Conversation Between lippolito and couponsrule

5 Visitor Messages

  1. RE: lippolito's VWL train 1

    All WL are now posted, please mail your envies by Monday or earlier to expedite the train! (Please also post in this thread when they are mailed so everyone is updated !)

    Here is my contact info;
  2. Wishlist:
    $5 WUB 3 Gilette
    Secret Deoderant
    $5 WUB 2 Majesta products
    Chapman's Ice Cream
    $2 Eggos
    Coolision Yogurt
    Minute Maid juice boxes
    Peak Freans
    Christie Cookies
    Cheese Strings
    $5 WUB 2 Stayfree
    Green Giant
    Any Dove Product
    Motts Fruitsations
    Potato Chips(lays, old Dutch, Humpty Dumpty
    Any Coupons from Cereal Boxes
    Lipton Iced Tea
    ANY size Purina One
    St. Ives
    Cover Girl
  3. I already have had someone fill your spot but I can still add you as long as I get your trade list tonight. I also need your address
  4. I will figure out my list right now.
  5. Hi,
    just wanted to make sure you still want a ride on this train. If so, please PM me with your wishlist and address as I have people on a waiting list ! I have a mail date of by Monday so if you could please send this to me by the end of the day to give people a chance to get organized.
    Thanks !
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5