Conversation Between malfinn and eriluo

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Kiva. Turku and Raisio are beautiful places. I loved living in Turku. So cosmopolitan yet very Finnish too! Please to make your acquaintance Mallory!
  2. Moi! I lived in Raisio, near Turku. One of my friends lived in Seinajoki actually. My name is Mallory, hence the Mal in Malfinn
  3. Hauskaa tavatta. Olen syntynyt Kandassa mutta vanhemmat ovat Suomesta. Mina kaviin koulun Suomessa myos! Opiskellin Turun ylipiostolla vuotta 93-94. My better half isn't Finnish so I don't get much practice although my parents visit enough for me to keep it up and here in Northern Ontario, you can always find someone who knows Finnish. Your Finn is very good. Mine gets rusty if it isn't used. Where in Finland were you? My folks hail from Etela-Pohjanmaa area, near Seinajoki! Very nice to make your acquaintance. Nimeni on Erika, hence ERI in eriluo.
  4. Moi! Asuin Suomessa yksi vuotta. Mun suomea ei ole hyva enaa, mutta ma yrittan! We actually just got a kitten yesterday and named him Kiivas I suggested Finn, but my boyfriend said we should just translate a word, so we went with Kiivas. Do you get back to Finland often? Were you born there or just have Finnish background? I lived there 8 years ago, and then I went back to visit 3 years ago. And one of my host moms came here to visit this summer.
  5. 100% guilty (sata prosenttia) and Finnish as charged . I take it you are a fellow Finlander? Pleased to make your acquaintance Most who know me on the board know of my roots probably due to my annual mention of St. Urho! This year we even had a contest:
    Look forward to getting to know you and kuulemin
  6. Hi, are you Finnish? I saw your post on someone else's wall and it was Finnish Christmas greetings.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6