2X$1 off DairyOh products Exp March 31, 2012
$1off Dairyland Lil'Ones yogurt any variety Exp Mar 31/12
Baby/Kids Food
$2 off Pediasure Complete 4X235ml Exp June 30, 2012
$2 off WUB any two Heinz toddler snacks Exp Dec 31/12
2X50cents off WUB one box of Gerber Baby Cereal 227g, any variety (Exp June 30, 2012)
Formula and Infant Feeding
2X$5 off WUB one powder can of Nestle Goodstart 2 Probiotic 640g, Nestle Good Start 2 with Omega 3&6 730g, OR one case of concentrated liquid of Nestle Good Start 2 with Omega 3&6 (Exp June 30, 2012)
2X$5 off WUB one Powder can of Nestle Follow Up 900g(Exp June 30, 2012)
1X$3 Similac Cheque Applicable on the purchase of Similac Advance, Similac Go& Grow (Step 2(, Similac Sensitive Lactose Free or Isomil product: 1 case of concentrated liquid; or one case of ready to use; or three cans (365g or 270g) of powder; or 1 can (728g, 800g, or 900g) of powder. Exp March 31, 2012)
2X$5 off WUB one Powder can of Nestle Good Start 2 Alsoy with Omega 3&6, 730g (Exp June 30, 2012)
$5 off WUB any HeinzNurture product (1020g, 850g, 730g cans or 12X385 cans) Exp Dec 31/12
2X$5 off Similac Advance with Omega 3s and 6s or
Similac Sensitive product Exp Dec 31/11
6X $2 off any Playtex Drop-Ins System Getting Started Set Exp Dec 31, 2011
$2 off any Playtex Drop-Ins System Getting Started Set Exp Dec 31, 2012
6X $2 off any VentAire Advanced Complete Set Exp Dec 31, 2011
4X $1 off any Playtex Drop-Ins system Bottle Liners Exp Dec 31, 2011
2 X $3 off any Avent bottle pack Exp Dec 31, 2011
Baby and Kids General
2X $1 off any Playtex Pacifiers or Teethers Exp Dec 31, 2011
$5 off the Playtex Diaper Genie II Elite System Exp Dec 31, 2011
$1 off any Playtex Baby Einstein Feeding Product Exp Dec 31, 2011
$1 off any Playtex Cup Exp Dec 31, 2011
2X 50cents off any Avent pacifier pack Exp Dec 31, 2011
4X$2 off any one Vicks Vaporub or Babyrub product Exp 8/31/12
2X $1 off any Baby Orajel product Exp. Oct 31, 2011
2X $1 off any Ovol infant product Exp. Oct 31, 2011
$2 off on your next purchase of Johnson's Baby or Penaten product Exp 21/12/11
10X 75 cents off any pkg of Huggies wipe 64ct or larger Exp 11/30/11
10X $3 pff any Huggies Pure and Natural diapers
$1 off any one Huggies wipes 64ct or larger Exp 12/31/11
$2 off any one Huggies Pure and Natural Diapers Jumbo pack or larger Exp 12/31/11
$2 off any one Huggies Little Snugglers or Little Movers Jumbo pack or larger Exp 12/31/11
15X $1 off Fisher Price Happy Days diapers ex 4/30/2012
$2 off any package of Huggies diapers Exp 03/31/12
2X $1 off any Gravol product Exp. Oct 31, 2011
2X $1 off Rub A535 Arnica Gel Cream Exp. Oct 31, 2011
4X $1 off any two Pepto Bismol products Exp 08/31/12
4X $1 off any two Pringles Snack Stacks products Exp 08/31/12
3X $1 off Nature Valley Value Size granola bars,betty criocker fruit variety pack or Fibre 1 value size bars Exp Dec 31, 2011
BOGO Kraft Amooza Twists Exp Dec 1/2011
2X $1 off WUB any 2 Dr.oetker Organic baking mixes Exp 10/15/11
$1 off any 8oz or larger Synders of Hanover Organic Pretzels Exp. 11/30/11
Free bag of Ruffles Spicy Ketchup 75g at Macs, Couche-Tard or Circle K Exp 12/5/11
$1 off WUB any two Pringles Super Stack Exp 6/31/13
$1 off any one 240g or larger BlueWater product Exp 11/30/11