Bad day:( Nice they responded though. Kinda nice they are on here. If more stores were on here figuring out this coupon thing maybe we wouldn't have...
Rain checks should be allowed on roll back items. I am sick of being told no! and sometimes yes. Which is it? If it is on roll back it is on sale in...
I can meet up in Sidney, Royal Oak area, Uptown Wal-Mart, Keating area to trade coupons. I have no kids in diapers and no pets so I always have those coupons to trade.
Vancouver Island. Greater Victoria area
Wish List:
-Cereal coupons (mini wheats etc)
-High liner salmon
-Fibre one bars
-All bran bars
-Cereal bars
-Free protein bar coupons
-Lunch mate stackers
-Tide coupons
-Pop (Pepsi)
-Campbell soup/chili coupons.
-Healthy Choice gourmet steamers.
-Centrum for women vitamins
-Kids vitamins Gummies etc