (kids)
Dempsters Bread
Country Harvest Bread
Jane's Chicken
Purex Laundry detergent
Palmolive dishsoap
Cavendish Hashbrowns
Activia Yogurt
Ocean Spray Juice
Irish Spring Soap
Lil one's yogurt (forget who makes this)
Pepperidge Fish Crackers
Animal Crackers
Brenton Crackers
Blistex (Glysomed)
Braun Toothbrush Heads
Maple Leaf Bacon
Olay face cream
Sunlight Laundry Detergent