Conversation Between Littlemoe0 and Dee09

55 Visitor Messages

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  1. HI Dee, thanks for the rep boost. Hope your having a good night, I'm beat this evening. See ya tomorrow, Moe.
  2. Hi Dee, thanks so much for the rep boost, it was a awesome holiday.
  3. Good Morning Dee, thanks for the rep boost. Ya, today is my day off and sure enough this morning, the littlest one demanded we make pancakes. I was surprised to see how many she ate. Have a great day, Moe.
  4. Hi there!
    Hope you have a great week.
    Thanks for the rep
  5. Travel down the road and back again, your heart is true your a pal and a confidant...

    Now you got me singing the Golden girls, lol.
  6. Thanks for being a friend...
  7. HI ya Dee, thanks for the rep,. and it was a great event. Take care, Moe.
  8. HI Dee, thanks so much for the rep boost, have a great evening, Moe.
  9. Good morning Dee, thank you for the rep boost. Think you would have to stand in line for the dorks one, lol. Have a great Wednesday, Moe.
  10. Good morning Dee, pop thanks for the rep boost, have a great weekend, Moe.
  11. HI ya Dee, and Happy Holidays to you and your family, hope all is well, take care, Moe.
  12. Seasons Greetings Littlemoe0!!
  13. HI Dee, thank you so much for the thanksgiving wishes and the very nice compliment. Hope your having a great long weekend, I got stuck having to go in to work for 6 hours today, ick. Have a magical Monday, Moe.
  14. How did you do this color scheme? I love it!!!
  15. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Thanks for all you do here!
  16. Thank you Dee for the kind words in the rep, take care, Moe.
  17. Thanks for the rep boost Dee, take care, Moe.
  18. Thanks again Littlemoe!
  19. thanks for the rep. Good luck to you!
  20. Hi there. Sorry, newbie mistake. Once I figured out how to send messages, I went down the list to send 'hi and thank you's out. Well, I went all the way down through to the list of the people that I rep'd to. Since I gave you one it was there, yet I thought aww another one! Silly me. Hope you had a good day - I just missed a Purolater delivery and have to go get it now.
  21. Hi Dee, not sure what you mean, multiply vote for what? Can't remember.
  22. Hey! how did you get to multiple vote? Thank you again!
    Happy hunting
  23. late thank you for the rep, still learning my way around here. Hope you win.
  24. Hi Dee, thank you for the rep boost, hope you have a great day, pouring here, take care, Moe.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 55 of 55
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